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Everything posted by c-walk

  1. c-walk


    you're wrong sorry homie you lose
  2. you're lucky i've been in a damn good mood lately, but seriously son read a little it goes a long way. alright you thinned paint with brake fluid, which doesnt actually thin the paint it just "waters" it down for lack of better words. paint thinner thins paint hence the name... use that. you can add brake fluid but not too much because it makes drying time longer. <<<<being the reason why it doesnt dry that well...
  3. i like that beaker simple... shit looks clean
  4. here i posted this like 3 pages back, i know you looked but you must have just skimmed it... its whatever thats not really helping your problem with making it more red but just use that as a recipe for red ink
  5. c-walk


    was that a serious question?
  6. shirt material rubber banded over the kwiki... when the shirt rips, replace it
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear IOU, i'm sure getting violently mad doesnt help the high blood pressure sincerely concerned, C-Walk
  8. c-walk


    man maybe its cause i've been drinking a lot tonight but i'm gettin real sick of this back and forth bullshit... why cant ya'll just go paint do what you do and give props where its needed. if you dont like something then thats fine dont like it but there is no need to throw a fucking shit fit about it on this god damn forum... not trying to take anyones side cause i've seen a lot good work coming from both sides of your guys arguments
  9. c-walk


    cherry coke FTW! pepsi taste like heartburn
  10. c-walk


    ya'll need to watch this video and reflect http://youtube.com/watch?v=1zpTQCQEFhg
  11. c-walk


    you guys are a bunch of silly mother fuckers...
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Dr. Cali, i'm on that previcid note so the acid reflux is under control... for the most part. but man if i forget that pill in the morning i tend to cough up blood after spicy food... - C-Walk (slowly dying)
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear cali, i know my stomach is mad fucked ontop of it i got acid reflux and IBS... and shit i'm missing 3 feet of my intestines. - C_CrazyDigestionalProblems_Walk
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear those who care, i am lactose intolerant, and i ate a ton of dairy today. i've been blowing my asshole out for about two hours now. thanks - Walk
  15. c-walk


    nice flicks, lets keep this going
  16. c-walk


    this shits getting annoying... i feel like since its been snowing like a bitch lately everyones just sitting around on the interweb talkin mad shit. this will blow over when the weather becomes nice again. (at least for the most part) just my two cents everyone just needs to kick back smoke a blunt drink a beer or do whatever it is you do as far as the ender hek thing... thats between them, opinions are like assholes everyones got one but not everyone wants to hear yours...
  17. its nice to see someone actually sticking up for themselves with some real shit
  18. i never really understood catching tags on toilet seats... people piss on those all the fucking time and that just grosses me the fuck out
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Yo B-Fish, C- really? like i can think of some frozen type shit that would deserve a below average rating... but home made? - Walker
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