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Everything posted by c-walk

  1. not extremely impressive by any means but i found some nice colors at this old ma and pa shop... summer squash = so sexy
  2. c-walk


    that sucks... reading those comments on that story make me fucking sick, people saying how the kid desrved what he got because he was a vandal. vandal or not he was fucking 19, a kid, someones fucking child. that shit is fucked up, Rest In Peace
  3. damn i havnt skated in over 2 years and this thread make me want to hop back on my board... but cleveland aint really the best place to skate come the winter and rollerworld is closed (if any of you are from the area and know what i'm even talkin about) i just finished watching Photosenthesis and Label Kills, i want to go skating
  4. sorry about the earlier post... didnt realize i wasnt through all the new pages, looks good in here though
  5. everyone wonders why this thread died? cause people come in here and see essay long posts and no pics, shits retarded no one wants to read this sad ass bullshit, its gettin old
  6. c-walk


    oh word, i just saw the join date under your name... well, welcome
  7. c-walk


    ^ i love that, nice to see you on here too exiter, who hooked it up with the invite?
  8. i was bored and my fucking stomache is flippin out on me so i took some pictures i wont front though, they're mostly scraps pepto max is the jam thats all for now
  9. c-walk


    bahama drama... anyways some of those flicks are real nice, good post and to bojangles: if she looks anything like the shit she paints then no i wouldnt but then again i'm always down for a solid rimjob:huh:
  10. c-walk


    thats some harsh shit right there, but i'll agree most of that shit isnt worth a second glance...
  11. c-walk


    ahhhh hahaha thats awsome
  12. c-walk


    bojangles premium member? thought that was only for the lady folk no offence
  13. every fucking thread i go to this ^^^ bullshit is in there... what the fuck? stop it
  14. c-walk


    the flickr links have been down for the past three days... i was all excited when someone posted flicks and bah, they dont work
  15. noshow nest builder - good shit
  16. i dont come in this thread that often but god damn... i see some shit posted up in here that makes my eyes hurt. i know i'm just reinventing the wheel here but the BEST advice is go simple. Block letters are easy and you wont have to go through all the shit that everyone is going to give you. Work on simples and when you get that down work on making those letters your own and developing your own style. The way you bend the legs of letters or the angle that they are on. Dont post something up in here with extentions coming all out of god knows where and expect people to think you are awsome. Simple is key.. my $0.02
  17. bump Marm and Gray, the only thing worth looking at on this page... but thank god for the flicks because this e-beef is getting annoying
  18. c-walk


    nice post... bringin some lfe back in here
  19. i aint from the area but i frequent this thread and the outlaws seen to be runnin shit... fuck the haters and bump to the cats puttin in time. shits lookin good out there
  20. coupe lookin good and that ether is nice too
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