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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer


    Hush puppy wearin ass penny loafing motherfuckers. The kicks I posted are 100% fly.
  2. I been wanting to see your take on some sharp angles/strait lines.
  3. I'm interested in learning about photography/photographers and history. If any of you guys have some names to drop on pioneers and great photographers of the past and present drop a name so I can google them. I kind of feel like an idiot Devoting so much time to taking pictures without a foundation of knowledge. I know of and I'm currently researching Ansul Adams but couldn't name any others off the top of my head. If you have a long list of must know people or anything you feel is too basic or "wall of text" for this thread just drop a PM. Personally I'd prefer others have access to this type of info.
  4. Dope pics, that deepwoods OFF pic reminded me to get some before I try going upstate this summer. I'd Prop Again but I must spread it around first.
  5. Boris, you know that bum lady is bad ass photograph. I usually skip over pics of homeless/crazy people since they usually suck. That one I really like, I'll actually remember that image.
  6. They both look good but the bottom one looks better to me, like it will print much better. The highlights give more shape to the face without loosing too much tone and detail. I should also add I don't really know shit and I'm not a photographer. The other posts are probably right.
  7. Mercer


    Those are nice^ I want some white Nikes with red baseball looking stitches. Seen some of those new Ducati or Ferrari Pumas that had that probably by accident or just luck. Bad ass, but no skinny ass Eurofeet, so no Adidas or Pumas fit me.
  8. Pineapple Express, it wasn't in my top list of stoner movies, but it was a stoner movie so it's aieet.
  9. Rad means it's good, most of us like your pics in here. Any time you think someone is talking shit to you and hating, don't worry about it. If they're really talking shit you can always tell because the square under their name turns pink.
  10. you need to have an app for that all ready installed, call AT&T custy service to see if they can help, 1800 331 0050
  11. hahahaaha, I was trying to think of the least sexy body part.
  12. Fuck JTV, if Suki was my girl I'd fall asleep kissing those elbows every night.
  13. Or any body parts, especially those elbows, I can't lie, you got nice elbows Suki.
  14. Decided to use iphone camera last night and shoot mad pics today: Woke up, took picture of alarm clock actual time (clock is wrong) 6:34 am Hit snooze, caught 5 minutes more zzzz's 6:34 Getting out of bed, took picture to put my weed fro on blast for the oontz. 6:41 Wifey got to keep the bed when we split, I'm using the guest air mattress for now. Pretty comfortable though, probably not the best thing to fuck on. 6:44 Shaved, brushed my teef, and hopped into the shower. washed my face first and my ass and balls last (ghostface put me on to this) hahaha 7:02 qtipped the ears - check, Deodorant - check, Baby lotion - check 7:14 Put on work clothes, keep my boots in the ride if I need them and don't wear the hoody while working though. Always have the camera slung over the shoulder. 7:25 Hopped the BQE to the Williamsburg, first spot I got sent was in SOHO Running late though, should start at 8:00am, my boss covers for me. 7:56 Parked the work truck at the first spot and grabbed a large McCoffee. Only five minutes late, Ended up sitting in my truck till 10:00 Am Customer never showed up, easy money. 8:11 Started raining hard out there, finally listened to all of El Prez and Dale Danja's Perfect Strangers Album. Not too bad, not really bump in the hood music but it's all right. Flicked a bomb and a half buffed extinguisher throw. 8:46 Noticed the Jewish Killroy on this street art. 8:48 Got to the next spot and took a walk, nothing good to flick except this puddle. 10:32 Went around the block flickin. 10:40 After actually fixing something that took about 20 minutes I walked around for a while. 11:28 More roaming around Lower East Side 11:28 11:30 11:30 Still 11:30 11:38 Got tired of taking pictures, last one 2:39 End
  15. I'm not trying to preach here and could care less what happens if it don't involve me, that said I should also say I would never post that. I mean it's cool and all, and you know I love weed, but the little hype you can get isn't worth the risk IMO. Some dude was in the news last year, he was posting graff pics in some little dickwater town in GA and typing too much info. A piggie happened upon his thread and next thing you know dude is getting pork raped pretty hard. He caught a heavy sentence, it's all luck of the draw and what your local piggies see online. Some of these dudes peep the oontz in their free time just to get a leg up on the next promotion. I mean, chances are you will be OK, especially with graffiti unless there is an active investigation to find you. But drugs are an entirely different game, I don't know much about how that shit goes down and whats "big" enough for them to look into. I will say this though, it's not really worth telling all your boys IRL that you grow, let alone providing concrete evidence of it online for everyone. If by chance a local piggie is browsing through and recognises a local street sign or something familiar placing you in their area, I'd put money on them getting an easy warrant that you practically handed to them.
  16. Don't worry, law enforcement never looks at graffiti forums, they never uses those type of pictures to get a search warrant either. I mean all those people getting caught, even members on here that had news articles about them getting caught don't exist. Even if they did I'm sure photobucket wouldn't give up his IP address.
  17. This is Pistols thread, his idea and we all been contributing. I want more people posting like SSGG and other days in pics noobs. Best thread in here to me. Fuck pretending to be a rockstar, boring or exiting it's all good, fuck faking it. I just don't like Stinkmouse and there isn't enough room for fake shit in here. For real, I checked 3 pics and the third was from 08, download, right click, properties.
  18. That post was foney, and fake, that's the type of posting I hate.
  19. This Picture was taken on 12/16/2008 at 5:04pm: On a Sony Ericsson W580i by a TPWF
  20. I just dislike TPWF's like you. Why get a tattoo of a Transvestite from the Navy with a sailors tattoo on your arm? Did the artist say "yo dawg, were putting a tattoo in your tattoo so you can get tatted while your tattoo gets a tattoo"?
  21. Mercer


    I'd rather wear comfortable shoes that didn't look like shit and be caught in a "fuck, I don't have no flip flops" emergency.
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