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Everything posted by Mercer

  2. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** I'm posting tonight some time before midnight, I already have a set to throw in here but I'll redo. Bfish set the bar for sure though, nice.
  3. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** No wak lists for sure, jibz list is dead on easy except heritage, eff heritage.
  4. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** This is all you need to know, if you get an slr camera you have to do two things. One, dont use any auto features until you have manual fully mastered and understood. Two, every time you go out shooting read something new in the manual and learn how to use it. As far as shooting full manual, that portrait mode and all the other auto setting are garbage. It's like getting into graffiti but painting stencils of shitty graffiti founts you found on line. Not to say auto isn't cool either but actually knowing how the shit works first makes things easier. If you don't know the meaning behind the rules you'll never know how to break them and get a style that isn't fully generic. Here are the basics of the technical side to taking pictures manually: http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showpost.php?p=7292798&postcount=14859 I want more people to take pics and will probably start a thread in untitled centered around more talking/questions. The regular thread in there is more for people with skills to show work and beginners popping up in there is mad disruptive to the flow/quality.
  5. hahahaha, I liked that one you posted but she looked like she had them loud click clack shoes. I think the photography dude Mayor Menio is in town this weekend. If you're bored grab a cam and roll with us. Dudes on some next level skills with the photo's.
  6. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Just as an example, stan got a nice point and shoot for like $200 and sons most of the people on here with SLR's.
  7. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** An SLR usually has interchangeable lenses. SLR's also have a viewfinder that uses a mirror to look directly through the lens. The mirror inside them pops up and out of the way when you take a pic. Makes a distinct loud click. SLR or not what makes newer cameras better, it's the cmos sensor inside, kind of like computers. Shit gets outdated in 2 or 3 years like a computer, not like when they restyle a shitty car. The new ones are actually a huge improvements over the last run.
  8. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Honestly. a fancy SLR camera will only provide for better prints, extra fine details. For the web at 650px wide a point and shoot is perfect, todays point and shoots burn older slr's. Thats why some of the best pics posted on here are from people using pocket cameras. It's 90% the person holding the cam and 10% the cam itself. I know it sounds hard to believe but that's 100% the truth.
  9. 7:46 More Time Square then hopped on the train. Also, I hate this gigantic fucking cross they put here. Fucking up my view with that garbage. 8:07 Holy Shit. 8:13 Better prints than most of the people who post on 12oz. 8:13 See what I mean, still better looking to me than the art inside though. 8:22 Hit The Village for cheap brews. This Japanese girl was skinny but still had some ass under there. I'd rate her a ten but I was able to see her face and how she carried herself. 8:26 Too bad she was with dorkington. 8:39 It snowed Cherry Blossoms every time the wind blew. 8:56 $8 pitchers of Sapporo and Kirin 9:28 Some of the shittiest Japanese food in NYC but mad cheap.
  10. Originally took shots for the photohunt but everyone who won't contribute anyway needed another week. Not an entire real day in pies, only about 4 or 5 hours after work hours on Thursday and mad artistic Yo. 5:39 bought new iPhone to replace the one I had for the last 2 years. Nice to have a fresh battery and 32gigs of music to choose from. 5:42 Spring time = 2 Lips. 5: 46 Decided to walk from Apple Store to Time Square to take flicks. Happy tourists. 5:48 You get maaaaad tips if you remove teh neckfatz. 5:58 Met up with the homie, he just got off work a few blocks away and had a new lens adapter. So now he has 2 new used lenses to play with. He's rocking the 50mm here, also had a 300mm (perfect pervaction lens). 6:05 My Poison. 6:11 Smoke. 6:23 New York now has emergency Oontzing stations with 12ozhotline. 6:25 This girl was a cutie for sure but I gots no zoom. 6:28 Statue 6:29 Statues 6:33 Sort of Statue 6:54 Shout out to Stan. 6:58 This guy never smiles in pictures, he almost did here if you could see the full sized animation below because the cab driver yelled "You fucking Dumbass" at him. 7:28 Maaaaad Toys. 7:30 Indoor Ferris Wheel. 7:32 Lady Liberty. 7:33 New York. 7:41 Time square. More....
  12. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** People can get in on the next one if an entire weekend is too short of time. I have a feeling most of the people who want an extension won't end up contributing anyway.
  13. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** I got everything besides the heritage shot in 4 hours of drinking last night, that list is mad easy. Stan took the entire thing pretty much by accident without even trying, all you have to do is carry a camera.
  14. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Buuuuuuump! get your fucking camera charged up and ready you fucking vaginas. SHOULD HAVE USED CAPS LOCK, FUUUUUUUUU!
  15. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD That female ejaculate smells like urine.
  16. I want to share my photo's with strangers on line in a setting like this, so I try to share photo's other people might possibly like to look at.
  17. Get in on the photo hunt thread, I'll try and get shots for it done on Saturday. And just so I don't sound like a total dick I'm just as unsatisfied looking at my own stuff. I guess one of my friends switching up styles recently got me hating. I liked his shots before when he was using an ancient D1 while most other people hated them. Now he shoots mainly film and I don't like the photo's as much but everyone else likes them now. I guess I'm at a point where after a year of having an SLR and being into photography I've developed preferences.
  18. No, not in particular, just talking in broad offensive general terms. I want to start a photo talk thread in here.
  19. I'm trying that poutine spot next time I'm drinking on Ludlow, shouldn't be too hard to find. What's the place look like, I might have been in there and just not known? Also, roasted pig is so fucking delicious. I been to party's where they bury it for a few hours to cook it and dig it up later. The meat just falls right off the bones and it's so juicy from bacon grease or whatever.
  20. I ate some bad food once while shooting and made a nice warm brown unpleasant surprise. I know what your saying about the holgas though, that and pinhole/lomography escape me. It just seems pretentious and turd polish trendy for some reason when I see them. I'm probably missing out on something cool when I instantly overlook them, but I'm OK with that. I just enjoy taking photo's in general though, it would be better than not shooting I guess..
  21. I want to try poutine, Stan has me convinced I should buy a cart and sell that shit in NYC since it's not around here. I've got plans for an underground poutine and weed tunnel from Canada to NYC.
  22. Not hating, I'm just lost as why people who could actually take good photo's would use old film. I mean your skills are good enough to not need any extra over editing hdr or expired film turd polish. I guess it's personal preference or taste maybe but I generally dislike/don't get that kind of stuff. Maybe it's because I've seen so many people who sucked in general use those types of techniques. Or I'm not sure, it could be a "just for fun" type deal for some people. Again, not hating, just confused.
  23. I'm thinking about moving back to Pittsburgh, it's just too nice. Dope photo's.
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