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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. That's going to be a zero from me dawg. Not home made.
  2. Would not recommend storing flammable gas devices inside, let alone above that Dmark. That's called a Dmark, it's a device that taps into, and splits up phone lines to make on premise connections. A phone line normally carries 50v dc for dial tone, and can jump to 110v dc when it's ringing, enough to make a spark Even if the lines were all dead, an outside electrical storm could cause any gas in the coset to ignite (arcs between the Dmark and Ground) Your fuel type is a flammable gas, for this reason national building code wouldn't allow it to be stored inside under most conditions I store propane outside on my balcony in open air, so does everyone else following code correctly like gas stations etc. if you've noticed
  3. 10/10 would def pretend to despise freedom/successful people to spend one night in her gulags.
  4. Old School 1972 AN/PVS-2 Starlight Scope
  5. Seen an MMA match where he got folded pretty quick, they call him "Russian Popeye" Some normal dude in Russia decided to live his best life, injects arms with cat piss or whatever, and enters slapping/MMA competitions. Now all of a sudden he's smashing exotic Korean hoes with futuristic Tesla Truck eyebrows.
  6. As much as I support the freedom to own guns, I honestly don't own any myself. That's not to say I never will, it's just right now, in NYC I don't think it's practical (legal) for me to own one. That's not to say sometimes I wish my wife had one on her, and was an expert with it. I've owned a compact .380 semi auto, along with a 38 caliber "Saturday night special" snub nosed revolver, both obtained illegally in my teenage days. With that said, as an adult I've make it a point to hit a shooting range every once in a while and just rent one of the range handguns while I'm there. I think it's already been said before but you'd be shocked at how polite people are at he range, when it's assumed everyone is packing. Possibly one of the nicest, most civil environments you can be in for some reason lol. You can multiply that vibe by 10x if they find out you're new, or inexperienced. People will bend over backwards, and go out of their way to help you out, nobody want to see you leave with any dissatisfaction. With that said, my experience with guns is minimal, and until a month or two ago I haven't shot a rifle since I was a teen. Recently visited Raven in Montana and it's like the entire state is a shooting range lol. I mean that in a good way, people were exceptionally friendly, and polite, and everyone was packing. Where Raven lived, it wasn't uncommon to find wild wolves, mountain lions, grizzly bears etc. roaming about. You could hear the wolves at night, and there were bear prints on his trashcan. You'd be foolish to be outside around dusk/dawn when predators were on the prowl without some sort of backup plan on your hip. Raven and I went shooting one night at his friends house. My first time really being exposed to AR's, or shooting any rifle for years. Raven and his friend both do formal weapons training courses privately with some pretty high level people. So it was like getting to shoot hoops for the first time getting pointers from Pippen/Jordan. Raven's homie who's place we went to actually trains spec ops dogs for a living that end up working in armed forces, law enforcement, and approved people that can afford to drop 6 figures on a war ready dog. We set up iron targets on his property near the dog's training course and had a blast (pun intended). Anyway surreal experience, wish I had more ammo and time to shoot for sure. I not only walked away with more knowledge, I walked away appreciating freely being able to do that. I think if more people were exposed to actually shooting first, they wouldn't have such a negative view of the people who do enjoy shooting, and support 2A. If I left NYC I'd most likely take some courses myself, probably own an "assault weapon" or two, possibly even get a concealed carry permit. Had to delete/edit out used @misteraven's government name, plus add a pic: Seriously so much fun, very challenging with so many things to work on, and improve. I can really see myself getting into it one day, possibly doing some formal training myself. Kind of expensive but most good/worthwhile hobbies are that way.
  7. That's a major issue for these dash cams, especially when I'm driving and that shit falls off causing a major distraction. I used a similar mount that comes with a strong adhesive on the cup where it attaches, and it would still fall off NYC summers. I like those mirror mount KD Links clamps now that I posted above. Used them, and OEM Transcend parts to match up with the transcend cam in my mom's car. Thought I was a dash cam engineering god, until my mom told me recently that it's now blocking the lane keep sensor. Fuuuuuuu... She don't even use cruise control anyways though, so no rush to fly back out to fix at least.
  8. @Kultsholy shit that's ugly as fuck, that motherfucker better come with a steering column that sucks your dick for you, and drives for you while it's doing it. Even then I'm not sure it's enough to excuse that design. This nigga smoked a blunt on the Rogan podcast and must have lost all his senses. That might even look futuristic if it were 1978, but it reminds me of a shittier version of the original Lambo SUV fail. You know everyone associated with that truck, the engineers, the designers, etc are fucking embarrassed. Anyone see the "armored glass" fail during the live Demo. Damn, this is a dark time for Tesla fans. I can't imagine a situation where it's socially acceptable to pull up in that thing, unless you're already on the moon, or mars.
  9. I remember when I had to do community service in NYC 2010, a good number of the people I did community service with were in for having a "Gravity Knife". Basically they made a law against gravity knives, and defined a gravity knife loosely to include "any knife one could open with one hand". This put the owner in the same semi-violent misdemeanor status as being found with other "illegal" knives like switchblades/stilettos. One of the guys I spoke with told me the work knife's manufacturer that they charged him for having on his belt as a gravity knife even wanted to send a representative to testify it wasn't a gravity knife but it didn't matter. Got a plea deal that left no record, but required community service and he took it. Honest construction worker just walking down the street and stopped by NYPD who were no doubt under pressure to make quotas and things must have been slow..
  10. I've voted myself in the past, I might do it again but only to choose the worst candidate possible. I'm trying to get this collapse poppin.
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