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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2016/p1117-preventable-deaths.html all these preventable deaths, if you’re not going Karen and reporting/chastising people for bad eating habits, and staying indoors, by yourself all day working out you can’t really claim to care about these massive numbers of deaths every year we could prevent. If we all shut down the economy and acted like we don’t give a fuck about people who weren’t set with unemployment, jobs they can work from home we could prevent the majority of these deaths. Better yet we could have police with tazers overseeing lard asses on treadmills 1000v shock for slowing down. “It’s for thier own good” lol. Zero logical consistency for this mandated lockdown. at least 1/3 of all deaths are “preventable” if you’re willing to go full totalitarian.
  2. I should be clearer for all you contrarians. I’m talking about overall/total deaths from electrocution, not just occupational deaths from electrocution. Besides my point still stands if that number is just 100 deaths per year, or really even one per year if it’s consistent and statistically predictable. I’m not sure why you attempted to prove me wrong. What was your point?
  3. Because it's a narrow view that ignores all other important data like most statistical analysis. If the average age is 81 years old it's not worth millions of people suffering, losing their businesses, homes, jobs, etc. This same logic isn't applied to say something like driving, or considering engaging in wars, etc. Like should we suspend all freedoms? No more sky diving, no more swimming, cancel electricity because 100,000 people a year die from electrocution every year in America according to the CDC. Should police confront obese people? The lockdown isn't even going to prevent deaths like ending electricity use would, only slightly delay them. The vulnerable people (with low quality of life due to other illnesses) we are supposedly "saving" will still get COVID19 and die, maybe a couple of months later but still, it's not actually preventing any deaths. We should focus on protecting the vulnerable, not impoverishing everyone else. It doesn't make sense to take away peoples ability to make their own choices. This lockdown/violation of liberty will only delay the inevitable, and will not stop the overall death toll, only delay it at the cost of millions of livelihoods and the resulting human suffering that will follow. I mean what's the point of all this? I guess it's a perspective thing. Millions are going to die from COVID19 anyway, the lockdown will not stop it, only delay it at the cost of the living. TLDR: If you only focus on one single statistic, you lose the big picture here.
  4. The most comprehensive study done so far was in Italy and the results were released recently. Average age of COVID-19 related death was 81 years old (which is higher than the average life expectancy). The vast majority had pre existing conditions. I can't find a link to the actual Italian study I was going over earlier this week but here's a Bloomberg article making use of the data: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-18/99-of-those-who-died-from-virus-had-other-illness-italy-says You've got a less than 1% percent chance of dying from COVID19 if you're healthy at almost any age. I'm assuming the food shortages (and subsequent conflicts that will result) caused by this economic impact are going to kill more people world wide than the actual virus itself by the time the dust starts to settle. People don't play nice when they're afraid of starving to death. My wife currently can't get meat for our dog to eat anymore, we'd get cheap cuts of meat for him but everything "cheap" is currently sold out. This isn't a result of hoarding, it's a result of a breakdown in the supply chain. Not a big deal for someone "well off" in a first world country, we'll just pay more for food. Big deal if you're not well off though.
  5. I need one of those bullshit cloth masks or something, I been using 3M Cool Flow N95 dust masks (only when I go inside a place for work) and it's fucking with me I'll be short of breath sometimes. I still have 4 left of the 3M N95's street value $40 each right now.
  6. Feels like I'm in opposite day or something. You're implying I'm a science denier for stating a scientifically proven fact. Concerned about other peoples business, what they do etc. and that's the exact opposite of "you do you" isn't it?
  7. I want to see his image/name incase he's still traveling, add him to the TOS list.
  8. Coinbase Pro, don't buy at market value, buy limit. Profit. use limit.
  9. Tired of seeing the same article in different places but none of them name this asshole.
  10. Anyone else kinda want to get this shit and get it over with so we can do shit like visit mom, stop giving a fuck about this shit already. The mask/gloves and disinfecting regiment I've been sticking to faithfully is starting to lose it's appeal, and quite frankly I'm getting to the point where I'll take my 99.9% chances of being fine. The only thing stopping me is I don't want to get it and infect someone else.
  11. You gotta get those rating up, let's be real, who the fuck tunes in for a real expert? Those type of people can read, and don't ingest CNN/FOX news mind turds.
  12. As someone who thinks full auto etc. should be legal/accessible for the majority of civilians, this open carry protester shit is starting to bother me. Unless you're protesting specifically for 2A rights, or against rednecks shooting unarmed kids or some shit it doesn't make any sense. It's supposed to be a free country, so there's all kinds of shitty things you should be able to get away with legally that you just don't do. We all know these live action role players have the right to do this (for now), but just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean you're doing the right thing if you know what I mean. The only thing they're really doing is "triggering the libs" which may be their only short sighted goal, but I guarantee if the law comes a knocking to come take their shit (which they're encouraging/inviting) both these idiots would reluctantly bend over, and take that blue line cock in balls deep and clean the drip drip off their boots for them. Even someone who doesn't know how to read a book could grasp the core principals of non violent resistance with 30 minutes of the history channel. The goal is to draw attention to your cause, AND win the favor of the public. IMO If you're not willing to fight, don't put your pussy ass hands up lest you catch an ass whoopin of a lifetime from someone who isn't fucking playing around taking cringeworthy selfies.
  13. God damn vandals. I like the “never forget” Harambee joke though, gotta remember what you’re fighting for.
  14. Inside the ladder panel of an A-10 Warthog. Shout out to Harambe R.I.P. and what looks like some rap letters.
  15. R.I.P. Jerry Stiller Normally I'm like fuck celebrities but this guy in particular is cumulatively responsible for a metric fuckton of laughs/stress relief in my early adult life.
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