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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. ^^^ https://www.instagram.com/ginasavagex/
  2. The government has all sorts of rules most of us are in violation of as one point or another. Most people (like myself) don’t even acknowledge these laws, especially one’s that imagine crimes without any actual victims.
  3. Haven't decided yet, still floored I called this years ago and acted on it. Most likely going to cash out just enough for some home improvements. End goal is staking most of my ETH either this spring, or after I play trade on some of the bear market bounces when/if it crashes sometime between this summer and the end of the year. I'll probably only withdraw/spend the interest I earn from staking that point on. Maybe like once a month deposit the interest onto exchanges, cash out on them peaks, and withdraw/spend it as steady additional passive income on the side. I don't want to miss out on any future gains in the future years from now.
  4. I did the opposite, cashed out the 401k (stocks) when they passed the cares act. Dropped a downpayment on the house with 2/3 of what I took out, and scooped more ETH with the other 1/3 when we had that sale.
  5. I've steady bought ETH since 2017 up until 9 months ago. Paid well under $200 on average. Champagne taste, noticed I only had kool aid money, so a nigga sacrificed to the gods every month. Withdraw from the bank to the exchanges like clockwork. Got humble AF, dropped the Range Rover, dropped the East Village rent, no more fly kicks, eventually able to drop double a range rover payment a month as show of faith, and devotion to the gods. Then I just kept buying the dips with whatever I had deposited on the exchanges every dip and never sold. Wife legit hated me for a minute, I (we) reviewed every purchase we made with accounting software to save even more. Both worked our asses off, both relatively successful as well, but we lived lived broke as fuck and still enjoyed it, because we're both came from the gutters basically. I live in the suburbs of Denver now, and don't even own a car till this day (Who does that) I just got my work truck I get to bring home and decided to take to the mountains on the weekends. I'm wearing discount tactical cold weather pants I bought on Amazon for $30, a T-shirt I bought for $9 off the REI clearance sale rack in Soho years ago. Humble IRL, but I'm sort of a big deal on the blockchain, and I got props on 12oz so at least I've got my priorities in line and retirement some day looks like a possibility. It always looks too late to get in, but like clockwork every halvening the market slowly starts creeping up, each halvening is an exponential increase over the last. A sort of repeating fractal pattern of exponential growth. Getting in now is still getting in early in the game, and early to this bull run by my calculations. New bitcoin is earned by "bitcoin mining" as a fee for processing transactions. The original "block reward" was 50 bitcoin per block, and a new block is created every 10 minutes. This means every 10 minutes someone, somewhere on earth earned a fresh new 50 bitcoin mining online, usually they sell those newly minted bitcoin to buy more bitcoin mining hardware/electricity and profit. Roughly every 4 years is a "halvening" meaning that the block reward for bitcoin is reduced by half. That means there's a supply shock, and instead of 50 new bitcoins every 10 minutes, there's only 25 new bitcoin minted every 10 minutes, then 4 years later only 12.5 bitcoin every 10 minutes. The amount rewarded is cut in half until only 21 million bitcoin have been minted then then new bitcoin stops being minted and miners only get transaction fee's. This halvening doesn't cause the price to immediately double when it goes down, it causes the price to slowly climb for over a year into a giant bull market spike. We are half way into the 3rd bull market created, by the third halvening in May last year. First halvening: November 11th 2012 1 year later Bitcoin spikes to $1200 then crashes for 3 years Second halvening: July 9th 2016 16 months later Bitcoin spikes to $20,000 then crashes for 3 years Third halvening May 11th 2020 We're only 9 months into this Bull Market This gives you an Idea the time to get out is getting closer, but we've got at least 3 months of sharp gains ahead hopefully. I hold bitcoin because it's king, but hold ETH harder because it's more useful and actually moves more wealth over it's blockchain than Bitcoins does, and also has scaling solutions in the works so I think it's going to catch up to Bitcoins dominances somewhat as they both grow in adoption. Programable digital money, and assets is the future. Diamond handing these trendy pump and dumps, meme stocks/coins is cool and all if you like jumpin on a trend late, then loosing money unless you're extremely lucky. I recommend trying out steady purchasing, hodling so tight, for so long they turn into digital diamonds (ETH 2.0) in the future. These boomer investors might think all crypto is gambling, but with that said they're not complete idiots and do know a thing or two about investing so listen. You invest in fundamentals, you invest in under rated value, then sit back confident in your decision, looking to the future years away confident, dick hard, wonk saggin to the floor, and if you don't nut early, and just let time do it's thing you're good.
  6. There were certain coins I couldn't buy because I lived in NYC, been trying for almost a year to have them update my address after I moved so I'd have access. I just gave up.
  7. This guy will not steer you wrong
  8. Kinda fucked up. I mean to me, these kids getting treated like criminals (with less rights than normal criminals), or "lost" in the system in some cases, and not reunited with their parents is as bad as sponsoring a genocide in Yemen, bombing children's Hospitals, etc. The moment you realize who was behind building those cages, and how they were basically just out on loan for 4 years, you realize them kids were still fucked no matter how hard you vote.
  9. If they really want cheaper drugs, and to save lives all the government has to do is stop enforcing intellectual property rights for pharma. It would be such an easy fix. I don't see what's so virtuous about this guy doing generic drugs now? He'll for sure make money, plus there's already a plenty of generic drug manufacturers doing the exact same thing Mark Cuban is doing.
  10. The short answer is they can't (fully). What they can do is tell an exchange like Coinbase, or Gemini, Cashapp, etc. not to let anyone withdraw and cryptocurrency to private wallets, without first whitelisting the wallet address by attaching a name to the address. They can basically force this rule on any licensed/legally operating business. Same thing goes for accepting crypto deposits into an exchange, or legally operating crypto payment systems like Bitpay. While you might still be able to HODL, and operate in black/gray markets freely, legislation like this eliminates bridges between the fiat/crypto world, of which 99% of commerce is still conducted in the fiat in the United States.
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