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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. @KILZ FILLZI do be like that tho, until defi at least.
  2. Bitcoin cash finally starting to pump.
  3. Might be all the forks/infighting, been watching their community on Reddit and it's just too toxic. BCH is pretty much the best, most stress free cryptocurrency to transact with.
  4. Cliche "Not financial advice" but IMO Litecoin probably isn't a good look for a long term investment. It's usually in demand during bull runs like this because of high demand, thus high transaction fees on bitcoin network. Most people will use it to move funds between exchanges, or from an exchange into your bitpay card to spend. On it's own it's marketed as an alternative payment system for bitcoin, which makes merchant adoption a good measure of it's value, but on this front it's outclassed by bitcoin-cash, which has even lower fee's and much higher merchant adoption. If you're looking for a quick in/out bitcoin cash has more potential for massive upside. On it's own Litecoin won't hold it's value as well as Bitcoin during a dip, and there's not much more prospects for increased natural demand like Ethereum has, or projects with promising tech that's still under development.
  5. Mercer


    One day there will be a darkweb site citizens can pool our crypto together into bounties, for "justice" to be served by bounty hunters, treating government backed human rights violators like they should be treated.
  6. Dogecoin is a shitcoin. It was first created as a joke, and an endless supply of new doge are created every day making it virtually impossible to sustain value over 1 penny. How it's doing so no no idea, because there are over 128 billion doge in existence. By comparison only 21 million bitcoin will ever be minted total, and there are only 114 million ETH in existence right now.
  7. This is the Chapwood Index, it broke down the effects of inflation by studying the price increases locally across the US. We used to be at around 2.5% back in the day but since 9/11, then the 2008 crisis we've been on war time levels of inflation. 10% is bordering 3rd world levels of inflation. This index had to be found via an internet archive because it's been removed. https://web.archive.org/web/20210125150317/https://chapwoodindex.com/ Last year we jumped from 12.7% inflation over the entire previous year in 2019, to 11.9% for just the first half of 2020. Basically they were on track to doubling the previous year when they suddenly stopped publishing this index for some reason (go figure)... It's estimated after this new "stimulus package" (socialism for the rich) they'll inject an additional 1.9 Trillion dollars, increasing the money supply by 40% since the pandemic's start. Many consumer items haven't gone up by 20% in price (yet). But they've been able to keep worthless stocks selling at all time highs. Watch for price increases in other areas outside of crypto going forward. I see nothing wrong if the government wanted to help struggling tax payers stay afloat, but that's not what's going on. Just like under Socialism/Communism, the government doesn't treat all equally, and the already wealthy people closest to them get 80% of that stimulus. I mean if you were in charge who you going to hook up, that dude who donated a quarter mill to your super pac, or that lady that basically had no choice anyway and pretty much had to vote for you? Sounds crazy right, except this isn't some conspiracy theory, this is our reality. All this inflation, and massive institutional investment during the halvening means we could be in a bull market until January 2022. Watch what happens when more stimmy checks drop. The only solid investments this year look like physical property, and crypto. Satoshi Nakimoto invented Bitcoin for this very reason. The raw hex of this block cryptographically translates to: "the times 03/jan/2009 chancellor on brink of second bailouts for banks" When people say "Blockchain" it's an accurate description of bitcoin's ledger system, because it's basically a chain of blocks (one every 10 minutes) locked together sequentially, recording every bitcoin transaction that took place over the last 10 minutes in the body of each block. Anyway, the first block couldn't hold any transactions yet, because there was no bitcoin to transact with before the first bitcoin block was mined. Because of the way Bitcoin's block mining software works, you have to put something in place of transactions for technical reasons. Satoshi decided to put a news headline in the first block. It both proved the block was mined after the headline was published time stamping it. It also serves a more subtle purpose, it's a statement about Satoshi's take on economic policy (Socialism for the rich) which he condemns, and is the motivation behind why he invented Bitcoin. Who do you think does more damage to this system? Someone throwing a brick through a Starbuck's window, or the people in this thread working together to take away their power to legally counterfeit the money supply, and enrich themselves in the process, while most people wonder why it feels like they earn less and less each year. An intentionally economically illiterate public thinks minimum wage increases are the answer. Nope, alls you need is an even playing field, and sound money to thrive.
  8. Very definition of a shitcoin, can't believe people still HODL it.
  9. Sending my girl a box of booty holes for valentines day.
  10. Sounds good, I’d just consider what it is you’re using the money for, and if you’ll look back and regret. I’m in the same boat almost, dropping loot on house upgrades. It’s not that I don’t think spending some of the money you make during the bowl cycle is a bad idea, obviously that’s the point to actually investing. I’m just suggesting thinking about this in terms of 4 years, and where you want to see your self by the next presidential election. It’s almost guaranteed at that point we will either enter another bull market, or have a financial crisis where USD is in hyper inflation. It hasn’t gone up to the point where I think it’s a bad idea to invest in the short term yet. But we’re approaching the point where you may need to keep your eye on things because what goes up, must calm down (somewhat). My prediction is after the next crash 50k bottom for Bitcoin. That’s not to say it might be 100K or more bottom after this bubble bursts. It’s hard to tell since this level of inflation is unprecedented in US history. No lie, once this new stimulus package is put into affect, the federal reserve will have increased the total money supply by 40% in a single year. That’s second, and third world type shit. Right now all that inflation is focused on keeping stock, and other investment assets artificially high (socialism for the rich) so we haven’t felt it’s full effect yet on the consumer level with massive price spikes. Point is, don’t put yourself in a situation where you’re going to have regrets, A lot of us are going to be going into 2022, 2023 in very bad situations financially, and others will be profiting.
  11. I used to be a somewhat of a shitcoin trader in 2017, first by selling IOTA at the top taking it all back out, half as spending money, half as reinvestment funds for the EOS ICO. Then sold EOS at the top when EOS was still just an ETH token. Made twice as much on that, took out a little less profit than before, and rolled 100% of my shitcoin funds into Cardano/ADA right before Bitcoin dropped and took the market with it. Looking back at the time I thought I was a genius, but now realize it's tough not to make profits in a bull market. Ended up holding on to those ADA bags all these years after the party was over, took a huge loss, 3 years watching something that at one point sold for a dollar, that I averaged into at 25 cents a pop selling for 2.5 cents. Had so much of it by 2018, and it was still semi illegal for US exchanges so I didn't have the option to dump. (I never trusted anything more than $2000 at a time on Bitfinex/Binance. Still made a net profit on the shitcoin trade overall whan it was all said and done, but it's still demoralizing to watch your bags loose almost 10x in value. Cool thing is that almost 4 years later I still got them bags, and a nice 3 to 4x profit on them today. I still believe in the tech, and approach they've taken developing it. Probably going to hold another few years. Also, with the ability to stake my ADA I've got a reliable way to increase the amount of it I hold, that doesn't involve trying to time a shitcoin market, buying the dips, selling the tops. Small market cap coins are just too unpredictable to not have to rely on luck, and the idea of buying in low, not waiting for a trend to start before you scoop is even more important. This is why I think BCH is the move now, super slept on.
  12. From another open tab lol: Not great for off roading like a Bronco but these things do kill it in the snow with zero mods.
  13. I used to work at a Chevy dealership and used to like early 2000's Suburban/Tahoes when they were rounder. They got boxy for a minute like Silverados did, and I lost interest. That said I think Yukon/Tahoes are back now. I've even been on GMC's site building 4 door shortbody Yukon Denali's a lot lately (that 3.0 Duramax makes owning one a smart move IMO). Far less useful to me personally (and roughly the same price) as a 6.6 Duramax HD Denali black diamond so I've been salivating over those even more watching crypto moon. I just don't take self replication, or driving large groups of people around in a 7 seater super serious enough for a Yukon.
  14. You have the right to decide the "laws" on your property, and can forcibly remove anyone in violation of these laws on your property like uninvited guest's, or trespassers. The same laws you make for your own property, don't apply to your neighbors property. Ignoring the logical consistency behind this takes immense cognitive dissonance. In short, a welcome guest at your next door neighbor's property isn't trespassing against you, the same basic logic applies to all the other property you don't own. Likewise your neighbor doesn't have the right to forcibly evict one of your invited/welcome guests from your property under the guise of trespass. I'd never allow my neighbor the right to decide this for my property, legally or not. Imagine some stranger knocking on your door saying "hey, you're no longer allowed to associate with this otherwise law abiding individual". Either because they feel like a victim somehow, or a regulatory body hasn't processes certain paperwork. Like even if my neighbor was a landscaper, he'd just have to deal with the fact I've decided to hire a Guatemalan to fix my garden. By him asking the state to intervene in my voluntary associations, he's no different than a long term welfare recipient deciding to tax me because it's "helping" them enjoy the comforts of a parasitic lifestyle. If my neighbor did better work for less money than my Guatemalan homie, he'd be the one planting my marijuana. You can't fault a communist for not understanding how property rights work, and how stealing from someone for having more than you is wrong, while allowing yourself the exact same indulgences in cognitive dissonance. AKA, what's the point of telling yourself you've got "principals" if some of these so called principals are demonstrably false, using the same logically consistency of other closely help beliefs. Imagine trying to write software using this method, wondering why you keep coming up with error codes because one line of code (that looks good by itself) interfere's with the next line, and so on. I'm not arguing for introducing an open borders policy under our current system. In fact, I acknowledge this would have disastrous results if the border just suddenly opened. My point here aside from logical consistency, is a non-interventional solution is superior to closed borders. You have to first acknowledge the State based solutions faults first, before it's possible to imagine the superiority of logically consistent methods of increasing the standards of living within any set of imaginary lines. Even in a 100% welfare state free society, I acknowledge opening borders with a less advanced economy would initially be very harmful to those native to the more advanced economy. This has more to do with the economic reality of the situation, than it has to do with any moral argument on behalf of those negatively effected. Letting go of this illusion opens the door for considering free market, voluntary based solutions. In short it's the state that is the parasite, and needs you to exist, for it to exist, not the other way around. Much like the government taking money from a rich person, then stringing a family out on a "free" welfare system that cuts off this aid the moment the dad lives with the family. The government does far less than you'd think protecting yours, and mine standard of living by enforcing a border where one team has a monopoly on violence on one side, and harms one set of individuals to benefit the other. For example, let's set the entire welfare state argument aside, and we agree our end goal is to benefit Americans as much as possible. If a person can earn 3x more here, even if 3x more is still undercutting the market wage rate here wages here go down. Common sense. Those in professions that can be easily filled by a non-native language speaking labor are negatively effected first , eventually followed by increasingly more specialized labor, until wages in both markets reach an equilibrium and there's no incentive for one person to move physically. This is as an inevitable law of the universe that the laws of man cannot correct, or prevent much like the futility of a drug war, or prohibition, and eventually discovering you can't even keep hard drugs out of max security prisons let alone a "free" society . Eventually you'll find these efforts to shape commerce in your favor, ultimately just harm commerce in the big picture, thus lowering your living standard. These policies are extremely harmful to people born here in a way that is unintuitive, but very real. It's retarding our own economic advancement, and creating an ever greater problem at the same time. Think about East/West Germany, and how one side had BMW's, AUDI's and Porches with well fed people in them, while the other side had pieces of shit that blew black smoke and barely ran. Now think about what happened after they combined, West Germany eventually profited, along with the East and historically that's the norm, not the exception. All the effort put into artificially separating the two is naturally put towards more productive endeavors, and productivity itself just so happens to be what we should be encouraging if we want higher living standards. TLDR: Closed borders don't protect standards of living.
  15. Cardano is pumping hard now too. It was less than 2 and a half cents per ADA earlier last year, yesterday ADA made 0.666 cents. That's like getting $26.50 back on every $1 invested if you timed it right 11 months ago.
  16. Spotted my first one on the road, 4 door though so not my thing.
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