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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. MN_CRIME_-_Harrowing_video_shared_by_Saint_Paul_police_shows_an_officer_being_dragged_by_the_driver_of_a_white_pickup_on_the_900_block_of_Arcade_St._around_1_p.m._Thursday._Contact_@sppdmn_with_any_info.-1433925464016445444.mp4
  2. These_guys_came_up_with_a_unique_way_to_make_a_techno_beat.-bplg1rf049l71.mp4
  3. I guess Socialism if they value of each produced item is decided in a rigid centralized way, insuring even the farmers that didn't work hard, or smart, or own less property to grow food on, or grew the wrong shit and nobody wants it end up with the same outcomes as the successful. Capitalism if the people growing the produce decide how they'd like to trade what they've grown.
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_March One of the best examples of eliminating an authoritarian government almost exclusively through the use of counter-economics. Once you start starving the beast, or bleeding it through "a thousand paper-cuts" the system itself become unsustainable. Another great example was the USSR falling because of counter-economic measures taken by it's own citizens. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_economy_of_the_Soviet_Union In short, violence is wrong outside of self defense, even if violence is being used for the so called "greater good". This includes using the threat of violence to change peoples behaviors. Agorism is the only political philosophy I've seen that holds this truth central.
  5. You don't find it odd that you can't find any examples of this ever happening? East India CO was only able to do what it did through the violent power/force of the British military (The State). This is how fascism (our current setup) works. Government and industry become symbiotic. The military first has to establish a monopoly on violence by invading India, or Iraq. That monopoly can then in turn establish monopolies for businesses through regulation, and the business kicks back some profit to military leadership for keeping their interests in mind. I've studied this situation pretty thoroughly, not so much because it supports my beliefs. More-so because Ghandi was able to shut it down through non-violent resistance, and counter-economic warfare which is central to Agorism. Great example, salt was very much an unofficial currency in India, The Brittish shut down all salt production, and the citizens had to buy it from brittish companies. Economic slavery. One of Ghandi's most effective acts of resistance was him Corrupted, and state go hand in hand. There is no other type of state because all humans are imperfect, putting their personal aspirations ahead of the greater good when given the power/green light to do so. Straw man, I've stated this corporation becoming a state business is just the nonsense a government school teaches. How do you think they'd do if there wasn't a state? Voluntary hierarchies the so called victims agreed to enter into. Not the state, or anyone else threatening violence to coerce them into it. Also, the drug cartels wouldn't exist were it not for government, and there's no system that eliminates crime, and crime syndicates. I can however claim that without the state outlawing legitimate business, like sex work, drugs, and other so called vices, these businesses would be operating much like any other business. The weed scene here is living proof. Correct. Corporations are different because it's a voluntary hierarchy. You choose to work for them, or do business with them (outside of examples where the state forces a monopoly etc.).
  6. The fact that there's a labor shortage right now, and help wanted signs everywhere, I'm sure we'll be able to ween ourselves off from using legal theft as a solution.
  7. That shit would fit you like a hula hoop.
  8. They'd be in shape if they were UFC fighters. That one bitch snacks so hard she looks like an actual refrigerator. Both them hoes can tag team smash though. Probably break my dick though trying to flip off the turnbuckle onto it.
  9. Just found out about these myself, kind of convinced since a centrifuge etc. is $$$.
  10. I've looked into it, my properties' size in this jurisdiction allows for up to 3 colonies. I'd only do one, and would def pay a local beekeeper to help set up a colony here with me, make sure I've got a relatively non-aggressive colony just incase anyone wanders where they shouldn't. It's just I've found the best thing for me, when it comes to pollen allergies is to eat some locally sourced honey. No little kids on my side of the street or the adjoining properties behind me, but my next door neighbors do take care of their grandson quite a bit. I'm going to have to mention wanting to set one up and gauge their level of "enthusiasm" first. Not that I need to get their permission, and I do have a 6 foot fence. Just trying to be a really good neighbor, and def don't want that kid to get stung if he wanders off into my yard.
  11. Mad propers for the beekeeping, hope to get down myself next spring.
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