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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Wow! Holly shit:lol: you seriously have no idea what you're talking about.:lol:
  2. Graffiti (tagging/bombing/writing your alias all over the place for rep) started in Philly you dumb shit.
  3. This shit just reminds me of how the Republicans tried to get Clinton impeached for getting a blowjob. Then they turn around and make this guy the governor of Cali??? :lol:
  4. http://www.dailymotion.com/related/1609806/video/xaj7f_sex-condom-and-rock-roll/1
  5. http://www.dailymotion.com/related/939600/video/x3tt3_argentinean-condom/1
  6. Re: on a scale of shitty to shitty, what ranks higher....job hunting or house hunting If and when it ever comes to that just make sure that it's not in one of those neighborhoods that has neighborhood organizations or block captains and shit. Even though you have a deed that says that you "own" your house they can fine you and even put a lean on your house if you don't follow their rules. IE getting permition as to what color you can paint your house, whether or not you can build any kind of ad-ons to your property, they'll even fine you for parking your car in the same spot in your driveway for too long. I'm serious, I know a couple people that lives in neighborhoods like this. It's like living in an appartment complex and having to deal with management... only you spent all this money for a deed that says you "own" the property. Only when it comes down to it you really don't.
  7. You sound like the modern day version of those people I remember back in the day that used to listen to MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice and 95-South.
  8. "Iran aggressively pursues these weapons [of mass destruction] and exports terror, while an unelected few repress the Iranian people's hope for freedom. ... States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world." --President George W. Bush, Jan. 29, 2002
  9. Drunk cop beats down woman bartender for cutting him off. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=576_1174529756
  10. I swore I would never fuck with myspace but I just registered on that shit for the first time. Now when trying to leave a comment for dude it's telling me that I have to be freinds with somebody to leave a comment. Who do I have to be "freinds" with to leave a comment? How does this shit work?
  12. ^Actually it was more like a trackstar.:lol:
  13. 10: Tard nearly kills old person Last spring, we used to have senior citizens from the local retirement home volunteer at our school. Every Thursday morning the retirement home's shuttle bus would drop them all off. They stopped coming to volunteer because of this incident: In case I haven't already made this clear: Tards get extremely attached to things, but it is very hard for them to express their emotional attachment appropriately. One Thursday morning, I am walking four of my 1st grade tards to the gym for "adapted P.E." One of them spots one of the grandmas getting off the bus. He freaks out, lets loose an ear-splitting scream, and charges her like a fucking bull, knocking her to the ground, really, really hard. I run over and pull him off of her. She is laying flat on her back on the pavement in front of the school, writhing in what is obviously excruciating pain. The office ultimately had to call an ambulance, and she was taken to the hospital with a broken collar bone and numerous broken vertebrae. All from a tard trying to give her a hug.
  14. This ones the best!!!:lol: 3: Even Riti Sped can be immature I had quite an incident with one of my kiddos, "Tom" today. He has severe behavior problems, and is on major medication. He also constantly picks at things. Anything that can be picked at, he will pick. Today he came to school and he had what appeared to be an adhesive like substance on multiple places on his body (face, hands, arms, chest). He could focus on nothing but the sticky shit all over him. I was getting so angry but nothing was fazing him. I was putting zeroes on his behavior chart, threatening to take away his snack, call his mom, etc. He just didn't give a shit about anything but the sticky stuff on his body. I kept asking him what was all over his body, and he kept responding to me, but I think in Russian or something. He has a severe speech impediment, you can barely understand the kid. All I knew was that he was covered with this stuff, and smelled like Denny's or something. We were not getting anything accomplished, so when recess rolled around, I told him that because he wasted my time, I will waste his recess time. He had to finish his work during recess (his work consists of tracing letters, cutting out shapes, coloring pictures IN THE LINES, and putting a series of 3 pictures in the correct order--its not as if I was teaching him algebra or anything). When he figured out that he wasn't going outside with the other kids, he absolutely fucking lost it. He starts kicking anything he can, pushing over chairs, breaking crayons, spitting. I immediately hit the button on the wall to summon the principal. Now he really freaks out, and proceeds to strip naked. Absolutely fucking NAKED. He then plants his naked ass in the indoor classroom sandbox that has rice grains in it instead of sand, and is screaming out one word that I cannot, for the life of me decipher, and kicking rice all over the place. At this point, I refuse to be within 20 feet of him. Our principal walks in the room and asks "What is the problem?" At this question, I can only wonder if the naked, screaming retard in the rice box is a figment of my imagination. Our principal puts on his principal voice, grabs Tom's arm, and pulls him out of the ricebox. He then asks Tom why he keeps yelling "syrup". He demands Tom put his clothes on. He puts on his underwear and pants, and refuses to put on anything else. The principal grabs his shoes, socks, shirt, and starts walking out. Tom freaks out. "Give my shirt" and "Not for yours" is all he is yelling as he follows the principal up to the office. About 3 minutes later, as I am straightening the displaced furniture, one of my autistic kids comes in to do math with me. He is obsessed with staples, and fixates on looking for staples in carpets. He actually gets rewarded when he goes one day without crawling around on the carpet looking for staples. Anyway, he comes in my room and sees the rice grains all over the place. He freaks out. He then spends the next 15 minutes of instructional time picking up rice--grain by grain--and putting then in his pockets. He gets all the rice picked up, also cuts the shit out of his hand digging a staple out of the carpet. I walk him up to the health room so he can clean up his scraped up hand. Tom's mom is in the office, picking up Tom. She was pissed too because she had to leave work to come get him. I say something to her about Tom picking at sticky stuff on his body. She tells me he had pancakes for breakfast, and offers no other explanation. Welcome to the world of special ed. Her and Tom start walking out to the parking lot, I walk back to my room, following behind them like 50 yards. Tom turns around and sees me (his mom is still facing forward) and I stick my tongue out at him. (I know, very immature, but geez I am 24, ok?) He belts out the loudest fucking screech, and his mom whacked his ass so fucking hard, picks him up, and carries him, kicking and screaming, to the car. She also is screaming at him that we do not yell at our teachers. I was so pleased with myself for the tongue stick out. I love these kids, but sometimes they drive me nuts. So, here I sit, Dave Letterman on the TV, TuckerMax.com on the computer, and a stack of papers full of scribbled names and backward fives and twos. Thank God tomorrow is a half day. Drinks will begin promptly at noon.
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