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Everything posted by andrewreynoldsx

  1. Doggie... Rule #1, no biting. Everybody and they mom support and watch GGN w Snoop. RNN? Wack format, weak name. Your prop points do not transfer IRL
  2. this fool watched an andrew carnegie youtube video and we've made it to page 16? just close the thread. bill gates jesus lul
  3. i used to fucks wit tinychat. where milk grenades at. and where edit: and bags..how the fuck could i forget bags.
  4. wasn't around back then but i did catch this recently. cheers
  5. for a dude promoting a winning lifestyle you sure have alienated everyone and given me a headache. die
  6. cancer dancer, is that the fool in philly w/ the goat?
  7. yeah and randy moss "only tries on first and third down"
  8. had to login just to block you jesus saves. quit ruining this thread that was on quite a healthy comeup on quality flicks since the general population decline on these boards..two cents
  9. "and when i'm pumping my gas i don't want to hear your little jon, your triple six" ha ha ha http://www.vice.com/vice-news/triple-hate-part-1
  10. teach penpal heat entor pase sone aqua
  11. i know you're ignorant and don't care but i'll throw you a bone...no excuse for ignorance anymore show some respect for the craft
  12. hey dumb fuck. have you ever realized that maybe 12ozprophet is using a forum model designed by a third party? ever look in the bottom left corner of the screen? powered by vBulletin. the eCard thing is standard online and you can easily go into the control panel and disable the option of downloading it. like i did, seven years ago. now kindly, fuck off p.s. exif data is what you need to worry about. google meta data. http://exifdata.com/
  13. i'll let buzz go for a tall can perhaps...also youngboul i appreciate your work ethic but peep name
  14. what's in it for me nigga. buy me a camera. i gotta be careful what i post because jakes is jackin' exif data and hunting niggas down my slime
  15. screenshots from Drugs Inc. Detroit
  16. that futura 2000 tag above the window grate is fire
  17. RIP NEKST Some OG pictures I haven't seen before. http://www.awwready.com/ H-Town And http://www.12ozprophet.com/news/nekst-rip More East Coast..
  18. YOOO tell me you have the MEKA? i think? next to the teski...fucking classic
  19. ha, the og production is way fresher. good to see seen in 2012 doe...hatcherkills
  20. on fire...too many classics to mention. big 5 the ctw's...kick msk wow
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