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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Sums up most of my hometown. Spotted Christmas Eve.
  2. Sounds accurate, but I'm just going by news stories.
  3. Boxing Day, waiting for the cricket to start.
  4. It's not so much fancy as convenient. It's either here or a retirement village since I sold my city house.
  5. Just trekked the four hours to the city waiting for family Christmas lunch. At the hotel, which says something about our family but not sure what. Also nearly we try body has cancellations, so I'll be one of four people. Haha.
  6. If the cops pull us over the chauffeur is takin' the rap
  7. theprotester


    People paying over MSRP for footwear is JOKES.
  8. Damn right. TPBM has a long arse transit to embark on and is procrastinating the fuck out of it.
  9. Re: random thoughts She was all about; "Age is just a number". See you all in hell.
  10. Smash, Mass. SMASH ALL DAY. Lights on.
  11. Background should encompass all the letters for mine, instead of individual. That's just a personal opinion. I see you ruled out your 3D - when you do that you want to make sure your VP is dead in the middle of the letters. Just by eye sight, your 3d is way off.
  12. Still in on this thread. Not really anything to say, but just keep at it people. Thanks for the response Morton.
  13. Re: random thoughts Can I risk a fart after all those burgers?
  14. There's a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure the truth. Maya Angelou
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