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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. False. What else do you use to point at things? TPBM has perfected their handstyle to a point that it's not fair for others.
  2. Always stoked when a stupid charge is dropped. Not familiar with a moving violation though, unless it's car related. So false. TPBM knows all the words to Steve Earle's 'Copperhead Road'.
  3. False. Just. False. TPBM is looking at some serious time on their hands if this shit pops off like the papers are saying.
  4. Like public transport? None here. I couldn't catch a bus to town if I wanted to. And if I do make the twenty minute drive to the nearest pick up point, there's one bus a day. Good internet reception? I live in an area that the highest monthly limit is 10GB and it costs me $130/m. My posts are like drops of gold in this motherfucker. No rubbish collection. No street lights. No recycling. An overworked health care system that is run by arbitrary numbers to appease the talk back radio listeners. Oh, you want power? Really? How much? Three phase like the rest of the world... nah son, we don't do things like that 'round here. So I had to buy a fuckin' generator the size of an F150 Duallie to run my place otherwise I live in darkness. Hate to get serious, but two days before an election....
  5. Damn right I do. Multiple calculators. I hate fiddling around on phones. TPBM uses their phone for phone calls, and MAYBE an SMS every now and then.
  6. Fuck I hope not. Pedo is off limits. TPBM is wondering what all the fuss about the number 8 is?!
  7. No. But your soup game seems to be stepping up. No teef? TPBM has no teef.
  8. Great effort, Shai. Stay up mang!
  9. Dear Hired Labour Team, If you motherfuckers don't get here soon, I'll be happy to start some visa revoking on your arses. If I start work at 5am on the word that you 'want to start in the cool of the day' - and your arse isn't here even before 6am - protester gets PISSED OFF. Cheers, Protest
  10. Not to go too far on a tangent, but; Battens of the hatches: Long narrow laths serving by the help of nailing to confine the edges of the tarpaulins, and keep them close down to the sides of the hatchways in bad weather
  11. I was speaking to my mate from Colorado today, he's been here for a few years and he mentioned that if the price of fuel went up to the same level that it is here in Australia, the whole country would come to a stand still.
  12. I'm lost? Looks like a definite smash? What am I missing?
  13. False. But I'd like some. TPBM has a new person starting today and can't really be fucked training them, and if they're a retard, will be sending them straight the fuck out of town.
  14. True. About 26 acres worth. TPBM has a weather station to monitor activity at their place.
  15. POZ always dropping knowledge. The respect from peers is so true. Takes the strongest man to go sober.
  16. FALSE. Every SINGLE crew member has clout and a respected history. TPBM doesn't know who to vote for in the upcoming election.
  17. http://au.news.yahoo.com/nsw/latest/a/-/latest/16248002/marijuana-plant-found-after-pretzel-truck-crash/
  18. Hahahaha. Rodman sitting next to Kimmy. NONSENSE.
  19. True. My pen is at the ready. TPBM tears up when nobody votes for them.
  20. You're assuming that the targets wouldn't be lowering their standards for the smash to occur. Rookie error.
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