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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. If domestics count, true. TPBM would break up a domestic.
  2. WHAT THE FUCK? Can that body modification shit, or at least start a separate thread. Fucking snowflake arse motherfuckers should not be glorified on 12OZ.
  3. Haha, kid hit a couple of free throws to pretty much seal the game, then went full swingin' dick at the crowd. Haha. Marshall Henderson. Now you know! He better never fuck up... ever.......!
  4. Can't argue with that. But history does dictate that when a large corporation buys out a brand, they'll keep the flame alight for a while, then the bottom line will be the guiding point. It's not hard to call something 'craft beer' under the American guidelines. It would be cool if they set up something like CAMRA over there - do you have an equivalent already? You probably do. I just find things like DFH kind of funny style, they pump out from a 24/7 operation and people over here still think they're some pokey little brewery in some blokes shed - yet they're making around ten million litres of beer a year!! TEN MILLION LITRES! Fuck me dead.
  5. We are copping it here ten fold. The big TWO are taking up all our favourite brands, I even got approached about production levels by one of them. It's fucked. I'm going to continue swingin' dick at them all, but I kind of know they'll win in the end. :/ I even had my mate poached by a Japanese owned syndicate so he's brewing with them now. Sucks, yo!
  6. Bitch be temperamental and I just ordered a new one. Literally two minutes ago. True? TPBM is sick of this throw away society and wishes white goods could be made properly again. Energy ratings can suck my lefty. EDIT! Piff? I have Pith. Making lemoncello right naooo. TPBM drinks spirits on the regular, no mixer, because that shit's for faggots.
  7. You need those stepping stone companies like Blue Moon to get people all the way to the dark side of real craft ales. A place for everything, and everything in its place.
  8. True. Then made camembert from scratch. TPBM has shot an animal out of necessity, not for sport.
  9. God is the only man. TPBM is bracing for another storm.
  10. I buy corn from Wisconsin. Isn't that interesting?
  11. True. Mrs Herbert. TPBM fell in love in grade one, and not with the teacher.
  12. Never heard of. Naw, I ain't one to be pushing strangers on the tracks. TPBM would drop $500/head on dinner.
  13. What in living fuck is a 'fray fray'? A fray in Australia is an argument/fight - and y'all ain't that argumentative. So... False. TPBM is perplexed by mass' new found love of the word fray.
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