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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Haha, you're terrible. About seven Snickers bars.
  2. Hahaha, I actually booked a thing like that in Melbourne, because everyone on here was too paranoid - dude said he got hit by a bus, so he called it off. I'm not glad he got hit by a bus (I'm pretty sure he just couldn't be fucked) but it turned out a lot better to explore on my own.
  3. Not sure. I can make pretty much every Italian dish? Not sure. But I'm excellent. TPBM got money like a nutty professor.
  4. Right now? True. I'm stroking the twelve watching headlights coming past my driveway. I never load it, but poachers find reverse pretty quick when I pull it out. TPBM has beaten someone for no fuckin' reason at all.
  5. False. That shit is starting to get to me, them blokes look like straight up faggots to me. TPBM wears chequered shirts.............
  6. A few years ago I ordered seafood paella at a well known restaurant, the prawns weren't deveined. True. TPBM eats Snickers bars like they are going out of fashion.
  7. I'd have to take these three watches off, but... True. TPBM click's nervous, quick to spit lip service, summer job hustlers scared to flip burgers
  8. Romero farting is probably considered a blowjob.
  9. True. TPBM is still tossing up whether or not to say yes to this birds offer.
  10. True. It's a swan, actually a family of them. TPBM is the ugly duckling in their family.
  11. Also, We have a weird love of seventies American steel....
  12. If it happens, whenever, I'll put you up here. Nothing like sleeping at a brew house. Cheers for the link, checking it out now.
  13. Two point masonry drill bit, slow head speed with high torque, you can get through that stuff. Once you've drilled four holes, which takes a while, smash that panel in, then get behind that panel through the hole with a crobar. The idea is to make the hole as high as you can so you're pulling down with maximum leverage. Then do not pass go.
  14. Firstly, fuck you, because it's 28C here at 6:30am, right now. Secondly, I want that in my life badly. I don't recognise the logo (hardly surprising), who is that by?
  15. Social chameleon. True. TPBM thinks a lot of the questions in this thread relate to people's personal experiences, and if that's true, the full story behind a lot of these questions could write an interesting book.
  16. Nah, dog went with the ex. False. TPBM represents what it is to be true to the game.
  17. As sad as it is, there was a time where the work wasn't put in for the photo. I'm not upset, just saying.
  18. I am not religious? I think I'm missing something though? Enlightenment? TPBM has been to Church recently.
  19. I didn't want to make a big thing out of it. But that is wrong. Either way, I have a review on that French Ale I was telling you blokes 'n birds about. Just editing out the spot blow up, then I'll post it up.
  20. Hundreds of times, but into water, not on some suicide trip! True. TPBM has swum from one side of a major river to the other, for whatever reason.
  21. Nope. But I got a new work shirt and the logo is scratchy, maybe I should look into it. TPBM is in the design field.
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