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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. This is next level stupid. http://youtu.be/lrCzOyk0l8A
  2. Haha. Nope. TPBM just threw a pipe at some Chinese dudes head.
  3. False. I cheer. tpbm is a happy little vegemite
  4. False. I am the flame. TPBM would rather just keep warm.
  5. False. I knew you'd miss us. TPBM is looking forward to something.
  6. False. Though I can think of a few dentist scenarios that it would be a real zinger. TPBM knows who Mitch Muir is.
  7. Pumping out septic tanks and trying not to pass out from the noxious gasses.
  8. It's true. There's no cure. I'll always be an alcoholic, just an alcoholic that doesn't drink.
  9. You're doing the right things, but in my short years I've made the decision that you can only help people that want to help themselves. The hardest part for me of sobering up is the clarity of knowing exactly how much you hate the person you are when you drink. Which scares the absolute shit out of me and the only way of numbing the fear is with another empty bottle. People always say acknowledging the problem is the hard part, I'm not so sure. I'm not really helpful here. As always I've managed to type an answer in this thread that relates to me and not exactly what you're asking. Fuck.
  10. I'm not friends with people that drink Corona. False. TPBM thinks yomama should pull the dingo on smokes for a while.
  11. Good for a laugh. Also fairly true from the beer geeks I try not to find myself around. http://craftypint.com/tv JUST DRINK YOUR FUCKING BEER
  12. I just leave 'em in stitches. TPBM goes bombing with whiteboard markers.
  13. http://news.yahoo.com/phony-tweet-computer-trades-sank-stocks-201916964--finance.html
  14. doodle doodle, doodle dat dat dat
  15. I'm wondering what the time line is for when we can all rock that style Mo again.
  16. True. Stop pummeling me. TPBM runs a business on the side that their wife/partner/family don't know about.
  17. Naw. I'm more of a Noisey Miner kind of kind. TPBM is a bit of a twitcher.
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