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Everything posted by Dark_Knight

  1. Idk I hold a elected position with my union, and I work with a lot of other cities locals. Most are well adjusted. There’s always bad apples, but you can find that anywhere. We run the same way government does... so if they have bad elected officials... then there will be bad working standards. I’m sure it happens in plenty of places, depending on the labor trade. But a lot of it is similar to a desk job. Sometimes you don’t have anything to do. But the man with the desk job has the luxury of the computer to appear busy.
  2. It literally happened to me this morning with amc. Idk how to even report it.
  3. When people UNITE and fight the big man, it’s a beautiful thing. *see Google Amazon union thread*
  4. Woke up this morning and robinhood no longer supports GameStop or amc. Says my AMC is queued and shows only the amount I invested. Is that legal? put this in the wrong thread... but genuinely wondering. They took everything.
  5. @SMdoubleXL I had this happen before. I had a hard time getting it up for like a month after. 0/10 do not recommend
  6. I made a bunch off amc because of some shit I saw on Reddit last night lol
  7. Say what you think. Convo is fun and It doesn’t matter after you close your screen bc it’s the internet.
  8. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/01/26/economy/china-xi-economy-intl-hnk/index.html straying a tad off topic, but still relevant, since China will be a more driving force from here on out. CNN article so always taken with a grain of salt. Definitely gonna see some rising tensions over the next few years.
  9. I have no colon so Ive probably pooped more than anyone here. Feel free to message me for any tips of the trade. My toilet experience is vast.
  10. Entertainment as a whole would not exist at the level it does without labor unions. Any show or movie you watch is union made. I don’t think it’s right to cherry pick certain cases to discredit unions as a whole. They’ve done more for the common man than anything else. Fuck Italians too
  11. NYC unions are their own animal, and can’t really speak for union structure as a whole nationwide. It’s well known how difficult it is to work in nyc under any trade. They are not around to “harm” anyone. Only to protect jobs, compete wages, and demand humane working conditions. Police “unions” are not affiliated with AFL-CIO in any way either, and have actually historically been used to combat labor organization. The “evil rich people” actually use them to do so regularly to this day. They use their union to bully government, that is true. This issue is a horse of a different color entirely. Their definition of union is much more skewed. Google and amazon will only benefit from organizing. Companies will typically try to make the common man pay so they can’t paint their unionizing as a bad thing under smoke and mirrors. But they just don’t want their workers having any say. Which is bullshit. If employees are treated well, there is never a need to organize. Simple as that. But unfortunately, a lot of companies want to Whore labor so their profit margins are maxed out.
  12. @Hua Guofanglives in china doesn’t he? I feel like he might have a decent perspective on it. Biden is bound to disappoint though. I’m glad we have a president we can all mutually be unsatisfied with.
  13. I think it’s a good thing to organize labor when you work for a big company on big money job. I agree with them having little to no place in the small business world. They typically don’t cross over into them anyways. At least in my experience.
  14. Thats short term thinking. Delusions of grandeur will lead you to believe that less workers should be hired for a job so the big man can collect the largest profit possible. If you don’t want to pay labor then don’t get your job done. It’s the fools who think they’ll score brownie points if they work super hard that will depreciate income for everyone over time. Bad seeds will always follow and exploit protection. No matter what it is. Not limited to unions. It’s human nature to some. Can’t discredit unions as a whole because some assholes want to be lazy and take advantage.
  15. They say to get help because on jobs, if you work alone, they will shorten the labor call for the next job. Putting more money in their pocket and leaving more workers home without work. Seems petty when you see it on a small scale like that, but there’s a reason behind it. Protect union contracts is priority.
  16. Major step Im tech to have organized workers. I’m all for this. Hopefully other companies follow suit.
  17. Some places in rural japan still have these. I took a doodoo in one before and I missed the hole and left it for someone else to worry about
  18. Plunging the pee into the butthole?
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