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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. ^^I just realized that "poster" was backwards! If it ain't broke... ^^Peep the original label.
  2. ^^ have you used one of those yet? Because those two holes in the foam applicator are hollow and go straight to the body of the bottle. Since it uses a cream instead of liquid. There is no valve. I picked up one of those and saw that it was a straight shot into the bottle from those two holes and disregarded it. I'm thinking I can get around that, and will pick it back up. Nice find.
  3. ^^sape straight letter!
  4. ^^you can sell anything to most people.
  5. ^^That is awesome, and true. There were not strings attached when writers hit that, or most any other, bridge.
  6. ^^hahahaha! No way! Not even close. Lyes writes Lyes. LIES on a new box is a statement, I'm sure of it. Not the same.
  7. ^^Whats the deal with that? And for that Goest roller... That "expert spot" ran for years and will always be referred to it as such, but they still haven't figured out a way to buff that Goest roller. They have buffed that bridge at least 3 times in the past two years. But couldn't get that underside. And you can see it from north or south bound. Who ever took that flick... nice shot. One more time... *double racked* *stolen*
  8. ^^co-signed. going large!
  9. ^^Just admit that you don't post flicks and should not be talking and people who do post flicks hold weight with people that come here to look at flicks and not adhere to your petty arguments.
  10. ^^NICE! Thats some old classic shit right there! Used to call them "marsh markers" back in the early nineties. Same deal, but we would put a rolled up tube sock, really tight but wide, and stuff it into a deo stick container with marsh ink. Super wide and messy as all get out. Looks good and I bet it leaves a unique mark. Again, NICE!
  11. ^^"Use a chainsaw..." CLASSIC! haha! But totally true.
  12. ^^that mad tall hand is on point! phone mad kid curve!
  13. ^^Some classic stuff there!
  14. Yes it is! Check the messy DESA on the bottom of the door. | | v Great flicks R1V3R!
  15. ^^Its NYC. China Town LES.
  16. I call bullshit. Prove it. Send in some flicks of all these products that you are just getting on flow. And those Universal "markers" are industrial roller carts. They use a solid roller ball that slowly lets the ink flow to paper. They don't work on vertical surfaces, such as a wall. They are for a special paper and work in a machine that has them facing down. They don't drip. I call bullshit. You're lies are boring. Back your tall tales up. *Materials You misspelled it. You know 12oz has a built in spell check right?
  17. nice flix! what are the seven cities?
  18. ^^I've said it before, but I love making my own ink and I still buy DED and will buy Krink again as well. They both have that little extra... I don't even know. But they both have all the specs that you want in one. They both flow REALLY well, they both stain(DED much better), and they are both way more opaque than anything else. But thats just for Black(DED),and Silver(KR). If I want awesome bright yellow, or an off shoot of yellow-green, thick crimson red, light pink, deep orange, or any other primary color off shoot... I make my own. PS. While you guys were busy arguing about Do Em Dirty and not knowing the recipe... Did you stop to think that you could use DED as PART of your recipe? I mean you have to buy other shit that you can't steal to make good ink. You want your ink to stain better, or want it to flow better? Why don't you innovate instead of hate? Buy the DED or... Don't buy the DED. But kill the negative. It makes you sound like a know nothing know-it-all. As well as a punk ass little kid. <-----(directed to those that hate in general and no one directly.) Stay up.
  19. NOPE. BUY KRINK if you want silver. End of Ad. Just to contribute... This is my ink for thick red drippy tags. Made it myself and I use it all the time. Stay up!
  20. It's too late to turn back now. It's all or nothing. Get a new school. It's the only answer. EDIT: I like your zine. Classic black and white copies are rarely done these days. That BZEE interview was classic too!
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