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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. Thats what I was thinking when you first posted about it, but I have to admit, that is a killer color you got there! I personally would have gone about it differently, but you totally got it none the less. Nice! BUY FROM OINK. He totally hooked me up with product (that I have now) and I got it in 2 days. Stand up guy. Model citizen. Would have been one hell of a Spartan!
  2. ^^Reads like the "Cliff Notes" to being someone you are not. Amazing stuff!
  3. Found this in the related articles to the Glow Paint How To: Fucking hilarious!!
  4. ^^the second flick. That's one of my current favorite spots in town right now. Big up's to Sage and Cevs.
  5. Bump this to the next page. ^^In the industry we call this Narcissistic Indulgence. ^^Don't ever go to Liverpool. That's what you are saying right? In the good ol' US of eh, we just "put the lotion in the basket" so to speak. Grog is pretty solid ink to begin with. Paint thinner doesn't do much for ink, and... oh yeah... What the fuck is up with the broken internet slang? Just take the extra 10 seconds to spell out "what ever" or even "good." If you talk anything like you type... Don't go to Liverpool. I get it! ^^My disclaimer for this last statement is this: Joke a kid. Don't joke a city. Liverpool is actually a really nice place. But again... I needed to bash it for the joke to work. Carry on. Stay up. Don't make up your own broken language. There are plenty of great languages that work just fine and do not need altering. Learn them.
  6. ^^Don't ever go to Liverpool. That's what you are saying right? In the good ol' US of eh, we just "put the lotion in the basket" so to speak. Grog is pretty solid ink to begin with. Paint thinner doesn't do much for ink, and... oh yeah... What the fuck is up with the broken internet slang? Just take the extra 10 seconds to spell out "what ever" or even "good." If you talk anything like you type... Don't go to Liverpool. I get it! ^^My disclaimer for this last statement is this: Joke a kid. Don't joke a city. Liverpool is actually a really nice place. But again... I needed to bash it for the joke to work. Carry on. Stay up. Don't make up your own broken language. There are plenty of great languages that work just fine and do not need altering. Learn them.
  7. ^^I'm feeling that as well... /nohomo
  8. The lowes here does it, and so does home depot, or they used to at least. Yeah. Just get the crazy color you want made, and return it. They mark it down after a week or so, just to get rid of it. It might not work out as much now as it did BITD. ^^Yeah... I went there.
  9. Quick paint scam tip# 665 (only doing this because I know a lot of you don't live in my town) Go to the hardware store. Get the ultimate color your want mixed into a gallon of good oil based bucket paint. Pay for it(about $30)... The return it. "Sorry sir, the color just isn't going to work out." Get your money. Go back at the end of the week and repurchase your dope ass purple or the color that you had made for 5 bucks! Doesn't always work, but sometimes it does... and when it does, its totally worth the effort. Especially if you do this with multiple gallons of paint at a time. Enjoy.
  10. I hate you. Seriously. The lady has been trying for the past year to get me hate people who are stupid and waste everyone else's time. I'm nice guy... most of the time. But I have been understanding what she means lately and well... I think I'm going to take this stance with you. You have shown no valor or courage that is required to be a stand up person who demands respect. I hate you. Also, in other news... GRAVEDIGGER... sold out las night. I will attempt to see tonights final showing of the monster. Oink: US currency in the form of a MO headed your way. Thanks again!
  11. Nah... that shit was in Pittsburg I believe. Most of that post wasn't even in VA. I was just putting out some stuff that I had stolen and thought people should see here, if they haven't already. I wish the some of those cats where here sometimes. PLUS check that GANO above the Nise. When I first saw that flick I instantly knew if was Gano, but seriously it took me a second to validate it. It's really good. All in all, it was just a break from the dry season of no flicks. Once the weather starts getting better, I'm sure there will be a lot more to look at on here. Stay up.
  12. Why didn't you just use all those... Never mind. I hate everything, and my head wont stop hurting.
  13. Never mind. I have posted almost everything twice so far. Only thing I haven't posted more than once are my ever growing collection of alleyway doors. If anyone is interested, I can do that. But I know how people like to hate on cutty spots and doors. I'm gonna see Grave Digger in 24 hours. I envy me!
  14. Something to look at while I get some old best of flicks setup. These are all stolen, and half of them aren't even VA. So what. I got comments on all the photos. It's just a short station break. ALL STOLEN. Some Cense in another state, not ours. *Stolen* *Stolen* *Stolen* This was the original wall and it got buffed. *Stolen* *Stolen* This was the revamp. *Stolen* *Stolen* Classic! *Stolen* *Stolen* Aker, not in RVA. *Stolen* *Stolen* The next 3 are just handstyles that are amazing. *Stolen* I got flicks, my old stuff, coming. If you don't like it... Scroll on by. Just stuff to look at. Werd up. Stay up.
  15. Sponges tend to leave a lot of unwanted streaks. Awkward flow issues. I say try it. If that fails, just stick to the chalk board eraser. That's the toughest material, and flows great with little streaks.
  16. Kraplon... do they got Grave Digger Green????
  17. Yeah! Co-signed and what not. IN YOUR FACE SMOOTH-NUTZ! Smooth-Nuts: But seriously... in your face. SpruceLee: This shit... It works as permanent tooth paste, or as a drip tag marking device. There are way better ways to do ^^that on a bigger scale and get permanent marks for MAD CHEAP! I just can't say over the internet right now. It's too soon. But that shit works. Just runs out fast. Oink: Check yer PM's. Stay up!
  18. ^^not really trying to get down in that crew. So lucky well wishes are not actually needed.
  19. Grave Digger Tomorrow! Shit is gonna be OTH! (off the heezy!) Envy me! Unless you're a backpacker... hehe... I saw a couple of backpackers droppin' science one night about a few months ago. Blew my mind. They were painting too! It was perfect, I was on the phone walking around so I shadowed them and dropped tags in the open because if anyone was looking... they were looking at these triple 5 slow kids. The look out(I call him snoopy) made me from a block away and got spooked, so his boy(lets call him crushedK) had to leave the spot with only an outline. Took up space next to him later that week. Trying to get down with his crew! Wish me luck.
  20. ^^the weather IS way better... I can't say I haven't been creepin' out every now and again randomly.
  21. ^^spring cleaning... Just need to get it a little more dirty, a little more gritty, like in the fist city.
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