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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. ^^NICE! Taking this thread to a better level... and making some loot on top! Keep up the good work!
  2. ^^make sure that you empty them before putting your stuff in them. The ink that is in them is super watery and will not mix with quality staining ink, or paint. It can make your tags really streaked. I suggest using paint vs ink. When you empty them, use a little bit of thinner to get out the old stuff. I fucked up a black ink mixture by putting it on top of a red bingo d. I was hoping that it would mix and make a dark red ink... wrong. They work great with good ink, but they rock with paint! Enjoy!
  3. *writers* Only one "T" is needed.
  4. This whole page awesome. Philly!
  5. ^^don't ask question like that on public forum. If you don't know an answer to something... you just gotta deal with not knowing. *supposed* It has to "p's".
  6. ^^it just seems a bit much... But thats up to the writer to push that much ink out. You really don't have to squeeze the shit out of a mop to get drips. I feel like controlling your drips as much as you control you tag is essential. If your ink attacks to fast, then every time a two horizontal lines get close to each other you end up with a messy block, instead of two lines. Messy tags are... messy. Drippy tags(you can see the tag like it was done with a marker but has drips that don't distort the letters) are the shit! Oman. You should consider giving out a mop to a local crew(somewhere near you) and let them drop tags with your stuff. Then you are not liable and will have plenty of flix of your stuff in action. Support your local cats and hook em up on some R&D field work.
  7. ^^you might want to first ask yourself... "where the hell do people play bingo??" That might help you in finding these specials markers. The word "Dauber" might aid you in looking for these.
  8. Is this Norfolk business? Any flix of "that fire ant"?
  9. I put up some more flix, accidentally, in the VA Freight thread. Find those HERE. Check em out, especially if you don't remember any my last posts. Also, check out the VA freight thread in general and contribute. It's really a good thread. Stay up!
  10. ^^I was about to mention that about the goner. I was looking at it like... whats not right...? oh yeah... And tend(uk) does have skills... but I think his style is what get the heat. Nuff jibber jabber, post some more flicks.
  11. Who wants a sticker?? SIKE! Buy the ink suckers. And Armor Coat is pussy! A chisel is the best way to remove graffiti, other wise you got some weak ink sucka!
  12. Thats it. If you don't like what you see... Go out and do better, because internet talk is only internet talk. Stay Up.
  13. You've seen em' all before so don't get upset. More...
  14. You've seen em' all before so don't get upset. More...
  15. Lo-contrast mind control type shit... You've seen em' all before so don't get upset. More...
  16. You've seen em' all before so don't get upset. More...
  17. You've seen em' all before so don't get upset. More...
  18. You've seen em' all before so don't get upset. More...
  19. You've seen em' all before so don't get upset. More...
  20. You've seen em' all before so don't get upset. More...
  21. You've seen em' all before so don't get upset. More...
  22. You've seen em' all before so don't get upset. More...
  23. Recycling some of my favorites. Something to look at until I get new flicks. This post goes out to me. You've seen em' all before so don't get upset. You've seen em' all before so don't get upset. More...
  24. ^^they got it on DVD at netflix.
  25. ^^HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET MY BLACK BOOK?? --->smoke weed all day!
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