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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. ^^Have YOU been to the city lately? Lots of spots... but a public forum is not the place to ask such questions. Just look around. Don't ask suspicious questions... unless you want flaming hate comments from people calling a DT. Good luck. Stay up!
  2. ^^NICE Classic shit! That pilot Mini Super Color is the shit, as well as the Marsh Industrial marker! Nice post!
  3. ^^hahaha!!! Sorry. Thats just a really funny response to someone that was telling you a better way to mix ink/paint that you were planning on breaking the law with.
  4. Leigh st. Bridge. over 95. aka "untouchable Goest spot oner, part two" I gotta drive that way today... I will confirm or deny depending on if I fell like lying or not. Stay up.
  5. bump that homo hand... /no homo but seriously... nevermind.
  6. ^^don't get it twisted. I put paint in lots of different markers. "Paint Markers" for instant. Kiwi is a brand, not a style of marker/mop. Don't diss people that get shit incorrect with more shit that is incorrect. Actually... Don't dis people at all, cause you are terrible at it. I still want flix of all the shit you been lying about from last year. Leave people alone if you aren't gonna help em out, because you look like a fool when you try and school people.
  7. DAAAMMMN SON! FEEL THE BUUUURRRNNN! ^^directed towards DED setting shit straight. But in this thread(not hating), its pretty clear that ink is in reference to ink. And paint is in reference to paint. ^^directed to the above post.
  8. ^^was up this weekend without my camera... I haven't been so depressed in while. I know my way around philly, and I went far NE and far SE philly this weekend... there is SO much that is unaccounted for in this thread(no disrespect). So much history, and so much new shit floating around in great spots, and old stuff still running. Every town has bad work running... but just the real philly hands alone, that were here and there, killed it. Classic shit. You just can't log onto to the internerd and say "philly graff sucks dude!" And you really can't say that philly doesn't hold its own. Thats just plain crazy talk. I had, as always, a really great time in philly, but I really regret not having my camera with me this past weekend.
  9. DOT 3. Somewhere in the last 5 or 6 pages the DOT 3 got flipped. Its not for staining or "eating" into your surface. Its basically an oil that mixes well with your paint. DOT 3 leaves the "ghost" or waxy greasy haze halo around your marks. Thats all. Use only a little or paint won't dry and will just continue to drip... it looks crazy in a really bad way. Basically if you get the mix right, when you get buffed, there is a haze left where you marked. Not a color stain. A oil/greasy stain. Can look dope if you get it right and will your marks have a really nice halo around them.
  10. ^^xylene inhalation from spray paint. Clean the marker with thinner. edit: But they are both solvents... right?
  11. ^^use gloves and get lots of ventilation. Some people have bad reactions to solvents in the air and to the touch. I get mad shaky hands when I work with solvents and have to keep the air flow constant. Years of xylene in the lungs can catch up with you.
  12. ^^if the marker is clogged, but the nib is still wet, but clogged, with the ink/paint you can wash out the marker body with thinner, and q-tips/paper towels on a stick. Put the nib/marker tip in a thinner bath(just soak it for a bit). Then put a small amount of thinner in the body and put the cap/nib back on and shake the shit out it. Press it down upside down and flood the nib... this will loosen up the paint/ink clogs and should break them apart and clean the nib and marker back to usable. It's not going to get perfectly clean, or work perfect like it use to every time you try this cleaning... but sometimes it does. Good luck. Let us know if it works out for you.
  13. ^^one part paint + one part thinner = two thirds... You forgot the other third part... thats all. Well... another day at work is over. Good luck... the search button in the upper left of the thread page. Stay up!
  14. ^^In my opinion, nothing is more accurate, to test on, than painted metal, or flat dense plastic. You can get metal for painting signs on. That works the best because you can just keep using it. If the surface gets used all up, just buff it down, or paint it like the real thing. Or you can do what I do... Use the dumpsters and doorways in alleys to test out new markers and ink. Helps if you live in an area that has lots of alleys.
  15. a whole new world... or a really fucked up friday night. in a good way.
  16. ^^nice color combo! Anyone ever thin with V&M Naptha? I've had it sitting around until I make more paint. It states that it does the job of high quality thinner, but dries faster and is more volatile. About to mix some Rusto Yellow, and a little 1Shot green for a nice thick unique green and I plan on using the V&M Naptha. Will show some flicks when I get it all set(noting exciting but a hopefully a good color at least). Has anyone else used this chemical before? V&M Naptha?
  17. ^^use the recipe above for "NUMBER ONE : HARD STAINING HOME MADE INK" and replace "Pilots ink or Marsh" with "Grog." Then just follow the directions. Grog is like Marsh... is like Pilot ink. It's just a ready to permanently mark a surface. You want the staining, so just use the above recipe with Grog ink. Honestly, unless you are marking on unpainted metal, or plastic, you really don't need the staining agents. The basic ink is awesome already. But this recipe rocks for painted metal because it will leave the ghost around the tag when the ink finally does fade. Stay up.
  18. Can't argue with that one. Stay up.
  19. Maybe you don't under stand clearly enough. Writers are not the only people on the internet. ANYONE can come on here and see this stuff. If you are not either of the writers that you have brought up, twice already, then you should leave their names out of your mouth and off this board especially when making an assumption about their identities... even if it's a joke. VS and DT's are zealots by nature. They look for everything that can aid in them in their goal. So a simple joke that you make(you're not the first to make that naming connection to the movie) can actually cause problems for other people. So unless you are talking about yourself... leave peoples names out of your mouth and don't ask information on a public board. It makes YOU look sketchy and a liability. Some flicks *twice racked and seen before* *stolen*
  20. ^^Thats not even relevant to this thread, unless you are attempting some sort of pussy, anonymous, dry snitching with no proof. Is that what you are attempting?
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