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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. what up food. I say... wipe em' out! The Key Crew sounds kinda scandalous. Are they all fags? Thats kinda cool in a gay sort of way. I still say you take em' out... and not to dinner! Wait... are they any good? At writing? Are they dissing people, or showing up at shows and dancing too close and shit?? Fucking jerks! You realize your gay and suddenly you think you can just dance up on whoever you want. Well you can't. Especially when your not at dance party/club and there isn't any music playing at all. Ah well. Good luck with those dudes.
  2. ^^what's the "key club?" Is that some highschool shit? -------------------------------- Never mind. I looked it up. Looks Terrible!! I'll help you wipe the floor with em'!
  3. (You've seen em' all before, so don't get upset.) Thats it. A bunch of this stuff has been buffed recently. Thought I would give them one more praise. Stay Up.
  4. (You've seen em' all before, so don't get upset.) more...
  5. (You've seen em' all before, so don't get upset.) more...
  6. You've taken quite an interest in me... are you single? (You've seen em' all before, so don't get upset.) more...
  7. (You've seen em' all before, so don't get upset.) more...
  8. (You've seen em' all before, so don't get upset.) more...
  9. (You've seen em' all before, so don't get upset.) more...
  10. (You've seen em' all before, so don't get upset.) more...
  11. just to piss off people on the internet. (You've seen em' all before, so don't get upset.) more...
  12. (You've seen em' all before, so don't get upset.) more...
  13. (You've seen em' all before, so don't get upset.) more...
  14. (You've seen em' all before, so don't get upset.) more...
  15. SPARTA!!! Recycling some of my favorites. Something to look at until I get new flicks. This post goes out to 300 warriors that fought off thousands, and will forever be remembered in graphic novels, and big budget hollywood films... You've seen em' all before so don't get upset. (You've seen em' all before so don't get upset.) more...
  16. ^^correction... Anyone that smoked the dead friend weed could see him. They eventually end up smoking out everyone at this science, college, smart people meeting, and Ben Franklin shows up and explains how this invention he made(which no one knew what it was or how it worked((just like the BOGO))) was a bong. The FIRST BONG ever made! Mind blowing! I think it was Ben Franklin... But the movie was called HOW HIGH.
  17. BUFU... By Us, Fuck U! It was the clothing that the korean shop owner wore in that comedy with Redman and MethodMan where they try to get into college by smoking weed that they grew in the ashes of their recently killed friend that was super smart. They would smoke the dead friend weed and he would appear, only Ghost and Meth could see him, and he would give em the answers to the tests they were taking. Fucking brilliant. Thats why I never went to college... all my smart friends are still alive. I still smoke mad herb and take tests and shit, but thats just for fun. Mensa stuff. Simple shit. BOGO... Is one of those things where you laugh because you know its funny, but you have no Idea what it means and why its funny. ToothBE will have to explain that one.
  18. ^^It's noon o'clockish. The night is on the other side of the earth. You're not a terrorist are you?? Alright... I think I'm done for the week. Thank you all. Tune in next monday where I willl juggle 3 running laptops and leave a comment on four different threads at the same time! BIGGIE REST IN PEACE!
  19. ^^If it helps, I don't make silver either. I do buy Krink for my silver of choice. It supports a local with a face(known tag, a real person) who really had a dream of hard work paying off. Plus... It really is something else. I have not seen it's equal. It seriously flows so well, that it almost does the tag for you. No horse shit. But really... Real people that work hard to make a quality product should get their praise. KRink - Made a name in several circles and has quality shit. DED - Same deal. Took the time to make something correctly and get it out. Oink - He's got his ink, but he also has a great store on the way to internet world. Best of luck! Its like FUBU up in here! FUBU mixed with BUFU. Yeah.
  20. ^^I beg to differ... Hmmm... I'm all proper... Seriously... don't put leather dye in Ink. Put Leather Dye religiously in Paint mixtures. Put chems in Ink. Chemicals you can get in powder form and they dilute in your ink, like putting way too much Kool-aid powder in your water. You end up with some super Red drink that your cousin Angel needs to dye her hair with before the show. ------Side note: If you got black people hair (non white) use high powered Kool-aid(packets that are pre-sugar) to do color on ethnic black hair. ------ Put the leather dye(oil based only) with a mix of thinner(spirits) in with your choice of good quality OIL BASE paint. Thin it to what you want, and throw it in a mop. Works like a charm. Take KUMA for instance. If you live in a major city with good independent art, music, and clothing scene... you're bound to catch a KUMA burner, or tag. If you check his marker tags, they are usually of an interesting color that you can't find in a marker. He has merely taken a GREAT color of quality bucket paint, and mixed his one paint to put in a mop. Keep that OIL BASED leather dye. Mix it with good OIL BASE paint. Score scene points for having the only aqua marine tags in town. ^^no diss... I personally plan on biting the aqua marine color scheme in my home town... I suggest you choose another color. Good luck little homies. I'm drunk and about to watch "Blood in Blood out" with the lady, because the Left Coast is fucking wacky and I ain't never been there. East Coast all day anyway! She will tell you different... fuck that! BIGGIE SMALLS RIP. Stay up!
  21. ^^Classic. Best possible answer I could have gotten.
  22. ^^Used to chill with the Green Arrow. He kept trying to give me tips on growing a sick ass mustache, but I kept telling him "...my shit doesn't grow like yours bigG! You got that hella thick 'Gentleman's Stash' and I just can't grow mine like that!" He looked at me and said... "Look at this Arrow, green with power and straight as... a perfectly good, ...normal, arrow. Do you think it has always been this way?" I just look at him in all his super powering knowledge and glory and simply said... "Yes mother fucker. You're the fucking Green Arrow, of course your shit has always been that way, and my mustache ain't ever gonna be like yours! SHIT!" ------------------ Does anyone know of any way to put the ink into the marker? Oh yeah... how do I make ink, and whats a marker? Thanks in advance! Stay up!
  23. ...Or "2001 Crew." That kid smashed broad street!
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