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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. ^^HAHAHA!!! I might have to seriously steal that cliche'. Bump the act of actually thinking before typing.
  2. ^^no dis, but he also doesn't rep rva or openly show up on this thread. there is no need for e-beef. not trying to tell you what to do, just asking for this thread to not turn into every other thread.
  3. Grammatically, my statement works. It's implied that the "thrower" is "from" or in your case "in", otherwise known as "inside." Like Do Em Dirty "INsidejob!" <---- for cL.1(insert weird smiley) The statement, I believe it to be, goes like this: "The kettle is always blacker on the other side of the fence." Funny is alright with me. No diss taken.
  4. *You're* Don't throw stones from glass houses.
  5. I read this thread for the drama. It's amazing how passionate you have gotten about DED ink. If you don't like, just get the cheaper Grog. It's a good ink, but you get what you pay for. If you can afford to get DED and test it out with the latest in ink and stain removal, then why are you complaining about the price of anything in the first place? Flame on brother. Want a sticker?
  6. I just flick em. Thanks for not dissing the messenger.
  7. Thats it for today. Bump that Rcade 2002. Sorry for the grainy flicks. Stay up.
  8. PART 2 of 2 dedicated to RCADE. He's not a bad cat to know... if you are on his good side. I heard about this one time, he... more...
  9. The box it was shipped in wreaked of the stuff! Thats a good sign. If your ink/paint mixtures don't make you light headed, and your hands shake before you open the container... then you haven't got it right just yet.
  10. ^^I love this city, which one...? Oh yeah... who wants a sticker?
  11. the end of part 1 for today. Sorry for some blurry flicks. Dark and Rainy, makes for Blurry and Grainy. Stay up.
  12. ^^Kid is trying and that is awesome! more...
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