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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. ^^Wait... So is this a good thing, or a bad thing? Not the stencils, but Ru Paul? I ain't no gay, but I can tell you for a solid fact that I would totally hang out that fool if I could! Go out to hardcore shows and frat bars. Dance on tables, break shit, and make a scene. And Stencils are NOTHING like that^^ at all. So thats were I get confused. EDIT: Oh yeah, and this: This flick is amazing! Those dudes are just straight chillin'!
  2. ^^good call! I agree fully. Just remember to take the legs off the laundry board first... if anyone plans on trying this. Edit: 26 sided: I wasn't directing my gay humor towards you. Just rollerbladers, and even then... It's just jokes. They are actually really fun. It's just cliche to make fun of fruit booters. Nothing personal.
  3. Just look at their faces^^. EVERYONE of those dudes was willing to put themselves in harms way potentially, just to hit dude... They probably didn't know him, or have any actual solid, noble reason to fight either.
  4. Angry white people scare me. I don't let them onto that fact... at all. And I won't stand down. But they do. Always have.
  5. Not to get all hippy on you, but people have survived so much shit, for so long... Your body will tell you if you need to do something about it. I haven't been to the doctor in about the same time as well. I need my teeth cleaned and physical, but I'll be damned if a doctors going to make me afraid of anything that requires meds they own stock in. If you are dying... you will know before a doc tells you so.
  6. ^^I'm with you on this one. I never had allergies until last year. Now that spring has sprung, I'm sneezing and I have a constant head ache that was around for like 5 days. Meds... fuck that. If my body wants to be all weak around some airborne spores that have always been there every year... My body's gonna get the punishment. Maybe next year it will learn to not get fucked up by flowers.
  7. ^^hell yeah! I remember having the lime green Reebok Pumps, with the basket ball pump actuator, and having my Cross Color Clothing green matching pants, and multi colored, X-large collared top. Shit was banging! Had it before Dj.Q did in Juice!
  8. ^^I hear that big time! I hate basket ball shoes, but those "SIFIKA's?" are dope! I'm going to look em' up right now. EDIT(5min later):Found em... On an Inline Skating site... Umm... Just that association makes me not want them. And they are cheap because they are on clearance. They originated at $69+ sale/closeout to $35+. I still like them... but again, the Inline Skating site being the first place that came up and had them... I'm not homophobic at all... I'm just not gay. Nice looking shoes though.
  9. they got the whole thing. With matching buff. Looks like it did before anyone, other than LE and me(on my own), saw the easy in. Looks like nothing was ever there.
  10. I been nodissin' that shit too!
  11. A boy of mine out west has These Starbury shoes and they look ill. I hadn't even heard of them before and he was saying they felt great. I want to cop a pair of these for just getting dirty in and what not. But they are kinda fresh. This flick might not work: And at a mere 15 bucks... I don't need a swoosh on my foot to enjoy my shows.
  12. It REALLY does! I love that expensive ass ink. Too rich for my blood though.
  13. ^^yeah... that's the only price I know of. We might be speaking about different pilot inks... but I think there is only one. I would willing pay $2 for 1.5oz. Great ink by itself.
  14. ^^Bush is a "Dummy Head" and not the root of these issues. Don't point fingers at the government that the common people willingly allow to be in control of your laws and respective privacy. If you blame Bush for your problems then you might as well blame yourself for not learning where the root of the problems, and what the actual problems are that affect you. (I reserve the idea that you just made a comical comment, and that you were not serious, but just in case you were.)
  15. HAHAHA!!! I think... whenever I'm feeling down and out, which doesn't happen that often... I will look at this flick and feel better. Mam... I got no words to describe the aww. You look like the cartoon version of the jungle savage. With the big white lips... I can't stop laughing at this!
  16. YOU ARE A BEAST! Thank you.
  17. ^^DEAR GOD(if there even is one)! What Ivy League college is that? I bet one of those guys is a Senators son. Maybe two of them. DrunkAHO: I can agree with the complete benign "tongue in cheek" nature of the logo design, but I was just trying to get a better scope of other, similar, logos are in use today or in the past that took it to the line and sold. Maybe even became popular. I don't really have the passion to try and persuade anyone to be PC or to promote sensitivity to the world. I care... but I ride the fence. I worry about my, friends and family first and then the world. That fucking flick is so crazy^^! I saved that one.
  18. I don't even need to say anything here. ENGLISH MUTHA FUCKA! DO YOU SPEAK IT??? Yes. But, don't put PAINT in the NYC mop. Only ink. Paint will clog the felt tip. DORKEIST= Krink is amazing. I don't know why your perception of Krink differs than the rest of the graffiti community, but I am sure you have your reasons. You might be a little slow... or something, and I understand that I, and everyone here, should respect they fact that your problem shouldn't be our problem and that we should just accept you the way your are. What ever that is.
  19. The UK scoreboard got buffed yesterday... Was there that morning, caught them buffing at lunch... gone by the end of the day yesterday. Was a sweet spot.
  20. ^^I read what you wrote... Yet I have no idea what you just said.
  21. Didn't ASS have the same dream a while back?
  22. My plan is to turn directly into a Hessian and skate only pools and bowls. Maybe rock a mini ramp, but I just want to carve. As I get older, I find that ollie'ing onto a picnic table isn't easy any more. I remember watching all the old dudes with their 80's Powell with no nose and huge 65a wheels and a Budwiser in hand at all times just pumping around never getting off the ground unless it was to do quick revert, or an indy air onto the deck. I want this. It's finally time for that next step. I just need a giant comfy board with huge soft wheels and I already have several options for carving in my area. I will kick it with dudes my age, and just soul skate. Let my hair grow out, listen to slayer, and have a grill on the deck. Fucking eh right! I want to be HESSIAN Skater.
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