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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. ^^WHAAA!!??(again!) How are you coming up with this stuff??
  2. Do you really think that CON was the first person to use a bubble style throw? Have you seen any other throwies before? Maybe you just haven't been that exposed to throws. Most throwie letters(on the east coast) are very similar. You can't really bite a basic throwie letter. Its like using white fill and black outline and saying that anyone after you that uses this scheme is biting you. Think before you post criticism, and at least post some flix. *stolen from safestreetsdc.com* *stolen from safestreetsdc.com* Anyone have any old SIRE(rip), METER, Ghost(DC)?
  3. ^^out of your mind... thats a classic fresh23! i hear fresh and kunta almost rumbled back in the day. classic...
  4. ^^you show me an original throwie(that YOU did) and i'll show you at least 3 people that have similar throws from before your time. why hate? stay up!
  5. ^^don't see what you want to see on here? 2 options... 1.don't look at the page. or 2. do something about it instead of complaining. go rack a disposable camera. get it developed at wally world w/cd of images and walk out with the flicks in your jacket. go to a public library, post em on photobucket and put what you want to see. its free. don't hate because people are doing something instead of just sitting back on the internet and complaining. if you don't like it... fix it. *not DC, just old felon*
  6. I caught the big B in action this morning on my way to work. *stolen* *stolen* It's happing right now. A complete fucking shame! Shitty drab white. Now it looks worse than ever, and sticks out like a sore thumb. (don't ask where. go outside, you can't miss it.)
  7. if you can't tell the difference between con and eon, then you probably shouldn't be dissing eon or defending con... 2 pence in the bucket...
  8. ^^no comment. (other than saying "no comment")
  9. ^^true that... maybe if you lived in the middle of nowhere, but you live in the nations capitol. it aint nyc, but its still a recognized city. *Stolen from NYC thread* *Stolen from NYC thread* stay up...
  10. Done. Did you guys read this weeks Style? thats it.
  11. Its street art... but I was stoked to find my camera that had been missing all weekend. Try not to hate, if this doesn't belong here. I did this more for the cats that don't live in Rva. more...
  12. ^^bump those and the DYSLO is super hot.
  13. ^^nice classic flicks! great post. anybody got a flick of the old msp production that was on the corner of cary and brunswick circa 94-95 ish? i feel like it was late 90's, but my memory of the colors that where used, screams 1995! it had aliens and shit all over it, i think. cops told the property owners that allowed it to happen that the msp and other crew names were racist gangs and that they should paint over it. again, my memory might be off on that one, but thats just how i remember the story. anyway... bump that wall. and for those in the know... bump "the townie!" stay up.
  14. never used one, and i plan on making one, but i feel like chapstick markers are done before they are even made. i dont buy it. thats why im gonna make one and find out. R&D is the only way. I love this thread because of all the useless info. I love when I see real heads get on here and drop one actual recipe that works, and say something like "but this next shit is what really works..." tells you to "get some marsh ink, put in some bryers coffee ice cream, aluminum foil shreadings, gasoline, and some pencil shavings in a blender. set it the whole thing on fire while its running, quickly unplug it after a few seconds and then freeze the whole mixture and then let it melt and drip into your marker and now you have the real deal shit! works for me." when the end all be all simple shit was to just... and then they dont even tell the new kids whats up and everyone gets upset! I LOVE THAT SHIT! i can read it all day at work and laugh my ass off. you dont learn how to be a grafftagger by reading 12oz. its just a social network for people who already are stuck into something that they really cant stop if they wanted to. if the law even told them they would go to jail for, or already have before. graph. I did it before the internet. A lot of people on here, in the know, found out for themselves. Graph is like a trade. Like pinstriping or sign painting. Vinyl took care of all that(some of you might know what I'm talking about). Now only a few know how to correctly hold a brush. The internet could easily ruin all of this. Remember the day when digital cameras were a thousands of dollars. Benching, and flicking with film. Shoe boxes full of flix. I read this shit for fun. I R&D at home and in the street for graph. End of rant. Stay up.
  15. ^^truth. But... if you're like some people i know, there are times that you won't have an arsenal on you, or your not out trying to hit a spot. you know, like when you go to lunch from work, or xmas shopping(ugh) with your girl, or at a show, or wedding, whatever... its fucking nice to have a drippy hand mop. i have several, and I always carry one. i don't know about the chap stick, seems it would leak from the cap. but i have a secret hookup on 3oz bottles with spring valve round nibs and tight fitting cap. i can make a fist and you don't even notice it. i can do about 20 or so really messy large tags and about 100 or so normal thick tags with these guys! will post some flicks of em later. hit shit in a fucking suit and tie in daylight! <--- not as a plan, but if no body is looking and you have a great spot... you'll be happy you have one. my two drops in the bucket... bump do'em dirty ink! stay up.
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