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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. I don't use the whole can. I use the colors for mixing into white rusto for my personal colors.
  2. ^^it's not terrible. Lead in oil base paint = hard to find/awesome! One Shot changed their product line and no longer includes lead in their mix(please correct me if I am wrong).
  3. ^^co-signed... Got some right here in front of me!
  4. ^^you should try it. People have asked, but no one ever answers. I've never tried it either. Give it whirl and tell us what you think... if you are down for trying things out before getting the yes or no from anonymous people on the internet.
  5. ^^that first flick, the cover page has some terrible photoshopping. Giving my vertigo... Anyone else sick and tired of graffiti?? Me neither.
  6. ^^good info. I was wondering about those expensive ass streaks. I'm a straight white, yellow, or black streak kinda person. Once you break out the crazy colors, or even making multi- colored streaks... I just lose interest. But if you have a black light in your room next to your lizard tank and your Frank Zappa poster... you could rock a good streak with those guys and see a sweet day-glow effect! Damn... now I want a Frank Zappa poster... and a black light!
  7. with a pink that's called "the new black" you can't go wrong! Good work philly heads. Make them papes!
  8. ^^The should be the same diameter. So yeah.
  9. Just put the ignore on him. Makes things so much better. You can't put paint in a marker that you use a deodorant stick to make. For several reasons. 1.You would have a use a nib, most likely eraser felt or a sock It's what I did when I was kid. Paint will not go through either. Sorry it just doesn't. This type of "marsh marker" is for ink only people. 2.You wont be able to force the paint out of the stick by twisting the bottom. This requires for the deodorant stick to be air tight. If it's air tight, how can you twist the bottom? You can't! Good answer. The paint would come out on your hands where the twisting knob is. 3.SMOOTNUTS... I assume that you posted this incredible find. Do you have any flicks of this working model marker?? Have you ever tried this out before? DONT MAKE SUGGESTIONS ON THINGS YOU KNOW NOTHING OF. There are plenty people on this board that were totally confused about this stuff and patiently watched the board and asked good questions and now have good input. Maybe you should try AOL graff chat or something that will allow all of your misinformation to flourish and make sense to other people that don't know what they are talking about. People on this thread are seriously doing things... and you are making false suggestions. You put a fucking recipe up with BLEACH in it, in the ink thread. Some idiot kid like yourself, could kill themselves with that shit. FUCK OFF and go somewhere else.
  10. ^^Bleach?? Bleach can kill you if you mix it other chems. If someone told you to put bleach in anything ink related, they are clowning you and putting you in danger. Seriously. EVERY INGREDIENT that you need or want is available on the first 3 pages of this thread. You have to READ THEM! There are no secrets hidden. Everything that you need is on those first 3. Don't go looking for ink recipes when you have everything you need spelled out for you on the first 3 pages. This stuff isn't easy to find, so you gotta look around for some of the chems. Don't put Bleach, Egg Yolks, Semen, baby tears, blood, or any other weird shit in your batches. If someone told you to use some crazy shit that we don't talk about on every page... You are getting clowned and potentially mixing dangerous combos of chems that could blow up and or instantly create noxious gases that could lay you out in a bad way. Be careful and don't be stupid.
  11. ^^I don't really think you are a big biscuit head.
  12. ^^co-signed you big biscuit head! Didn't see you at all last week. We had a million brownies and 300 on the Jumbotron... and you missed it! I might do it again... if you are around.
  13. Don't tell people what to do, especially when they are doing their own thing, and not sticking to usual shit. Keeping it interesting has ALWAYS been whats what. You talk like you are King Shit of the Universe... I say prove it King Shit. Nice marker homie. Keep making fags jealous.
  14. ^^your hands too, on the grimy tip! Just handling the bags of chems you hooked me up with... I just handled them. Didn't see anything until I went to wash my hands the everything started turning blue!!! It was fucking awesome. Use gloves.
  15. Thats some REAL classic shit right there. Nice!
  16. That's fucking awesome! Good work!
  17. CANDY INK... Wow. I'm going to repost this from the Marker thread... as it totally applies here as well. ----------------------------------------- REPOST FROM THE MARKER THREAD ------------------------------------------ As for Smooth-Nutz... Calm down. If you get bored on the internet and feel excited and not sure if you have a CONSTRUCTIVE comment to say... Just don't say anything. Go ride your bike around to a part of town you have never been to yet. Places you might have driven through, but never biked through. You will get fresh air and see real graffiti, not on the internet. You might even see some new spots or real people to talk to... get those social skills working better. Everyone, get outside. Get a bike. A busted cheap bike that won't get stolen, and head into the shitty areas of town. Grab a cheap camera, go take flicks of classic busted shit. It's in every town, and its more real than any "graffiti" you will see on this site. I promise you that. A lot of REAL writers don't get the glory on the net. ------------------ END OF REPOST ------------------ If you have questions to ask here... they have been answered on the first 3 pages of this thread. If you have new information to bring to the table, NOT new questions that you think no one has asked yet, bring that shit up. But if you have questions... check the first 3 pages. If you are unsure of the instructions... try them in real life before asking "will this work if I...?", and if you are looking for a chemical, or part that is described in the directions... look it up on GOOGLE.COM first. Otherwise... you will only get flaming hate from people on the board, and it sucks to read through all that. CONSTRUCTIVE COMMENTS. Try it out.
  18. Dear god(if there even is one)... Smooth-Nutz: you have officially made it to my ignore list. Sk8er6: Good post on the Tic-Tac marker. While some might find it not as practical... It is interesting and sometimes fun to make something you cannot buy. You should post flicks of that fabric cleaning pen you converted, and the Tic-Tac marker if you get around to it. Oink: What up big man! Hung with the Goya this weekend, he gave good words to your ink, and can totally power drink like on other. As for Smooth-Nutz... Calm down. If you get bored on the internet and feel excited and not sure if you have a CONSTRUCTIVE comment to say... Just don't say anything. Go ride your bike around to a part of town you have never been to yet. Places you might have driven through, but never biked through. You will get fresh air and see real graffiti, not on the internet. You might even see some new spots or real people to talk to... get those social skills working better. Everyone, get outside. Get a bike. A busted cheap bike that won't get stolen, and head into the shitty areas of town. Grab a cheap camera, go take flicks of classic busted shit. It's in every town, and its more real than any "graffiti" you will see on this site. I promise you that. A lot of REAL writers don't get the glory on the net. This roller marker: LOOK AT IT. THINK about each part of that marker. It didn't come that way. THINK ABOUT HOW IT WORKS. You have a picture. You don't need anything else. THINK ABOUT EVERY PART OF THAT MARKER... LOOK UP THE POSSIBLE PARTS OF THAT MARKER... Find the possible parts... Make that marker.
  19. [sERIOUS_COMMENT] Now if we had told you what to do with that pen and the steps you need to take to get this point you wouldn't have figured it out on your own. Do you know how many kids I personally discourage (with any luck) into just giving up? You didn't, and you tried it out on your own. I'm pretty sure you are one of the first kids I have seen in a while that got frustrated, didn't quit and "did it on your own." I totally respect that, especially in the "easy to find out all the info from someone else internerd world." Good work! You should post some flicks. I wish more people would TRY SHIT OUT before asking for help first. Again good work. [/sERIOUS_COMMENT] ^^So how well does this marker get the stains out? Stay up!
  20. Those rollers are used for industrial stenciling. For labeling shipping crates and what not.
  21. You guys getting a Vaporizer?? Count me in!
  22. So... How is THAT^^ supposed to get stains out of your clothes??? Jeez! Some people.
  23. ^^Yep! Those things totally annihilate grass and grease stains! Now that's a product I can put my trust in!
  24. ^^as in "Downtown Julie Brown??" Tell her I say "Good times! Hard Times!"
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