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francis buxton

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Everything posted by francis buxton

  1. Am I the only one who doesn't see a piece of wood?
  2. Also, the Lindbergh kidnapping is some wild shit. Yall are tripping.
  3. This thread just went from boring to epic in record time. DAOs sister?!!?! really?!?!?! wild.
  4. First the rape tunnel is fake now this? 12oz is ruining all the best internet sensations. Fuck ch.0.
  5. Excremento, ballsacrramento. Just play'n but thats what my homie called it when he first moved there.
  6. yeah, I saw that mike jones one on the googles. I'm thinking of the lil wayne LOL WUT ninja turtles jawn. Props for trying though.
  7. Also this Someone post the lil wayne ninja turtle comparison. props will be given.
  8. Not ODB. he almost got killed, got beat down pretty bad, fools broke his leg and what not. But after that he went to PC. soooo, uh yea.
  9. I felt too bad to laugh at any of the other jokes in this thread, but this shit made me lol. I don't know if I could prop you without feeling guilty though.:o
  10. ^^white mans racist rumors^^^^ ...But I'll endorse it. Its true. edit, @ pornbooth
  11. JESUS! TAPE WORMS! REALLY?!?! THATS WHAT WE"RE DEALING WITH?!?!? fuck this shit, fuck ch.0 by proxy.
  12. How many times does one of these threads get made a year?
  13. Sooooooo, why are you doing this again? Oh, wait, you never said in the first place. CLOSE THREAD
  14. ^^^LOLz^^^ ...nice s/n by the way.
  15. Bump Purger! (I know ch.0 is non-rap letters, but I can't help it when I see the homies.)
  16. I don't hate kanye. I don't listen to his music or care for his antics, but I don't hate him or shit talk him. But yeah ch.0 in general wants to kill him i guess.
  17. So, we're all in agreement. This video is boring. Everyone likes spike jonze less for making it. Everyone feels the same about kanye regardless. Good.
  18. Has the bill not been paid yet? Seriously, go somewhere thats an easy rack, gaffle something thats sold at target, walmart, ect. Return it to one of said places for store credit. Stand out side and sell it to someone going in for $5-$10 less then its worth.
  19. The master cleanse is where its at, but that shit isn't for the weak.
  20. Also, this is whats up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_garment
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