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francis buxton

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Everything posted by francis buxton

  1. This thread is stupid. KillDozer is great. That is all.
  2. I wouldn't smash pink, But I'd for sure smash a hot goth chick.
  3. today-drop girl off at work, get the last of halloween costume together, rack books, work on art for upcoming show, pick girl up, ????? tommarow-???, work on art, ???, go to party, go to other party to see sisters band, ??? sunday- work from the ass crack of dawn til the early evening. Also maybe have homeboy tattoo me in there somewhere too.
  4. I like that you said you "could" tell the story, then proceeded to do so. I lol'd.
  5. ^TRUTH^ If someone doesn't trust you, its usually because they're un-trustable. *to george jetson
  6. I'm bumping this thread because I like it more than the other halloween threads. Sorry if I piss anyone off. Actually I'm not sorry.
  7. ^^^^Youre really loving the casper flicks today, huh?
  8. I agree with alot of the stuff people in this thread have said, but you guys seriously sound like the power juicer guy from those late night infomercials. I was actually thinking of the other guy with the crazy eyebrows, but this is all I could get to with the internet filters at my work.
  9. Really? really? I don't want to get into a whole ch.0 internerd argument over this but you really just said this?
  10. Bored at work. Staring at the clock. Mad at the world.
  11. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  12. Doesn't seem too outrageous, just the part about them being chicks. Those look like full grown birds to me. Also I remember hearing about this like 7 years ago.
  13. IT WAS CAT SHARK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cause cats love fish, get it? get it?
  14. My father says everythings negotiable.
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