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Everything posted by ketel2

  1. EMREYY FUCKINA NNE@ YEA@#!!!!!!!!
  2. god damn that fox scared the piss out of me when i clicked for a new page. asshole. at first i thought that kitty thing were cats hanging dead, like electrocuted, i started laughing.
  3. you're the keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! keeper of the keys! too many to name off, they're all pretty fuckin nice. good thread.
  4. ketel2

    Spit art.

    i wonder if he's ever tripped and fucked up his face. cool anyways.
  5. well you got the right mind of not doing it on a wall.. for the can control part just find a chill wall and practice the tags and throwies you make in your binder. and dont draw in your binder. get a black book.... if everyone tells you not to use bubble letters, fuck em. they're fuckin idiots.. make your own style of letters... curvy or straight. practice drawing letters out of mags or other shit ... and now i will be zoro and carve a z on your forehead..
  6. ketel2


    i mean... what drugs?
  7. ketel2


    sorry about the picture.. only one i oculd get without the silver reflecting... i tried fixing the e and the a, htey look a little better... i still dont know about it. [ignore the letters at the top, its my sisters try at writing th alphabet in straight letters] god im so high.. gravity bong + reallly dank weed = brain dead
  8. ketel2


    not my best copy of it, but here... im not sure about the e or the hole in the a...
  9. "hey what's that thing on your face?" "HOLY SHIT THERES SOMETHING ON MY FACE?!"
  10. ketel2


    stop it with the excuses "o i deeid this [a few months ago, drunk, high, fucked up, when i was 10, in middle school, etc.] (shitty tags that were done when probably not [a few months ago, drunk, high, fucked up, when i was 10, in middle school, etc.])" just go straight to the point... (sorry cats that was just annoying me a little)
  11. i dont agree with the last few sentences of that part.
  12. ... have you ever even used a kiwi/shoe polish marker? it's like a foamy sponge tip, it's not that rugged but it works.
  13. mmm i love the feeling of racking a few new unis...
  14. he's copying eys. even eys is cooler than you.
  15. that was so fucked up with the 'lose your head' comment. he even started laughing.
  16. printing it on there with your printer. :)
  17. no u sho ur shit bish!
  18. Re: Name Change~Read this one instead the one above..the names mean things but... KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHN! (im out of shatner mode)
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