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Everything posted by Tavaruawon

  1. "TOT PONTS WORING FOGGOT" Bahahahahaheheheheeeehee !!!!
  2. I retract my last statement. This is how I shall go:
  3. Blind and toy. A regular fucking duplo. The only place I gets my graffitis from is teh nternets! Just sayin; this thread is FULL of freight flicks, and I know (from experience) that the SC streets do get action. If ya'll aint flikn it lately, then cool. It's probably better that way. Wait why am I typing this... fuck you buddy. Let's all meet up at the Scott's creek beach break and hesh it out for Sunday's swell. Smoke's on me.
  4. You know what, as fucking gay (I mean awesome) as this movie is; Skydiving would be a very peaceful way to go. Despite what folks might think. I would flip in as many crazy rotations as possible right before tracking my way into a fucking family house head-first. SPLAT NIGGA RIGHT IN YOUR LIVING ROOM. I would have a lot of fun on the way down. But really... Bodie had the fucking right idea; "ITS THE PERFECT STORM BRO BREH. JUST LET ME GET ONE LAST WAVE" Although my last wave would never, ever be at weak-ass Bell's in Australia. That shit is for pussies and longboarders. The last wave I ever took off on would look something similar to this: GARGLE GARGLE VOMIT DEAD.
  5. Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N Really? It was 1984 homeboy. Incriminating to who?? No youtewb, or interwebs. Obviously nobody really saw it until recently. As was previously stated; it's too fucking late. Even if the resident DA at the time were to see this, I doubt a case could be made. Nigga was leakin' though!
  6. DOES ANYBODY IN THE CRUZ PAINT THE STREETS. THE FUCK. All of those godamn flicks belong in metal heads. Carry on.
  7. Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N Ooh, I used to live near Hanford! Nothing but military and tweekers down yonder. Fuck that bumshit ass town. It smells like athletes foot. No lie.
  8. No he's fucked up on Vicodin and Percocet's. Favre is a fuckin' machine, and I dig the guy. However he really is taking the tough route out of the NFL.
  9. Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N Well if he wasn't mentally challenged then, he is now! Some niggas got to learn the hard way. Tiger knee!
  10. Protocol, you know how to do it right. Those spots are dope and appear to be quite cutty. It's not easy to find places where you can do illicit substances and listen to a full DJ setup while camping in peace. Not without being hassled by the fucking man, that is. You live in the NW?
  11. Tavaruawon


    Teefs hurt daily bro. Abscessed, chipped, cracked, half-finished root canals. You name it. All bad. Never have dental work done in Mexico. Even if it's waaaay cheaper.
  12. Hipster is the new word for Trendy. There's really no difference. SF is fully of trendy faggots, always has been and always will be. Now they don tight pants, bangs and smash fixies. In a couple years that fad will die and they'll all go get new wardrobes. We'll hate them then too.
  13. >Editing for the GIGANTIC, HELLA-HUGE as fuck picture. I don't wanna blow up anybodys monitor. The City is one of the most amazing places in the world. Fuck what you heard.
  14. I love Tase's throwie. I DO SAY, I DO I DO.
  16. Very true, and good advice. You're going to have to face the music someday. I am almost two years through Cali's amazing five year felony probation. I have 35 grand to pay in restitution and am also unemployed. You just have to pay what ever little you can to show good faith and effort. 20 bucks here and there. Nickel and fuckin' dime them if you have to. The judges lately have been a bit more lenient with the economy the way it is. It's also nearly impossible to get a job with a felony right now... :D
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