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Everything posted by northernlights

  1. Theo y u post raw ass shit if I can't prop you? Makes no sense to me? You kno I'll forget by tommorow... Maan haven't drank o.e in a minute shiet gots me all types of fucked up.
  2. At first I was like this.... But, then I was like...
  3. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/7bd7a3f376/shake-weight-happy-ending Are us men gettin cheated out of hj's? Women why would you buy this? Why would'nt you honestly just jerk your man off? you would be saving money, making your man happy, working out your arms, and having fun!!:cool: And if you don't have a man pm me.... ok... discuss!
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear back hair, please stop growing! Summer is almost here. I wouldnt mind you if you were regular hair but, many females have said you do in fact resemble pubic hair.... and honestly i have to agree... So in simple words... Either straighten your shit out, or GTFO!! ~~nl~~
  5. Re: Fuck Papa Johns. Speaking of shitty pizza... Why doesn't dominos carry parmesean cheese??!! Wtfffffff is that just az or is that everywhere else?? Got into a Larry David type of argument today with the bitch at dominos about it. Moar n moar often is my reality being injected each day with odd CYE like situations...
  6. hey man.... Nah seriously though it really is a hay man...
  7. shitty parents+6yr old+oregon+emo+ipod+T.v+umad= suicidal child?... dont kno, but that doesnt sound right to me. Maybe her parents mistreated her? but, whatever it maybe any situation is timed by 100 in a 6yr old girls head... i say its more the parents fault since they should have known her behavioral patterns by now, and should not have left her alone... for christ sakes its a child! You always have to keep an eye on them... or maybe? conspiracy? either way..... parents!
  8. In the hospital waiting area waitin on my pops to get out of surgery... While gettin the "I wanna fuck you look" from this beastly broad with a huge gap between her teeth sitting directly across from me... Uggghh
  9. I hate it when noobs give me props that have no value...
  10. I quoted not posted..... But Eh whatevs...
  11. They should rename this " youngest umad victim in whoregon history"...
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