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Everything posted by vanfullofretards

  1. WARNING-------NSFW--------EXTREME-------NSFW-------WARNING Now who wants to see some Russians cut off a guys head??!
  2. I saw a hawk chase after a kid on a bike once...
  3. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread So I'm going downstairs last night to go to bed (i live in the basement) and when i get to the bottom of the stairs BAM! I'm standing in an inch of fucking water. Everything on the ground was ruined.. including some sketch books. So aaaallll today I had to help my mom shop-vac up some stinky ass rainwater out of the carpet. It's still soaked so im crashin on the couch tonight. Oh, and the ceiling is leaking and there's four more days of rain in the forecast. GREAT END TO THE SUMMER!!!
  4. Wheres that vid of the asian chick in the african tribe?
  5. I got 327 Democrat 211 Republican :o Fuck those socialists.
  6. cred·u·lous [krej-uh-luhs] –adjective 1. willing to believe or trust too readily, esp. without proper or adequate evidence; gullible.
  7. You are fucking stupid. GET IN THE VAN!!!!
  8. When are they gonna run out of people to blow up?! Everyday its like 125 here 75 there no big deal. BTW just curious.. where are the suicide bombers getting all their explosives? Iran?
  9. Can anyone get me a free version of this game?
  10. Weren't those solar panels made by a private company?. I bet most of the parts were.
  11. vanfullofretards


    Does anyone know where I could download Total Annihilation without a torrent? I cant understand those things for the life of me.
  12. Not to mention the union wouldn't break up over something like abortion.
  13. Holy shitfuck. I have no clue what dude was talking about but he was fuckin' PISSED. Whats teaser rates? What the hell is he talking about?
  14. Lets see it I love that type of shit
  15. Are they going to show the debate again?
  16. Your telling me there is no terrorism or data from eastern europe?? Bosnia or Kosovo ring a fuckin bell? Shut The Fuck Up with your NWO claims homo.
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