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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. Re: TEAM ALCO aaaaahhhhhh all my friends are pikers was meant to go out to a party instead im on teh oz drinking the real mccoy
  2. Re: TEAM ALCO god i completely forgot how strong this shit was i need a mixer ive never been to the new raffles before... i went to the old one, and it wasnt exactly 5 star whats the new one like?
  3. Re: TEAM ALCO AHAA!!! i rock!!! i discovered a long lost bottle of sapphire under my bed thank jesus got work at 8am on today s'gonna be so rad
  4. Re: TEAM ALCO i service the pools there fucking trek from cottesloe though... i used to do rowing at the club next to the narrows fuck those 5 am starts and i just realised i have no booze in the house and its the weekend
  5. Re: TEAM ALCO <--- perthheadoner
  6. Re: TEAM ALCO god it was fucking hot today but its 42 tomorrow and ive got uni from 9-6 with only one lecture theatre having air cons i need a beer...
  7. Re: TEAM ALCO its not really the green fairy then is it now?
  8. Re: TEAM ALCO uni party last night a good 2-3 hours of memory are missing what a way to start the uni year it sucks at work though my neck is tense as fuck and my ankle hurts after playing drunken midnight footy
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread not that rediculous float on song i hope
  10. tango 24


    holy moly new burnout! but im definitely upgrading to ps3 once it hits aus
  11. not for real real just for play play
  12. Re: TEAM ALCO oh jesus never EVER try to outdrink a 50 year old man with a beer gut the size of a keg my head feels like its going to explode worst hangover ever
  13. Re: TEAM ALCO i considered going out tonight but i have work tomorrow im not hardcore
  14. far too many arrows letters stucture is alright stay in this thread
  15. why do ou use beltons? not being mean or anything, but you shouldnt be using them until youve got better sketches to paint
  16. hezer shit until further notice
  17. i was just looking at his hair the whole time probably hasnt had a haircut since he was 4
  18. alot of miths characters reminds me of some of new koncepts stuff
  19. get some history into your head retard or at least watch style wars mar 149
  20. Dear Termites stop eating the floor in my home. it is making it rather hard to live here and i dont feel like paying 5000 to exterminate you and then have to live in another house for 2 months. im sure we can all work this out amicably, without me having to slaughter you all. sincerely yours, Tango
  21. tango 24


    phun1 the p looks like copes e you lose
  22. racking is ok i dont always do it fucking paint is always stored in cages the person unlocks it for you and follows you all the way to the counter not cool
  23. you retard i was talking about the price of paint am i meant to feel sorry for you now? because i dont ive seen alot , streets arent friendly youngblood it wasnt my intention to lecture anyone on life but you decided to read it that way because you're fucking stupid peas gangstar!
  24. i come from a well off family i have a job, i work full time at 16 an hour it is fucking expensive to go out and buy sabotaz, molotow etc so i have no clue what the fuck you're talking about when you say "its only expensive to those who don't work or arent privileged enough to come from comfortable familys" come live in the real world bucko
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