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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. Re: TEAM ALCO drinking games that ended up with a huge glass of mixed drinks at the end of the game the loser/winner has to chug the concoction in the class and the glass has to be something big, like a massive beer mug or something i lost once woke up next to 2 girls i didnt know i wasnt wearing pants
  2. tango 24


    i remember the handhelp version of SF2 i also had a transformers and mortal kombat one
  3. Re: TEAM ALCO circle of death or waterfall or centurion all sure fire ways of sleeping with a fat girl
  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread zomg! you are a rite racist!
  5. Re: BEAT off to a pitcher of dog food beat the picture above you? you have a terrible memory alzheimers?
  6. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread fuckkk work on a sunday? what is this bullshit? i have to get up in 6 hours and open shop fuck that ill just drink some beer and play the ps2 in the office
  7. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread slept in today woke up at 11.30 had to meet a friend at 12 in the city just made it she helped me buy a necklace for my sisters birthday then we had maccas she threw pickles at some cops we ran good day had by all
  8. never got into the wider boards and vert in general where i grew up there were no skateparks street has always been my thing speaking of which tried a ten set rail the other day fucked up so badly trying a 5-0 down it fuck skating without a helmet
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread pwnt! go the non copyright breaking x wing!
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread naan is the best maya masala is the bes place to get it garlic naan is also yummiful
  11. tango 24


    totally the game just didnt do it for me i felt it was way too short maybe 6.5 was a bit harsh a 7 is more like it but the graphics were pretty top notch for the ps2 and blowing the columns up in the first level was pretty crazy
  12. tango 24


    last room on hard is black is fucked i hated that room so much and i felt very unfulfilled once i beat it i give black 6.5/10
  13. Re: TEAM ALCO props on the departed quote best movie ive seen in a long time
  14. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread i had an accident...
  15. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread ny fat caps are the best painting is fun graffiti keeps me fit
  16. Re: TEAM ALCO boags premium is so good just picked up a 6 pack of premium planning on getting boozy and watching a movie with the girly girl party for friday is looking good got 50 confirmed people coming so far coupons for 6.50 pizzas from pizza hut, delivered mass pizza and booze gonna be good
  17. Re: TEAM ALCO fucking trashed the place so bad last night moving out into a new house on monday drunken bombing at 4am was good fun chased by the cops over some barbed wire only a single scratch but i had 6 6packs of tooheys and now i have one that sucks and another party on friday should be good fun one last shindig
  18. Re: TEAM ALCO ehhhhh ive drank VB so im pretty sure i can handle anything you throw at me...
  19. Re: TEAM ALCO i want some us beer
  20. Re: TEAM ALCO uni life rocks my socks i spend more time in the tav than i do in my lectures and tutes
  21. Re: TEAM ALCO no beer over here trip to the bottleo is in order best stock up for house party on wednesday
  22. tango 24


    timezone sucks ass apparenly you're not allowed to drink in there as i found out first hand stupid swedish man kicked us all out
  23. tango 24


    just finished another game with brother and some friends finished up 125 richer mainly because i didnt drink, so i made wiser choices now im going to get drunk and celebrate my victory by spending my money on booze and nachos
  24. tango 24


    i lost 5 bucks in poker last night too much james boags and tooheys pizza, drinks and poker make a fucking sweet night in
  25. tango 24


    playing an instrument is incredibly rewarding ive played the guitar for the last 7 years and its still as fun as when i started if not more but i love playing guitar hero just as much because not all my friends play, and GH is something we can all do
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