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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. tango 24


    is scarface out on xbox 360? if so im going to buy it today
  2. Re: TEAM ALCO frankie? aahhh just trash talk
  3. Re: TEAM ALCO what dodgy establishments are you frequenting mauler? wow that sounded like more of a cop question than i intended
  4. Re: TEAM ALCO haha nice one mauler i regularly cant remember shit about the day before then i just have another drink
  5. bugs, you're rendering on the hair is totally shit keep your pencil sharp
  6. NSFWhttp://www.uselessjunk.com/article_full.php?id=19098
  7. tango 24


    finally found time to finish off mgs3 not buying anymmore ps games, saving up for 360
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread you need a smelloscope just like a telescope, only you use it to track down smells
  9. Re: TEAM ALCO hit the wine no goon quality stuff im sipping on jack and coke work was such a bitch this morning...
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread 06 sucked doodle
  11. Re: TEAM ALCO eh never was a huge fan of voka whiskey, scotch and anything else but not vodka
  12. Re: TEAM ALCO ha im fucking psychic but srsly im stuck on a budget at the moment i woulnt stoop to EB though ever...
  13. Re: TEAM ALCO come to the dark side luke...
  14. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread how does that pic work shouldnt the xray show inside the guy too?
  15. Re: TEAM ALCO vb always goes down well or EE whatevers on hand still no progreess on assignemnt
  16. Re: TEAM ALCO in a very expensive neighbourhood with a whole lot of newjacks trying their hand at graffiti
  17. Re: TEAM ALCO too close for comfort i can walk down the street and score right now but im not into that shit illl stick with liquor thank you very much i think my parents are the yuppies, im the stereotypical struggling uni student with dwindling funds i had 6000 after working all holidays but my drinking has severely reduced that im now drinking on a budget but seriously, fuck those base heads i can always hear weird noises from that block and fuck the kid who tagged my roller door who the fuck tags a housses roller door? i feel like breaking his legs i hate driving up to my house and seeing his terrible bright pink scribble all over my garage <rant over>
  18. Re: TEAM ALCO dont live in cott so to speak live in mosmna park with brother, and random people he brings home only reason we live there is cause our parents have a house there so we doing the reduced rent thing i feel like i wanna quit UWA waaaaay too many jockstrap,wannabe writers "look at me! i tag my arms with permananet marker! i get up!" srsly im there to get a degree and then im never looking back have 2 assignemnts due monday and a 5000 word essay in weeks drunk again
  19. Re: TEAM ALCO UWA is full pf so many posers fucking wannabe graffiti person in one of my tutes keeps on bugging me, asking for sletches and shit i told the dickhead to fuckoff, he was the epitomy of hipseter with his tight pants and emoish fringe i heart teh tav
  20. Re: TEAM ALCO mutual masturbation havnt donr that in a whiel
  21. Re: TEAM ALCO should be doing a uni project but can tbe fuckd craked open some real mccoy and proceeeding towards pissed and doing teh mad gwaffito skecthse yo gonna fail this unit so badly...
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