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Everything posted by LosingMyMind

  1. I didn't know what American cheese was either so looked it up. This made me laugh: "It therefore does not meet the legal definition of cheese" :)
  2. So that's what cheese wiz is. It looks fucking foul.
  3. I don't think I've ever had flu. Flu shots are for the elderly or infirm. I had no idea they just handed them out to anyone. Folk who get them are probably the same people who wipe all surface in their house with disinfectant and have children who are allergic to everything and can't leave the house...
  4. Dropped and possibly broke the Smena last month though. Can't be sure till I get film developed.
  5. Someone does try to help the guy in white but he gets shot in the pelvis according to the notes on the video that Blu posted.
  6. This had nothing to do with "the essence of graffiti" He was writing political slogans not tags. :lol:
  7. good to go at 16 in UK for fire ahead if that applies...
  8. rxtc she was rubbish :lol:
  9. I hate it when things I mildly dislike happen.
  10. This is a really cool shot. Also I like the way people kick about in the carpark beforehand and have BBQs and stuff. Would make for a good day.
  11. ...can spend unhealthy amounts of time on the internet.
  12. I've never done this but I often kinda miss my mouth when not paying attention and spill stuff on myself, then try to pretend it didn't happen.
  13. Re: what was the last thing you racked???????? Shoe polish pen.
  14. Nobody else in the world has the same name as me it seems.
  15. Race is a very complex and fluid thing. What is this race you're referring to, specifically? Also, originally (I think) what you said was that Indians are Arabs which is a much clearer statement and wrong. But this is probably opening a can of worms that I can't be bothered having an argument about semantics with, so I'm off to bed. :cool:
  16. This must be why you're searching through peoples old posts...
  17. Re: Searching peoples posts (aka e-crushes) You're obsessed with asl :lol:
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