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rubbish heap two

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Posts posted by rubbish heap two

  1. My knees have been hurting lately due to a slipping seatpost + me trying to reevaulate what seat height I should be riding.


    Heel of the shoe is supposed to very lightly scrape the the pedal at 6 o clock position, yes? No rocking hips obviously. Got my KOPS dialed in as far as I know with the plum line connecting the inside of my knee to the ball of my foot which lines with the pedal spindle. Anyone got anything else to recommend? Can't afford a pro-fit right now. I know my left foot is bigger than my right which makes cleat positioning interesting, no idea if my left leg is also bigger or not. How about stretches, rehab? I push 73 gear inches on almost entirely flat terrain so I don't think it's the gearing because my RPMs are usually always above 80. I'm trying to race Sunday and I don't care if my knees hurt or not, I'll rest before it and after it's done. I put 40 minutes of high cadence on the rollers yesterday, today probably do the same and go to the store for glocousamine because it beats Advil.

  2. Whoa Joker, that sucks big time man. Sorry to hear that, hope there's atleast something in your bike that's salvagable for the next build. That must have been one huge ass rock...


    I threw a chain descending down one of the biggest hills of my life, my speed had to have been atleast 35 but no more than 40... Luckily it didn't lock up the rear wheel or I'd probably suffer a similar fate. No helmet but no traffic either (country road hill). The feeling of having your life in your hands is scary as fuck, needless to say I no longer run a slack chain.

  3. Seriously, McCain sucks but he's way better than Huckabee. If Hbee won it'd be like yet another 4 more years of Bush.


    But yeah, McCain FTW. RPaul is cool but he won't win, it's great to see the awareness get out though.


    And if you want to believe in the Illuminati that's cool with you, but realize you're subscribing to theory.

  4. 40 miles today. The headwind on the first half combined with my lowered tire pressure made for a real bitch of a ride... coming back was great though, tailwind intervals baby :D


    My seatpost has been slipping, I haven't been noticing, and it's been fucking with my knees. Ughhh. Gotta figure out the optimal height once again, which I'm in the process of...

  5. and you cant even race with it because it's too light.


    not following you here. are you saying it builds up below the UCI limit of 15lb? if so, why not throw some steel drops and a disc to add a little weight, shit.


    p.s. scientific materialism is a boring paradigm. no wonder most of you think nothing happens after death, you're subscribing to society's most pervasive mindset whether you realize it or not.


    you're never going to prove or not prove such things as the existence of a soul or a definite afterlife through the scientific method. it's about using the right tools for the right job people.

  6. aren't they frameset only?

    so what's the beef with FSA?

    yeah they suck... throw some duracampagnolo on your bike instead.

    or (gasp!) sugino 75's.

    heard bianchi is filling warranties on last years fork before getting this one out or some shit. atleast that's news. '08 concepts should be here soon.

  7. Okay this is the deal with Freewheel.


    DAMN the welds are so clean.

    And the rumor that Concepts in '08 are white again and sold frame/fork only is from shop employee relating what he heard after going to Interbike...

    No fork. I tracked down the fork they use a long time ago though... I'm sure Soup knows too.

  8. Idk, if it's sold as complete bike I'll be pissed. There's a place in SF with a Concept in the window says my friend, and they had 4 or 5 a few months ago when everyone else didn't.


    Either way I just want my damn white '08 like some of the Bianchi guys have been saying willbe back.

  9. Bianchi's distributors are fucked. They control who sells the brand and keep as close a link to bigger shops as possible. If you find a small shop selling Bianchi... chances are they're "in" with the distributor, or they sucked some dick. It's also why some shops get their shipments earlier than others. Sometimes months earlier. Bianchi needs to step in and make some changes on how their US distributor handles things.


    Rubbish... a carbon post will help, definitely. Doesn't the Concept come with a carbon fork? Between the two you should have a pretty smooth ride on the both the road and track.


    And I found a shot of the 2008 Concept...




    go to page 22


    That one on pg. 22 is the D2 Pista Aluminum... I've heard one rumor that Bianchi is replacing the Concept with that in '08 (making Bianchi one of the dumbest companies ever... seeing as what the demand for Concepts are at right now) and I've heard another rumor that Concepts are back in '08 and the D2 Aluminum for for overseas market.


    Either way, back to back the Concept looks a bit nicer than D2. As far as performance, who knows.



    didn't know futura 2000 was a messenger in new york in the 80's? anyways here's some "work" he did on some guys bike.

  10. Bianchi's distributors are fucked. They control who sells the brand and keep as close a link to bigger shops as possible. If you find a small shop selling Bianchi... chances are they're "in" with the distributor, or they sucked some dick. It's also why some shops get their shipments earlier than others. Sometimes months earlier. Bianchi needs to step in and make some changes on how their US distributor handles things.


    Rubbish... a carbon post will help, definitely. Doesn't the Concept come with a carbon fork? Between the two you should have a pretty smooth ride on the both the road and track.


    And I found a shot of the 2008 Concept...




    go to page 22


    That one on pg. 22 is the D2 Pista Aluminum... I've heard one rumor that Bianchi is replacing the Concept with that in '08 (making Bianchi one of the dumbest companies ever... seeing as what the demand for Concepts are at right now) and I've heard another rumor that Concepts are back in '08 and the D2 Aluminum for for overseas market.


    Either way, back to back the Concept looks a bit nicer than D2. As far as performance, who knows.

  11. why would you wait for an '08 all the way back in april '07 though?


    rumor is they're back march. bianchi is probably the worst distributors ever though, and to match, they don't even know how to make a reasonable website.

  12. Never even heard of Tour De Chicago. That definitely sucks tho.


    Rubbish it's a great bike. IF anything.. I mean ANYTHING, just a carbon post will do the trick. Gel saddle and carbon post will make it feel like steel but dont buy it if you want it to fee like steel.


    TdC is a series of alleycats that takes place in Chicago over the winter.


    I'll probably go for a carbon Ritchey post if I opt for the concept. I'm not considering it in hopes that it's going to be like steel, I'm interested because it'd be a legit race machine over any steel bike I have right now and I like the aesthetics of the Concept as well over other aluminum frames. Nice clean welds. Not to mention it's possibly the best deal on an AL track frame out there. I just can't handle having a bike that I'd hate riding on the street, even if I want it for track racing. I mean I'd probably never take it for anything longer than 15-20 miles in the city, but I don't want to be sore and fatigued every time that happens or pissed off every time the pavement isn't perfecto.


    Oh well, I'll probably bite the bullet and get it eventually. They need to drop that '08 already.

  13. I got a question for all the guys riding aluminum. What do you do to cope with the inherent harshness of the ride? Carbon stem/seatpost/fork? Lower tire pressure? Gel under the bar wrap and the best saddle you can find?


    I ask this because I'm seriously considering selling my nice steel track frame for a Concept, and Alpenrose is a bumpy track. Also, it'd see some street riding but never anything like the long road rides I do on my KHS beater.

  14. 45 mile ride today. Fixed of course. I rode with a roadie who was on a carbon Felt. Definitely a little faster pace. We threw a couple intervals in there for fun, I was spinning real fast but keeping up and maintaining.


    Fucking new bar tape is bullshit though... some off brand with the wanna-be cork wrap. My hands were not liking it. I think I'm just gonna trash it, never fuck with a no name cheese ball brand again and just get some quality Deda wrap with gel underneath. Or Fizik wrap if I can find the shit in this town.

  15. thanks alot mr. cliche ad nauseum.


    p.s. rez can probably safely now be labeled a hipster, because the main people that make fun of hipsters are other hipsters and insecure non-hipsters. pick your choice.

  16. How important is running for bike training? Not talking tri-athlon, strictly for racing track. I think I want to start off just doing points and scratch races in the summer and figure things out from there. I know running isn't going to do much for my legs, I'm talking about aerobic capacity. Usually I run 1-2 miles when going t the gym.

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