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rubbish heap two

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Posts posted by rubbish heap two

  1. Joker, did you race the crit today?


    I went down.


    Later on, I watched the 1/2 race. It was awesome to watch, because a 3 man break formed, got 33 seconds on the field at one point and stuck. Good stuff.


    I think I'm gonna try my hand at TTing on Tuesday...

  2. Yeah, eff top tube pads...


    I rode SRAM for the second time today. The shifting was crisp as hell but I think I like Shimano better for hood comfort and not so into the double tap.


    Ugh, wish I had Campy.

  3. Another Thursday, another fast group ride. We did 25mph with a strong headwind, and when we looped around, got 29-30mph pacelines with a tailwind.


    Felt good today, helped the group bridge some gaps and chase down some breaks. About 1/4 into the ride I found myself in the front after a descent with a strong cat 1 teammate and a few other guys taking pulls... got myself in over my head on that one because the head winds at that point were killer and my legs were feeling it. I had to drop back into the main group and get comfortable in the middle, but atleast the "accordion" effect isn't that bad when all the guys in front of you stand up and you can catch a nice draft seated in the drops. I love that. Sit far back on the saddle and mash. Once again got dropped at the "sprinter's hill" 3 or 4 miles from the finish of the 27 mile loop. It's a nice 5% grade just long enough that you get really sick of standing while the top is in sight. The cat 1/2 guys all thrash that hill and end anyone else's chances of staying on with some 20+mph climbing... Either way, nothing beats "racing" without paying.


    So much damn fun. Should be pretty rested and recovered before Sunday's crit if all goes well!

  4. Word. If I do Icebreaker it'll be my first real crit. that course is a nice warm up spin from my place as well, so it's always nice not to have to drive for a couple hours to go race. Hope it's fun. I already do most of my intervals at that course. I'm still not super confident about riding those corners fast in a group though, but I have no idea what the speeds will be pre-sprint,

  5. Joker - no I didn't do PIR tonight. I guess a bad crash in the 3/4's meant the 1/2/3's had to be taken off the field. There was a damn 3/4 crash last week too.. and a few others in the past month. Ugh.


    I'm either gonna do Eric K this Saturday or Icebreaker this Sunday.


    PS That is one ballin bike. The cockpit looks burly as hell!

  6. Well, just got a cyclometer on my bike. In today's intervals I hit 37mph on the first sprint, but in every one after that got ~35mph. Not bad... but still not good enough!

  7. hahaha.... that's funny. i lurk on certain forums and just realized who you are.

    alien frame, right? nice build.


    word, looks like i may have just blown my cover on the 3 other forums i post on!


    yep, it's an alien. been liking it a lot more since i swapped stem/bars out to what they are now.

  8. nice job chocula. indeed, PBJ's ftw. real food is so damn good on rides over 75 miles.




    track season starts this week! i'm gonna race iff it doesn't rain and my tubbies are glued in time.

  9. i used to call them Brifters, creative huh? I don't know the real name for them though.


    Brifters is pretty much the real name for them. Mostly older dudes use that term though, like people that rode bikes at a time when downtube shifters were the only option.


    Other than that, you can also just call them 'shifters' since they're the de facto standard for shifting anyway.

  10. Well, raced at PIR (a car track) today and got 2nd. It was kind of a snooze in the 4/5's. After doing those cat 1/2/3 competitive group rides the last two weeks, the pace was like a nice warmup. I did a lot of breakaway bridging, reeling people right back in and getting them to pull the group. I got a little antsy on the last lap because I was getting boxed in and wound up for a break/sprint with a couple too many kilos to go, and found myself fully sprinting a little earlier than I should have. A guy inched by me by about a wheel's length in the finish. Oh well. Next time I can do the faster category now.


    There was a good crash in the 3/4's though. 5 or 6 people went down... my field was crash free luckily.

    • Like 1
  11. Good luck chocula. Is it your first century or have you done them before?


    I can't wait until the summer to hopefully get some centuries or at least very long rides in along the Pacific ocean/Highway 101. Long rides are 100x better when the scenery is good.

  12. Btw, skateboarders should always dress baggy. The fashion back then was soooo dope. All this super tight shit gotta end. AA should be all burned down. Eh what do I know. I'm just a grumpy old dude.


    Shit, reason they started getting tighter is because how ridiculous the baggy pants thing got in the early 90's. Waist size the same number as your wheel size? No thanks.

  13. Yeah where did the last year of stuff go...


    I did that competitive cat 1/2/3 ride again last night. This time it was more cohesive, one break group and one main group. I stayed on for 90 percent of the ride this time until a climb where the 8 or 9 other guys left all sprinted hard up it and left me in the dust. Still, so much damn fun... we did 26 miles in a little less than an hour on rolling terrain with one good climb.

  14. Spinning = fast RPM's low to mid gearing, as opposed to "mashing" which is higher gearing lower RPM's. Spinning leans towards the aerobic side of the spectrum, mashing slants towards anaerobic.

  15. 5'10 165lb... do we all just fit into this tiny window of similar heights and weights or what? I could probably shed 10 pounds if I dropped beer out of my diet, but meh. I got muscle, I'm happy.

  16. Yeah that's what I heard... and isn't the main difference when you step up from 105 to Ultegra to Dura Ace mainly just weight as well, and they perform all relatively close to eachother?


    Fuck, not like I can fund any of that shit anyway :( Not with the track bike addiction at least...

  17. Im late on the hill conversation, but uh... what the hell is wrong with you people?!?! HILLS= LIFE. FLATS = DONG.


    20% is serious business. SEVERAL 20% = life sucks so hard. Steepest climb I've ever done was an alleycat in the city. We all started out near fillmore just staring at that hill thinking im gonna punch someone if they start us out by going up it, and sure enough that's what happened. Most people rode a few streets over and took the longer way but I and two other dudes did the fucking 25% grade fixed. Then we had to get back down it, tired, fixed, and brakeless.


    Word. Yesterday's alleycat had a climb like that, we ended up riding on dirt grass and gravel uphill, not sure of the grade, it was tough though. The ride on the way down after the checkpoint was shit for me and a breeze for my riding buddy because he had single speed and I was doing brakeless, so I was sprinting my ass off once I got to the flats to catch back up... oh, and the hill went in sections on the way down and there was stop signs at the bottom of every section, that's always fun :D


    But yeah. Living in a relatively flat town where hills are far and few between, and road rides are flat as hell makes you into a hill pussy. I'm gonna keep at this 10% grade climb and just see how many repeats I can do up and down it, it's getting a bit easier every time and I'm going 73 gear inches up it.

  18. Eugene, OR. no messengers but some decently fast kids nonetheless, a strong roadie scene, good ratio of people ridng fixed for how small the population is, and some people that love riding traffic and running reds.


    yeah sorry too far from the bar, i've been itching to do some kind of cross shit though... there's something intense and brutal about it that i've been craving to do. like getting off my bike after hauling ass only to feel like puking while running up some stairs and going for a running remount.

  19. idk man, thing is about dondi, if you started painting some time in the late 90's or after that, it's pretty common knowledge that if you knew who he was, you knew he had died at way too young of an age.

  20. Vancouver BC is one of my favorite cities, period.


    I came in first at the alleycat today!! fucking stoked about it, me and this other guy were just running some roadie paceline type shit and hauling ass everywhere, a couple stops involved riding through gravel, mud, grass, cyclocross shit, running your bike up dirt and shit like that. fun as hell. i want to get an informal race going, fixed gear cyclocross type shit. possibly grass track. if i had the money i'd race actual cyclocross, with the legit bike to match, it seems like the funnest thing ever.

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