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rubbish heap two

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Posts posted by rubbish heap two

  1. Haha did you just discover bikes with "one speed???" Dude please do yourself a favor and read this whole thread before condemning yourself to the dunce chair.


    And wait...Rubbish.... LANCE was in town? Im actually not that surprised. Mr. Armstrong's very business oriented and lays on the public relations heavier than anyone else in the industry of pro cycling. I wonder tho if it wasn't for him if would cycling EVER show on American television. If I saw him tho I would hella bug him about the fucking tabloids "So you won the Tour how many times, just to retire and go out with an OLSEN twin??? You're ruining the dream for us all dude." Who the fuck wants to go through Giro D Italia to come home to Ashley Olsen?


    yeah, i didn't even know it until i picked up the local newspaper. that's also where i got the bit about him going on a small group ride through portland today too. i posted a pic of him with don walker in the last page...

  2. meh, it's not so much that i'm against skidding in general, after all i own two track bikes w/o brakes and love cycling and bikes period, whether they're aero TT/tri bikes or utilitarian city bikes with the front flatbed rack and light that generates power from the moving pedals. i skid when necessary in traffic and do so sitting, ass to saddle.


    this is how i see the fixed gear thing i mentioned earlier, about sack-to-stem shit: remember in high school when you were a senior and there was the underclassmen? you had the freshmen, who were completely clueless and dorky and just didn't know what was going on. this is akin to the guy that just built up his road conversion, has some janky setup with a suicide cog and way improperly wrapped bars and mismatched bargain bin used parts, who rides in a distinctly newbie manner. then you have the sophmores of high school, who think they're the shit because they just got finished with first year and suddenly aren't the bottom of the pack. these are the guys with fixed gears that just learned how to skid and/or trackstand last week, show it off like their complete social standing depends on it, rolls up to the party and just sits there trackstanding outside to try and draw attention... yet anyone who's been riding for a year or more can tell these guys are still way in newjack phase.

  3. well i respect you for distancing yourself, because i'm being a dick and all.


    but yeah, that's what your hip friends would call a track bike. it has one speed and no brakes. they've been around for ages and will continue to be around for ages.


    either way that bike has been discussed before here and it's pretty much universally hated upon. i'll put this in different terms: you just posted a stock cap krylon toy piece pic in an AWR MSK thread.

  4. wow, get that bullshit fuji track bike away from all the shit i just posted. one speed? yeah, there is one speed. glad you informed us all, genius.


    p.s. next time i see someone throw a nuts-to-stem skid to try and "show off", i just may push them off their bike.

  5. 2zpp11y.jpg



    ^ made for the guy's daughter. The pedals are crank bros. w/ the clipless part removed.



    three vanilla cross bikes, one of which is veloshop owner molly's race bike.


    all pics stolen.

  6. Surly Pugsly is the name. Those things are crazy... 4 inch wide rims is balls.


    There were track bikes at just about every notable stand this year too. Makes a good display piece so people don't get distracted from your fine lugwork I'd say. That dude Ed Litton is cool as shit by the way. Total vintage connosseiuer. He had this case filled with downtubes from all the good old bikes: Colnago, Masi, Basso, Eddy Merckx, 3Rensho, Coppi, everything. Dude buys beat to shit old bikes off ebay that are no longer rideable and recycles parts out of them. One of the bikes he had on display, the lugs were recycled off some nice steel frame of the past.


    By the way, Lance was at the show last night and did a ride today through Portland.


    Oh yeah, and the rollers race... I didn't personally attend but there was a tie, between my boy Chaz the messenger and some other guy. They're both getting a set of Kreitler's and an Ira Ryan frame. I'm super stoked on Chaz's victory, that dude is fast as shit and a nice guy too.


    I'm hitting the velodrome tomorrow if the weather's nice. Stoked.


    PS I saw that ridiculous Calfree bike... he described it as the anti-weight weenie. He's the guy who had that mindblowing webbed lugged full carbon bike I said above... man I never knew carbon could be so damn sexy. I'd buy it for sure if I was racking in the big bucks. Dude throws down a 25 year warranty on his carbon too, that's amazing.

  7. Oh yeah, webbed lugged full carbon frames, titanium lugged carbon, steel lugged titanium (or was it titanium lugged titanium?), some guy that builds sweet wooden rims as a hobby, that wood bike joker posted, a million and one track bikes, too much.


    If I had the big bucks, a webbed lugged carbon frame would be in my collection.


    Let's talk about the people: hipsters, bike messengers, old people who look like they wandered into the wrong exhibit, greying haired dudes in full spandex, Chris King, mountain bike dudes wearing big baggy pants, bike nerds that don't say much but oogle and photo everything, Asian dudes asking you for customer input so they can make better product, etc.


    Joker I'd make a big wager that a lot of the hipsters you saw aren't from Portland.

  8. All I gotta say about NAHBS '08... fucking sensory overload. I think I've seen it all now. You'd think Campy still did the sherrif star thing with all the hubs I saw.


    One of the best parts of the show was seeing the original style rod derailleur that Campy did way back when, in the era where singlespeeds ruled the world and derailleur was some kind of foreign entity.


    Oh yeah Vanilla was pretty cool, too.

  9. Bareknuckles are way overpriced. You're better off getting something else. They're not even that good of a tubeset for the money. Mind I also remind you they're ugly, not even lugged (c'mon, if someone wants to spend that much for steel, you might as well have lugs right?), basically some real bullshit. If you want Japanese just go all out and get a keirin bike. What size are you? Anything below 56 won't be that hard to track down. There's plenty of people selling them now. You could also get an old Italian track frame off ebay for less dough, then put your other cash into wheels. If you wait awhile you can usually a find a good deal on some lesser known brand with a Reynolds 531 tubeset, pretty good stuff.


    PS Nice one coming up on that hit and run. Fuck bullshit drivers, hand it to them by getting up and looking at the license plate. I know I did last time I got hit, lady pulled over and stopped though, ended up getting a nice check out of it with no damage done to the bike besides an out of true wheel that cost $15 to repair.

  10. Wow, T4M has a 7 year old's education about relgion.


    I'm gonna go out on a limb and play Mr. elitist snob, because most Americans know dick all about actual religion (yes, even a lot of the "atheists" that see the flaws of Christianity and then automatically dismiss everything with no real thought). Being religious doesn't make you Christian like the OP would like to think (bullshit American mindset where "I'm relgious" = "I love Jesus"). There's hundreds of religions across this world, Christianity was not the first and will not be the last. Being Christian doesn't even necessarily mean you're relgious. There's plenty of kids out there who will identify as a Christian because their parents raised them like that, but couldn't name the simplest shit about what they believe (or what Christianity is about).


    On the T4M thing, Roman Catholicism wasn't even the first version of Christianity. In the first 300 years before Constantine, Christianity was called "the Way". There were various small groups, most notably the Gnostics. After Constantine legalized Christianity (as before that, it was "illegal" according to Romans), there was a need to uniform it, hence Catholicism (which means universal). And religion doesn't even need a God. Many sects of Buddhism have no God, strictly a way out of suffering.


    Honestly, did you ever hear of something called the Old Testament? Guess who wrote it. The Jews right? And were they around before your man Jesus? Oh hells yeah!

  11. I was never into Cannondale much as it was with the exception of hearing about the cult following of that early 90's AL track frame they did, but yeah, I guess RIP C-dale too. There's way better road frame makers out there IMO.

  12. SheldonBrown.jpeg

    "In August 2007 Sheldon was diagnosed with primary progressive multiple sclerosis. After losing his ability to balance an upright bicycle to the disease, he was able to continue pedaling by using a recumbent tricycle.[4] Sheldon died on February 3, 2008 after a heart attack."


    Straight up continued riding bikes even when MS wasn't allowing it. I didn't even know he had MS; huge bummer that he had these health problems.

  13. Gluing tubs is not super easy or fun... but there is a reason 99.9% of people running tubulars do it... Your new bike flare is going to be a pain in the ass.... You seriously have never had a flat in your front tire??? Just for typing that you are going to get one while the glue is still wet...


    Yeah I was thinking that as I typed it, but no, never flatted a front or a Gatorskin. *knock on wood* I also run strictly nice tires up front too, right now got a 4 Seasons on one bike and a GP4000 on the other.

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