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rubbish heap two

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Posts posted by rubbish heap two


    this bullshit needs to stop. let's get things back on point. chinese talk is boring and off topic and has no place in the thread. it's a new page let's get things back to BIKES.









    remember, bikes???

  2. i don't fuck with that locker room scene.


    but being as i aspire to be racing track this summer, i don't think there's any other substitute for lifting.

  3. how are you guys getting free shit?


    fuck all those tires though, daily whip, specialized armadillos - best street tire ever! gucci whip, michilian pros - flats all the time, haha.


    i got a habit of making friends with people in retail :D


    and yeah, along the lines of whoiseuth, they're tires that richer cyclists decided they couldn't be bothered taking home so i reap the benefits instead.


    armadillos are bombproof but man, the road feel just doesn't do it for me. slick and STIFF.





    dude fuck dead lifts! my back hurts! improper technique FTL! sticking with squats, 1 and 2 footed leg presses and track running workouts (disregard 7-9) in the gym for the legs from now on.

  4. Good night out, things start to perk up after 6 beers, get better around 8, totally peak out once I hit double digits, and start to go downhill pushing twelve plus. This shit fluctuates all the time though. Just depends how often I'm drinking......


    I'm a beer and wine person. Lost my taste for liquor as I found out last weekend, or maybe it's because Jose Cuervo sucks.



    Sippin on one of these right now. A little bitter, a little sweet, a whole lotta bite at 9.5 percent. Lagunitas always comes through with the high powered beer :D

  5. no debate necessary. i just think this whole hiphop / graffiti notion of being all against 'jocking' is fucking retarded. some people achieve shit in the world, that usually means they get praised for it somewhere along the way. no need to play 'jock police' every time someone says something positive about someone else. i'm so fucking glad i don't deal in the graff game anymore, big egos are annoying as hell to deal with.

  6. That "Puppy" video is uh, interesting. Seems like you really need to be in the know to get it but even still... it's interesting. The very first guy they ask a question to, Sharky, that guy has been a courier since I moved here back in the early 90's. He used to look like death on a bike back then. I swore up and down that he got his energy straight from hell...


    Sharky's an OG and a real ass athlete. Once I saw a picture of him where he wasn't sweaty, I think he was with his son or something. Every real life time I've seen him or every picture I've seen, always got the slick sweaty hair. Beast on a bike for sure. Word is he can pour an entire mug of hot coffee down his throat at will too.


    IDK what soup means by the injecting thing though.

  7. let's talk about pedal technique.


    my university team coach says keep flat feet with the soles parallel to the ground at all times. however, in every single photo or video i've seen of a TT / tri / track race, pro/amateur/whatever, everyone always has their heels lifting up at the 7-10 o clock position.



    photo to illustrate my point.


    seeing as mr. coach is a road cyclist coach and not a track or tri coach, my question is: does the flat foot technique have merits in some situations and not others (i.e. spinning vs. mashing, sprinting vs. distance)? are these people all just too focused in the heat of the moment to remember to keep their feet flat? what's the deal?

  8. well known fixed gear off the track will destroy your knees. proper perfect fit helps to slow that but its inevitable. stop wishing. your knees will fail because of stupid fixed gear bikes.


    yeah i guess knee problems are no joke when you rock 47/13 on the street.

  9. cheers soup.

    Yea I dont really have much of a personal preference yet, but i tried a few bikes, this was the one that stood out.

    found some look keos on a local net shop site for cheap. probably get those.

    and ill sort out shoes/cleats next week or something.

    i think i will be spending a lot less time on the oontz.


    heard great things about keo's and spd-sl's. if it's any indication, like every builder at NAHBS threw some keo's on their final builds, maybe look paid them too?

  10. if your knees hurt riding a fixed gear stop riding fixed. fucking simple son


    and if i get a saddle sore once i should throw out the saddle and bike shorts and buy some new ones too right? how about if i fall riding my bike... should i sell it and quit?

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