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rubbish heap two

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Posts posted by rubbish heap two

  1. As far as I know the Twilight Crit is still on. HealthNet definitely pulled out but apparently others stepped in. I can see how they'd want to keep it alive since the draw is huge as far as spectators go. Especially now that it's located just north of Burnside instead of up by the art museum. Way more walking traffic rolls up now. I'm definitely doing that race. I wanted to do it last year but I had moved that day and was exhausted... there was no way I waas going to be able to even hang on the back.


    Alright sweet, I'm setting the goal of being a 3 by then so I can race it. I hope no one rolls a tubular like last year, although it was really cool seeing the guy behind the crash bunny-hop a fallen bike...

  2. Yo Time ATACs are some of the best all-around pedals out there. I prefer them to Egg Beaters because they feel a lot more secure to stand up on and have less float it seems.


    I've been using my ATACs for:

    -brakeless fixed gear riding in the city

    -road riding / racing

    -track racing

    -single track / MTBing


    The only time they really leave anything to be desired is maybe an all-out sprint on the track. I'll probs be getting SPD-SLs to address that though.

  3. Joker, I don't think I'll have enough points by then even if I get 1st in next Tuesday's crit... either way I planned on racing the Blue Ribbon Omnium deal at the track on the 13th anyway. I've done two crits now but so far I'm liking track better and I've had my eye on that 3 upgrade for the track for months haha.


    Is the Park Blocks crit still happening this summer? I'd be way stoked to race that, didn't HealthNet pull out as a sponsor though?

  4. good show rubbish!

    were you riding in a specific category?



    i attempted a local crit-esque ride about 2 weeks ago

    it's crazy riding in such a fast moving, tight pack /nh

    definitely learned a lot trying to hang...can't wait to go back.


    4/5 cat. I think as long as I can stay upright and keep racing crits/PIR that 3 upgrade will be around the corner, but I'm gonna try my hand at the local hill racing series (Mt. Tabor) to see how I hang with the 4's up hills (my weakness, shhh :chicken:). Thanks yo!

  5. After a month of riding it's as easy as flat pedals. You don't even have to think about clipping out when you crash, it just happens.



    I raced a criterium tonight and ended up in 2nd place... nearly got the 1st place guy at the finish, who had made a break with like 2k to go, but my legs were on fire at that point. 3 races in 5 days! Feels great.

    • Like 1
  6. If you want be be alarmed go to a college campus and watch the rising trend of fratties riding brakeless with no clips, seat too low, while texting.

  7. Weird night at the track. I surprised myself and everyone with a solid flying 200m time (on a very shaky, sloppy line) and got placed in men's A cat for my first of the season, and then proceeded to lose all my sprints. I raced a really fast roadie who I've been looking up to for awhile (Joker, a Mr. S.B. from the G.L.'s), didn't initiate the sprint until the last 100m of the race, lost to him and then lost my next race on a 4-up. Another race tomorrow and this time I'm hungry as hell for some results...

  8. I always did better in races on a road bike.


    I'm probably a lot closer to 40 than most of you so I don't feel the need to be uncomfortable for the sake of fashion (yes, that's pretty much what it's devolved into). I can see the reasoning behind messengers riding track bikes- after all, I did it for years- but everyone else? It's dangerous under the best of circumstances even if you know exactly what you're doing.


    The point is that everyone's luck runs out from time to time. Riding a bike with no brakes and weird handling in heavy traffic can potentially make your luck run out that much quicker. If more people understood that then I think I'd have a lot less anxiety about seeing so many track bikes on the road, but after you've seen some of the shit I've seen (girls riding wearing high heels and no helmet?) you realize how far the trend has filtered down to the consumer level and it's scary.


    I agree with most of what your saying except for the weird handling comment. My whole argument is that the handling is a lot closer to what is necessary in the city under a certain style of riding (constant start/stop downtown traffic vs. commuting through quiet residential areas and MUPs). Whether or not the rider is apt to handle that style of riding is another issue.

  9. Saying this and then I'm out...

    Track geometry makes a lot more sense in the city than people give it credit for. The industry has basically seen "commuter" / "city" bikes as mountain bikes with slicks for awhile. That's all fine if you're 45 and wearing a safety orange vest on your way to work, but for some twenty-something with a lot more stamina, no back problems, an urge for speed, and no real need for comfort, it doesn't really work. Having a higher BB, shorter chainstays for more instant acceleration, different rake and trail to give more "hand steering" and less "lean steering" and all that jazz, makes a lot of sense if you just like to ride like an asshole through traffic and do it regularly. Race an alleycat seriously on a real track bike and then race one on a road bike or cross bike, you'll see what I mean.


    When I get lazy in the city though, I way prefer being able to shift gears and squeeze a brake lever.

  10. rubbish..


    go with this:





    monocog single speed 29er.. i have one, and i swear by it. it's fucking bullet proof and i got mine for like $4-500.. it's fun as hell


    i know of at least 4 people with them, and we all swear by it if ur looking into a ss...


    of course u can get an on-one ss and ball out haha


    word. thanks for the tip. i got a mechanic at my shop down to sell me his for 5 bills, ridden twice, but i think i can bargain him a little lower. stoked as hell if he still has it when i get the funds together.

  11. i know what you mean, CX bikes on descents are HORRIBLE. my friend let me ride his gary fisher 29er and it was like heaven. then i had to get back on my CX bike... too bad that bike i rode cost more then my car. did you sit down at all when riding? i can barely bring myself to sitdown and my hands never leave the hoods.


    Descending on the CX bike I'd hover above the seat...


    About halfway through yesterday's ride on the 29er my buddy put my seat down about 1" before a descent section and it made all the difference for keeping my weight back (I had it at my regular road height before that) and I left it like that for the rest of the ride. It was good on the descents having it down but painful on the climbs because it'd basically mean out of the saddle the whole way up... which just equals fatigue when you could be sitting at optimum height and using less muscles.

  12. Joker, whats a flat bike path you'd recommend in Portland? I want something I can cruise around on on my singlespeed, and am not diggin any hills right now.


    Springwater Corridor is one, the bike path bordering Marine Dr. is another.

  13. Crashed today. Was descending down an unknown road and came up on a 180° turn too fast, slid on some gravel/sand and went right into the curb... luckily sideways. Damaged both wheels and have so much road rash, bruises and golf ball sized welts that you'd think I fell off a train. And one ugly looking iPhone. Ugh... I need a safer CHEAPER sport.


    Fuck. I feel ya, been feeling the same way especially when my rear derailleur has been all kinds of fucked up despite my wrench tinkering with it. Sleeping is the worst when it comes to rash, I've been dealing with that for 2 weeks now.. ugh.


    Last two days I've been going MTBing and having a total blast. Friday we went out on Ridgeline/Baldy in Eugene and I took my CX bike... well, climbing was great, descending sucked ass, tree roots were a bane and I had three different mechanicals (brake pads rubbing at the rear, slow leak front flat, bars tweaking in the stem). Wasn't so ideal because descending I'd have to be on the hoods to modulate speed and that put my weight forward a bunch.


    Yesterday, after telling a friend at the shop about the ride, he let me burrow his scandium SS rigid 29er (!!!), a Kona Big Unit all pimped out with Chris King, carbon risers, disc brakes etc. Man, what a difference. Cornering and descending on that bike were a different world vs. my CX bike. So much fun. Even got the balls to hit a couple jumps on the trails and clear the gaps on point. The only thing that sucks is now I'm hooked and can't go back to the CX bike on those trails. The gear homie had on it was a good climbing gear too and descent on the flats, but all in all a great cardio workout. Brings me back to my days of riding through thick tree sections on my snowboard and finding lines. Still would like to try a hard tail though...


    http://www.bikesdirect.com/products/motobecane/outcast29_08.htm got my eye on this piece.

  14. XL Baileyworks is where it's at...



    I'm officially burnt out from road riding right now, atleast mentally. I dunno why really, the 'fun' aspect is just going away, probably due to not giving myself a real 'rest' week in awhile. About put knobbies back on my CX bike and rediscover the art of mountain biking because I haven't done it since age 13... and just use the fixed gear for on-road training.


    I blew a somewhat used Pro Race 3 right out yesterday on a pinch flat, got a clean tear right through the sidewall. Fuck it, only GP4000S's for my race tires now... I hope the 'grippiness' of these tires really is what people have been hyping them up to be, because my only real fear on a road bike is super-tight cornering.

  15. Other than the obvious fact that threadless stems are now more commonplace than quill stems... I'll assume there's not much of a benefit of owning one or the other. I'm guessing that a quill stem is more than likely made of steel so there's a better chance for rust, which is a bad thing to have. Aesthetically threadless stems look way better... unless you're building a classic bike. Quill stems seem to be heavier and harder to find.


    I think...


    Only old school steel track quill stems are steel.... all others, aluminum. Maybe there was a time when the cheapest, shittiest quills were low end steel too, like on low end Raleighs or Schwinns... I dunno. Modern day quill though, its pretty much Nitto and Salsa.





    One thing that sucks about quill headsets is they slip over time a little easier. Kind of annoying. Main advantage of quill is that you can swap bars faster IF you keep your bars permanently mated to a stem, and have multiple bar/stem combos on hand. That's about it, other than classic looks. Threadless is nice because you can swap out bars on the same stem without unwrapping the tape. This is doesn't really matter on a road bike, but on a fixed gear, say if you like switching bars up, it can be nice.


    An advantage of threadless is it opens up the range of bars you can run... 31.8 width is not possible with quill AFAIK. With Thomson stems, you only need a simple shim to run 25.4, 26.0 or 31.8 on their X2/X4 stems.

  16. I havent ridden in 2 weeks due to shitty work life balance.

    My winter training is way behind schedule.


    This was discussed pre server meltdown....but anyone want to provide a quick rundown of proteins, supplements etc I should look at getting?



    Yeah I'll write up a quickie...


    After hard rides/work outs, mix some whey protein with a fast carb. I used to use honey, now I use maltodextrin or dextrose because they're both dirt cheap and seem to work better. 1:3 or 1:4 protein to carb ratio (that's in grams, by the way). The purpose of this is to help you recover faster. Whey protein isolate is better than whey concentrate.


    Supplements... omega-3's/fish oil is the shit. Reduces inflammation. May help recovery. Boosts brain power. You should be taking it anyway.


    Magnesium - great way to be proactive about preventing cramps, overtraining and restlessness. Anytime I can't sleep after hard riding, it's usually the magnesium that was missing. Basically when you sweat, you first off lose sodium, but to a lesser degree calcium, magnesium and potassium. If you're not replenishing those after you work out, you're going to have problems.


    That's all the stuff I use right now, anyway. Not sure what else you wanted to know.

    • Like 1
  17. Raced tonight with the Masters. Crazy fast. I don't know why I keep thinking it's going to be easier to race with the older guys...


    PIR eh? Was it faster than 1/2/3's?

  18. My BaileyWorks is going strong after ~2.5 years...


    Best thing about owning the bag is random people from the east coast coming up to me and telling me about the kid that started the company/makes the bags. Try having that happen with your Timbuk2...

  19. I don't know why such silly things make me happy, but adding these white Hudz to my bike has me all geeked like I'm five years old and I just got the Smokey and the Bandit Firebird Hot Wheels car...




    So by the way, how do you like those Hudz? A nice upgrade over the stock hood on there? The soft/grippy compound one has me interested. As far as I'm concerned with handlebar stuff, the grippier the better.

  20. Bareknuckles were handmade in Italy. The Madison fork indeed looks similar but I was under the impression that it was made in Taiwan, since Schwinn is owned by Giant. It wouldn't be that hard for two builders across the world to get the same crown lugs and fork blades... but I really don't know for sure, you could be on to something.


    Gorilla frames? Do you mean EAI Toyo Godzillas? If so those are the "new" Bareknuckles and they switched production to Japan/tubing from Dedaccai to Kaisei 022.

  21. LOL at Boonen getting busted for coke again.


    The things I miss when I'm not on the internet for a few days...





    I think I'm gonna put some cross tires on my bike and give singletrack riding a try.

  22. Nah, Hutch's TT in Eugene. 15 mile out-and-back. I'm still trying to figure out if I want to do it or not, could always just spend the time doing intervals for free but it'd be nice to try it and see where I stand in the 4's lineup.

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