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rubbish heap two

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Posts posted by rubbish heap two

  1. Sorry, I'm behind the times a touch; is Dondi deaded? How'd that happen?


    And yes, those forks look rather strange.


    I've only ever ridden a fixie when drunk.....


    it's not forks, it's "fork". there's one of them. and it doesn't look weird, it's the paint combined with a b&w photograph.


    go learn your fucking history about dondi...

  2. Also I went on my first group ride yesterday. Got invited by a friend of a friend....so I didn't really know any of the people.

    BUT what really sucked.......they had a bunch of rules. the pace, rode probably 50-60km, but it was hardly a workout. you weren't allowed to attack. hills were slow. overall....boring as fuck.

    I'll stick to riding on my own for a while.


    sounds like a bunch of roadies trying to get in base miles...


    i prefer riding alone too. i get stronger breaking all my own wind the whole time.


    i wish pro cycling still looked like the photo hesh posted. something masculine has been lost in the aesthetic of the sport.

  3. Damn joker. Hills are definitely intense... and I'm becoming a big pussy about them living in a flat city. Gotta start doing hill repeats on the only real hill in town... which is hard to even call real @ 10% grade over half a mile, compared to that De Ronde shit. Oh well, I'm doing it 73 gear inches...

  4. that's fucking baller.

    i got major respect for the guys riding track bikes in new york in the 70's and 80's.

    dondis riding tubs on the street too! super proper track setup.

    was dondi a messenger at one point?

  5. it needs help. also adjust your quick release so its facing up w/ the blade of your fork....



    anyone else consider improper quick release setting totally toy. no offense mes...


    yeah sure. just like aligning tire labels with valve holes or rim labels.

  6. Great... now all you herbs are gonna want to move here so you can drink in "school", go to Union Jacks for bruised up strippers, read but don't buy books at Powell's Books and complain constantly about the rain.


    Just stay in California...


    haha i have read multiple books w/o buying at powell's. only takes a day or two to finish most bukowski stuff...


    and yeah like joker said, stay out. go to austin or something, i heard that place was cool.

  7. i like tofu but let's be honest, it's really not that good for you in anything but small quantities. the issue is very confounding with people pointing fingers on all sides but when it comes down to it, most tofu you get at the store isn't so great on the body, while traditionally processed tofu is a different deal and you don't have to worry. the ideal way to consume soy is fermented, as in miso, soy sauce, and tempeh.


    also keep in mind soy is one of the most genetically modified and sprayed crops out there, so don't mess with cheapo brands.

  8. people from oregon dont know how to drive....


    driving back north on i5 from l.a., every single car that was going slow and blocking traffic had oregon plates.


    learn how to drive damnit!....the SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP TO RIGHT signs were put there for a fucking reason!


    funny because people say the exact same thing about socal drivers. personally i could care less about it, i don't drive i-5, but yeah.

  9. if you see a biker just knock him/her down the bikers here in the PDX are dicks they warn you when to move wright when there a inch behind you




    i know plenty of people in portland that would just remove a couple windows off your car, maybe do a number on your face if you didn't drive off like a little bitch, if you ever tried to pull this shit.


    oh yeah, suburban faggots for the lose. :rolleyes: go back to gresham :lol:

  10. i really don;t understand how anyone with any self respect could possibly be authoritarian, what is it about some far removed faceless government official telling you what to do that makes you feel so comforted?


    They probably subscribe to a Hobbesian type view that human beings are bad by nature because we all act on a self serving basis, life without State is nasty, brutish and short, and that we need to give ourselves away to a strong central government to protect us from ourselves.


    I don't agree with it at all, but that's likely what they're thinking.

  11. skatepark under the bridge. a million bars everywhere in the city. good cheap restaurants. a lot of cocaine. too many bums. too big to be a town but not big enough to be a metropolitan. lots of rain. bicycle city. oh and,


  12. that's why you gotta wear your "honk if you've never seen a handgun fired from a moving bicycle before" jersey on long ride days.


    i've had people speed by then shout something inaudible (i guess people think they can be heard pretty well as they drive past at 40mph). that's about it. nothing at all bad on long road rides, worst thing was a car giving about an inch of passing room as it went by me in a corner.


    thinking your car makes you invincible is pretty lame. no wonder people get angry and swing their locks around.

  13. dude, any tubular on the street in a non race environment is "hipster fronting".


    Hip-Ster noun SLANG


    someone who rejects the established culture; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle. usually rides a fronter cycle.



    Front-ing Adj. SLANG

    Perpetrating. faking the funk. acting the boss. toy as shit.


    dude, your hipster definition more accurately describe the other "h" word, hippies. and tubulars in non-race environments? if they have spandex they're called 'freds', if they're over 45 they're called 'retro grouches' or just 'vintage bike enthusiasts' that remember a time when tubulars came stock on a lot more bikes. or maybe they just prefer the feel and don't go out buying racing tires like high end tufo for street/training rides. like i said, conti gatorskin sprinter, rugged tire.


    and hipsters riding tubulars? maybe if they didn't realize that disc wheel they bought on ebay wasn't a clincher, that's about the bulk of the 'scene'. no one rides them, and the majority of kids that got started in the last year couldn't even tell you what they are.

  14. Nice, how'd you go about getting it repaired/warrantied?


    I did indeed go to Alpenrose today. Shit wears out my lungs but it's a great workout, concentrating on getting comfortable sprinting in sprinters lane and just doing a lot of laps with intervals of sprint intervals mixed in. 49x16 is working pretty well on track, I like to get real high RPM's going...


    And nothing beats riding up to the Alpenrose sign on turn 1, carving down the wall halfway through the turn then going for an all out dash in the sprinter's lane. Sooo much fun, almost like skating a bowl.


    picture to illustrate what i'm sayin...

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