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Everything posted by MekA_OnES?

  1. Those jews and their mass extermination......what fuckin assholes.
  2. That's a valid point and it prompted me to do some research of my own. I think I found some information that's more geared towards things u enjoy...... http://www.gayvancouver.net/
  3. whats with people asking all of 12oz for travel information, do ur own fucking research or god forbid maybe do a little exploring of ur own...... Smoke teh ganjas
  4. I'm about to be living on kaui this summer with my uncle.....it's good to have connections on the islands otherwise ur just another hoale invading teh eyelandz
  5. Re: What are you wearing? Spring break edition. Good one, time for a new name.
  6. I don't know what this worlds gonna bring but I know one thing that this is the life for me...... baby cuz ima thug.
  7. and Mero ur mom sounds like a gangsta
  8. Whenever I'm the last one at a party theres always one bitch that wants to take out all the beer cans, mop the floor, straighten up the house etc........I can never understand why bitches love to clean so much.....
  9. I saw him play for ten dollars for like 200 people or less......it was raw.......and I think that cover is cool
  10. can u post a link for these so called mini wides u speak of......
  11. If u havent seen this movie, theres something wrong with u.....soundtrack by RZA
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