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Everything posted by NightmareOnElmStreet

  1. Trigger warning on you a24 peoples… These movies are trash and all the same I’m over it. With the exception of a couple first ones I can’t deal with these films anymore. Even if this one came out a while ago it’s always in my face so I gave it a shot.
  2. Couldn’t agree more. Randomly saw that in theaters the other day and was hella umad after. I can’t believe this shit was in actual box offices and not straight to fucking Tubi or some shit.
  3. Never in my life I’m dropping 5 bills on footwear. Until now maybe ?? Dammit Mercer.
  4. Sack up fam! Unless you live in Chicago or Minneapolis or some shit lol.
  5. Sounds like a better version of the not so good descriptive take away I got from the homie yes lolol. Essentially a bunch of fucking flashy hacks getting rich off suckers like me (giant facepalm) I’m so pissed about these boots and that horseshit insurance. Both came to me via ig.
  6. Bro. It’s ALL a fucking literal comedy show. I think i got got with my business insurance though which was via ig suggested ads. Ultimately landed at some weird 3rd party maybe 5th provider who I’m pretty sure just took money and never answered the phone ever. Side tracking but starting to see a trend with that in general from instagram. Like these companies are able to start up a bunch of what looks cool to consumers while being total fraudulent hacks. Got some of those “brunt” work boots last summer from a supported ad and finally broke them out recently. Instant wet feet soaked but they’re supposed to be waterproof at $160.00. Not a single email or call response. The homie says something about there’s no regulation for responsibility on the platforms anymore??
  7. Ah shit fuck it down the line is now lol. It’s 2024 which married folk/ long term lock down fools in here consensually swingin outside of pure monotony? Lady friend I’ve been rapping with on occasion has been de-briefed I don’t think one penis and one vagina are meant for each other till the day you die lolol. Also not saying I can’t do monogamy but I sincerely don’t believe in it for like ever. That shit is wild to me.
  8. I’m pretty neutral and generally indifferent about the whole high school reunion thing but that was after I realized I missed the 10 year and before I found out no one organized a 20. Actually took to fb which I never go on to ask about it specifically and discovered it just never happened. I liked a bunch of really different crowds and could have definitely seen myself chillin happily mingling at the 20 joint but I was in no good place for the 10 year. Yo @Fist 666definetly routing for that 3sum. Another topic for discussion down the line but I can only hope the next good one I find is open to shit like that like my current fucked up situation was years back(irrelevant now just living together separated but she was always cool about that stuff) hard to find gem but I’m all set with 80% of the rest of her.
  9. @Fist 666 @nicklesndimes big 40 club this year too out in August hopefully to the Amazon lol. Don’t ask me why but that’s my plan. Been talking shit about it for years now I’m mentally committed. Y’all doing anything big?
  10. Computer nerds please explain how this is even possible. I’d be tight af if my pornhub was banned. Even though I only watch about 2 minutes or less of any video ever.
  11. This made me think of that skin movie I just watched the other day. Good random thought.
  12. Man wyclef was wildin with that one photo lol. So random. So classic.
  13. 2 homeowners and one shop I reckon falls under commercial as a business so it made sense kind of but I feel like it’s the type of shit you’re supposed to ask a guy about up front no??
  14. I got several 1099 requests recently from regular ass clients and I’m hella pissed and confused lol.
  15. Same frfrfr. I need to tighten up A LOT. Your boys drowning (sadboyOner).
  16. Yuuuuuuck fammmm whatryu dooooing lololol. And how tf did you even get your Tom hanks money out house with that kind of situation? My taxes are getting/gotten all fucked up now myself but it’s not entirely my fault. Fuckin tax guy convinced me to go over to s-corp and kind of fell out of touch now things are all weird cause you’re supposed to have payroll for yourself and I never got setup with it. Shits all in the wind and I have zero direction at the moment with being behind last year too. Probably fucked myself but not 6 year no filing fucked lololol.
  17. Against my better judgement and overall hate I’m giving this new season a shot.
  18. Definitely not a shot in the dark my dog lol. You’re going to get whatever you put into it. And if you don’t have the capitol it’s all relative end of the day. It does work though. I’ve done bare minimum with my shit and it got me working for myself pushing 5 years no word of mouth so that’s something I’d say for sure lolol.
  19. Ndv definitely with the mauler post I barely read through half that but idfk why you had me in that conversation lolol. Something about **fliers and **writing google reviews? Can’t tell if you were just bugged out or aiming to get invalid points across but I personally don’t utilize hand outs and leave behinds (brochures/**flyers) like I should be. They are definitely not a waste of time just depends on how and where you are leaving them and whatever you meant with the google review my business thing you can’t get/collect reviews without an account that’s kind of the whole point. If you don’t have one as a business owner you’re kinda trippin unless you’re full word of mouth which is only logical for some folks, in some stages in the game, definitely not smart moves for everyone.
  20. Mannnnn cool thread idea I cannot remember when I found the forum itself I think 18/19 I’m big 40 this year so that’s wild but I have very specific memories on how I ended up in this beautiful toxic holocaust channel zero lolol. I was only ever in bricklayers but in 2008/9 right after jail shit on some house arrest lock down my brother @SQUIRRELdemanded I go dig around here and sold it as the funniest shit ever. My memory is really down bad and getting worse wish I could say which thread it was exactly he made me start on but I got hooked in a day and it stuck forever. I’ve met a solid amount of really cool cats a couple becoming good friends to this day you know who you ares. Maybe the slayer pizza thing I think. Idfk there’s been a lot of legendary threads and it’s so fucking funny how much radness came out of the subculture within the subculture lololol. Could bring a tear to the ol eye tbh.
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