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Reuben Kinkaid

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Everything posted by Reuben Kinkaid

  1. Where was my wake up text?? F says congratulations and that he's adorable.
  2. Rumpuncher should be all over this...
  3. Congrats you two, make sure you bring the baby back up here so I can teach him how to not be an American.
  4. I think I've eaten fast food maybe a handful of times in the last 5 years or so. Every time it's out of desperation, and every time I feel like absolute death afterwards.
  5. Jeeze thank god you're ok, I was legitimately concerned as to where you'd disappeared to.
  6. Re: i want to see you late 2007 verion Because you're both easily the two most built people on here. Plus we could take bets and donate them to various charities of our choice.
  7. The theory about Kensai being the homeless guy is a good one, but there's too many reasons I could list as to why he's not. And I agree entirely about Claire's boyfriend being a douche. Could he fly anymore gay?
  8. Um....where's the great bobobbi scandal of 2002?
  9. Re: i want to see you late 2007 verion I think Hayabusa and Gliks should fight. We need to hang soon, homie.
  10. I was in Seattle a couple weeks ago and it was full of Boise State fans. What the hell is with Americans being so into college football?
  11. You know, if people like Some1 get invites, which are most likely a precursor to being VIP, then that just defeats the purpose entirely. 12oz needs to stop being so obsessed with this VIP shit lately.
  12. So are Nikki and the kid with the Jerry curl gone? I sure hope so. And the cheerleader is dating some dude from Laguna Beach or something. Gawd.
  13. England has the best candies in the world. THE BEST.
  14. You do know this is just a website, right?
  15. I am undoubtedly addicted to candy. There are times when I just get unbelievable cravings that lead to me walking long distances just to spend upwards of $5 on 5 cent candies. It's a serious problem.
  16. Replace Paranoid Android with Street Spirit and you've got my top 3. Nobody does melancholy better than Radiohead. I've never been a fan of their experimental stuff post Kid A, so I hope this album is more of a throwback to their older stuff. Definitely one to look forward to.
  17. Re: i want to see you late 2007 verion There are some mad rap pictures in this thread already. Tease wins for the funniest one though.
  18. Reuben Kinkaid


    Haha a bit pricey no?
  19. Reuben Kinkaid


    So who wants to hook me up with a PS3? Cool, thanks.
  20. I remember when I first found this site, there was a beige/brown/yellow screen that had 3 links, one of them was for the forum. For some reason I'm thinking about a bomb or plane? Life after 4am? Anyone else remember this?
  21. I just sold a box of gay porn for $75. I got like 5 replies within the first 10 minutes.
  22. So there's an actual name for fat hicks who wear clown makueup and listen to Insane Clown Posse? That band still exists?
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