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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. !@#$%


    actually this is correct. y'all should start a missouri thread in metal heads. you can still post walls in here. metal heads doesn't see as much action as brickslayers so it's always nice to get threads in there, and it'll get a lot of views it might not get in here. 12oz does state that brickslayers is for walls, and metal heads is for freights. it's not weird suggestion.
  2. right now i'm finishing up love in the time of cholera. one of my cousins started a facebook the other day and i was looking at her info page under favorite books she'd typed: I don't read. wtf. so sad. then i picture her like driving down the street and shit totally oblivious to all the signage
  3. i remember the feeling i got when ^that happened in the movie. awesome fuckin film
  4. @work drinking tea listening to jango running two western blots and one agarose gel editing brickslayers bullshit and posting up really though, i'm waiting for five o'clock and in another sense, next weekend
  5. waiting for my man to come home .. until then watching true blood, on 12oz, puffin shrubs.
  6. it's 2010. time to move beyond the whole american v euro [v oz] graf debate it's old, tired and boring. we've all heard it.. and definitely, we are not having it in here.
  7. enough gossip. more flicks. thanks.
  8. thanks, you can see the progressive stream of bad news on my fbook
  9. my lil pup had to have surgery today to remove an obstruction from her GI. expensive pooches.
  10. !@#$%


    members conitnuing the beef are going to get banned. this thread turned into a cesspool
  11. thx for the suggestion gambler i will do that and good to see you around
  12. isn't it funny when people pop up outta nowhere because some shit appears that they like? awesome. I LOVE kyuss. since they've clearly been mentioned and reiterated, i'll add my favorite band ever:
  13. thinking about how dumb some of the 12oz members are and wishing they would stop screwing brickslayers.
  14. one of my all time fave lines, from damn near anything, is "He's worse than a drug dealer.. He's a developer."
  15. great fuckin scene. i love what he says to the lawyer. and it is a good season. it's different, plenty different, but excellent, esp on rewatching. the greek is another great character
  16. his girl. the dragon lady. man she was a fuckin piece of work. and i gotta live in this city! ha
  17. volunteer shift @ domestic violence hotline
  18. i liked that movie quite a lot. right now i am avoiding work like a champ and feeling fuckin incredibly depressed
  19. nice, thanks this is some great trivia. Donnie is played by Larry "Donnie" Andrews, whose real life exploits inspired much of the character of Omar. Andrews is married to Francine Boyd, whom David Simon wrote about in The Corner. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melvin_Williams_(actor)
  20. i know for sure that felicia pearson was. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felicia_Pearson she's a shady mofo. some other smaller roles were prolly filled that way but i don't know who
  21. well there are TONS of spoilers we could drop hurry the fuck up and watch it! when the seasons came out on dvd i;d watch em in a weekend. easy. um, also, wallace and d'angelo were hardly some tough as nails mofos. no surprise with the snitch there. anyway. Greatest Show on Earth.
  22. nope. not clickin that link the thread is just cringe inducing enough already. :shook:
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