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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. not believing how fast today went... and i'm off in two hours.
  2. great page. buscemi eyes. jungle cat in a car. kangaroo in a suit. spidershake. :haha:
  3. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear wisconsin really? damn. snow at this time of year blows. !@#$% dear runine i too think you may have violated some treaties with that. ha fyi i'm not a chemist so i'm not an expert on that. i'm a molecular biologist. chemists have to do waaay too much bullshit, like making shampoo that smells great but won't burn your scalp off and endless years of drug development. borrring. anyway, hit me with all your science questions when you got em and i'll do my best !@#$% dear noes damn. ouch. good luck to you !@#$%
  4. saw this the other day. are you reading it? please let me know your opinion.
  5. holy shit, we have a weiner. meth you posted some good ones but i kinda like the arm around the guy. it's hilarious to me that someone would get a joke permanently emblazoned upon them. and the amputee one is great.
  6. !@#$%


    love that pic ^^^^ up there w/pigeons.
  7. short slide show of malls of america in the 80s "In 1989, following in the footsteps of Robert Frank, Garry Winogrand, and William Eggleston, I drove across the country and documented malls across America. I had a cheap Nikon FG-20 and an even cheaper lens - but I had a lot of passion. I shot about 30 rolls of slide film in malls from Long Island to North Dakota to Seattle. It was hard to tell from the images where they were taken, and that was kind of the point. I was interested in the creeping loss of regional differences. I thought a lot about Frank's "The Americans" as we drove from place to place without any sense of place. ..." .. in addition to the 'lack of place' that the guy mentions, which after touring the states last fall i can totally attest to.. the homogenization of the US is almost complete, i noticed some other things: payphones. a lack of morbidly obese people (there are only a few in the entire slide show) how huge all the hair is
  8. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    hey there runine you mixed a highly volatile hydrocarbon with a very sticky hydrocarbon i am not sure of the proper ratios of it but you did basically make homemade napalm. tim mcveigh though? dude was a racist baby-killer. i hope you aren't aiming for that too. !@#$%
  9. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear edogg RIP dog :( !@#$%
  10. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear jah rule where are you? i need someone to make sense of all this !@#$%
  11. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear rolf you aren't far off the mark in your scathing assessment of the us. tons of greed. capitalism run amok. united corporations of america fuck everyone else so i can get ahead. and all that !@#$%/waiting to emigrate
  12. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear SM you sound like a benevolent person. i hope the universe smiles upon you. good luck with the kid&paying for school. i know what a struggle that can be. (a friend has 4 college bound kids and is VERY lucky they are good at sports) definitely keep us updated. don't worry that needy people are missing out. we all need help sometimes, and i regularly give back in other ways (my job is medical research on disease, i perform and highly recommend volunteer work, charitable contributions to responsible charities as well as micro-loaning @ http://www.kiva.org ) so in other news. i went to the fabric store last night and bought some stuff. i'm gonna get started on making the first article of clothing i've done in like, two decades. once i get a little confidence, we'll start makin that calendar :p !@#$%
  13. i think my favorite part of this is that he chose krylon. bwwaaaahahahahahahahahahaaa
  14. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    rolf, i agree with realism we live in such a capitalist driven society that it's no longer about quality of life it's about selling shit !@#$%
  15. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear laughs word, good to see people not being sarcastic about a very real problem. just super stupid that our govt can't solve that shit. i really wanted actual health care reform. the greedy ones won that battle though. for the other note, i usually save my running for when someone is chasing me. i have been trying to pump up my heart strength though so i've been taking all the stairs. i dunno, but good luck. i used to have a fat coworker who became a bike racer and started running marathons. she was a huge german, and though she slimmed down from her original form she remained one massive lady anyway i don't know how that applies to your story but if she could run a half marathon, you can prolly do it with no training... you did muay thai? you should move here and we'll train together. ha !@#$%
  16. chocolate cupcakes nothin yet today
  17. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear SM, guccicondom came on here to start a thread beggin for money for his suboxone script (that means he's dependent on opiates and needs help with his addiction) i actually considered it, and prolly woulda thrown him about $3 if id' seen the 'business' link on paypal that allows a more anonymous way toi transfer cash. now, if that sad sack can get help on here, i know someone in need and deserving like yourself could. and we can tap into the huge market of 'people' and not even limit you to this site. in addition, i do think there may be a way to get a foundation or uncle sam to pay for it. thanks so much for your lovely compliment, but i really do like to help people. if you want, i can also see if you might be able to get into some kind of clinical trial for some new technique or instrument as well, but then i need to know lots more specifics about what's wrong. anyway, benefits are probably the easiest. we could get a buncha people to donate art and then have a show or an online auction as mentioned. i'll donate something. we can make this happen. keep us updated on your progress, and if things aren't going well, we can figure it out. !@#$%
  18. ^ i agree. anyway, even with all the help in life people sometimes still do not find the motivation/drive to succeed (while success is of course to be defined by the individual, not by society) good luck blank. i know it's a horrible thing to think, but would you consider calling CPS on your mom? your brother might be better cared for in the system, but that's impossible to know for sure. .. anyway, i am having a better time of it than blank.. cannot complain.
  19. posting instead of injecting morpholinos transforming bacteria. yknow, the usual.
  20. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear whoever it may concern/ll/SM i agree. at the least maybe i can help you write a grant for it /not kidding
  21. !@#$%

    831 cali

    if you QUOTE a pic it may be deleted. if you post WORDS they may be deleted.
  22. egg salad sandwich cravings are weird sometimes.
  23. !@#$%

    831 cali

    :nope: don't you get it nyste? there are cops all over this thread. STOP TYPING> FLICKS ONLY. thanks.
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