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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. hahahahahaa so terrible good times indeed
  2. finally had pizza yesterday after a 3 month hiatus livin the dream
  3. i dunno OT, that PMB and his shower fart was pretty good too :tongueclosed: you def brought up some money memories tho. oontz OG
  4. haha please don't make this thread nsfw start a new thread for old noodz if you must
  5. i think enough time has [passed that i can reveal to those hwo did not know, dance n graff was poopmanbob. i miss that dude. he and mams were the life of the oontz partay both married men these days. key3, rumpuncher.. i actually forgot his original username. ugh. that's gonna bug me now. it was something like zippo. hahaa fuck! sukisuki had the pugs
  6. wow. i forgot about AOD. he got married and fell off prolly living in a backwoods swamp by now lol. he'll pop up outta nowhere with some random comment
  7. !@#$%


    co-sign i was in a crazy destructive spiral as a youngster that was born from the idea that my life was basically worthless i had insane depression and instead of wanting to kill myself, mainly wished i'd never been born. as i started to build a life for myself in my twenties i still liked to get fucked up but was also risking a lot more then i almost died in a car wreck nothing makes you realize what you have in life like facing death and i did realize that i had a lot more than i thought. and i had a future. it helped a lot. it wouldn't be the end of my dependency issues but it helped me start to get out of them and forced me to understand what i might lose
  8. !@#$%


    i found my path to sobriety easiest when i was angry at my own behavior. i mediated on what i was doing that was creating problems for me until it made me WANT to stop doing it. i'm not sure it's ever easy for anyone though... no matter what when the rough patches come my mind drifts to the warmth some of those highs can provide but it never lasts and i'm not sure it's worth the trouble people fuckin suck. right now we're at a very conflicted point in our culture. so much violence and hatred everywhere. best of luck to you. i'm glad you have a lady to lean on.
  9. oh word. i forgot about the cooking thread! haha
  10. !@#$%


    xen that sounds horrible. i'm sorry to hear you're in that fucking place in your mind. life kicks your ass sometimes and it feels like it aint worth going on you're right that the DA has it out for you. fucked up shit. truly, i hope things look up for you
  11. no prob. thanks for the clarification forgot about that thread. i'm doing well. married an shit /nohomo
  12. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    welcome back sad to say i don't think you've missed much but we missed you?
  13. it's one of the few things on earth that deserves it ^
  14. i like the idea of making that thread 'sticky' ewwww. hahaha but, i also like bumping it every few years. kinda marking the passage of my life with those bumps lol
  15. bumping it also reminded me of the tic tacs/ cool points. hahahaa
  16. AHA i found it. http://forum.12ozprophet.com/index.php?threads/well-shit.71416/#post-2660731 still makes me laugh so damn hard, after so many reads and like, 14 years.
  17. i was just looking for that classic thread i love where non-hetero blew up a bathroom at old country buffet and found this instead a thread in which it's announced that McDs will start accepting credit cards. has that much time gone by? jebus christ. http://forum.12ozprophet.com/index.php?threads/mcdonalds-to-accept-credit-cards.73486/ one thing i know for sure, tnhrough all the 'upgrading' on this site, the search still sucks donkey
  18. bobbibobobobbbobi (actually it was bobbobi27 or sumpin) was some lady who *i think* saw herself as some sort of infiltrator of graf culture i dunno what her motivation was, maybe she was trying to impress some cops? but if i remember correctly, she was all up in the biz makin friends an shit on here (as it is so easy for ladies to do) and eventually someone figured out she was linked to a sheriff's dept in oregon (or something along those lines) and maybe her personal info ended up being posted on ch0. then she went ballistic, like people were gonna show up at her house and kill her kids she made a lot of threats and went away. anyone can feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.
  19. ready to leave work but i gotta do some work first
  20. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    i use one, especially before and after travel. they seem to shorten the duration and lessen the intensity of a cold when i do get one as well
  21. what's RIP SpyD about? please tell me we didn't lose another oontzer. that guy gave me a demonoid invite way back when. my fave oontz memory would prolly be meeting my husband. hardyharhar
  22. just fyi, i wouldn't advise anyone to cut sugar out. this is only temporary for me too also, i cheated with some vegan B&Js the other week. it was worth it.
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