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Everything posted by slowDown

  1. Re: ------->_REAL_L.A._GRAFF_<-------- Is this flik recent? I havent seen Eske for quite some time.........
  2. being hungover at work is fun.
  3. Walmart - The high cost of low price... As if you need another reason not to shop there. Planet Earth is pretty damn amazing too....
  4. slowDown


    I'm bummed I dont have the ability to get online at home anymore. Used to be a case of beer + my bro bringing his TV and gear over + SOCOM. Hours of joy.......
  5. slowDown


    Heard there was some new Cise work up. Does anyone have flix?
  6. slowDown


    Saw this in the Wash. DC thread.... What's up with this?
  7. Not sure if this has been posted already or not, but if any of you dig on reggae you should check out Reggae on the River, up in Humboldt County, CA. Its a whole differrent world for 3 days......... http://www.reggaeontheriver.com
  8. Whats up with the DBK on that sketch? Do we know each other. You been thru Cali or Baltimore?
  9. slowDown


    Some worth a look.....
  10. If your going to do pieces in your backyard, as this looks like you did, I would suggest not posting them up. Just a suggestion, might wanna keep that on the downlow.
  11. slowDown


    Damn thats whats up........SOAKER puttin in down..nice flix Don't Bother Kids....
  12. Bump for Evolve.... and Chore's characters are out of control...
  13. slowDown


    I know its not Baltimore, but its krew....Jrunk DBK out west. Sorry about the sizes, i need to resize them:
  14. has anyone ever heard of this company? A good friend of mine started this up a few years ago... http://www.addictionskateboards.com thanks for the support.
  15. Seems to me that you could have gotten all of that on a smaller canvas and it wouldnt look so empty.
  16. slowDown


    that Twine is real nice...
  17. why does everyone keep saying to take this pic off and then turn around and keep posting it:confused2:
  18. slowDown


    Wow your hardcore brother. Just adding a little sarcasm around here....no need to get all worked up.
  19. slowDown


    yeah, because no one listening to punk rock writes.......
  20. some nice work on this page...but this threads title can be very deceiving.......
  21. slowDown


    WORD....I was thinking that. Reminds me of section 4, article 9 of the handbook. :dazed:
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