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Tuff Tone

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Everything posted by Tuff Tone

  1. i dont know if any of yoou heard of this kid he was convicted when he was 12 he was released when he was 21 and this is what he wore to court they made a big deal about his cloths, it was all over the news
  2. Question, I have a imac and hoe ass dsl. when i open a page half of the pictures dont show up, its pretty fucking annoying. any idea what i can do to fix this? my isp is safari the one that comes with macs
  3. Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I I know I really fucked up and made a bad choice, but you guys are right im thankfull i didnt hurt anybody that would really fuck my head up
  4. all real except for the one with the bandana, misfit but they all get the smash
  5. I was out the other night bar hopping, taking a cab from bar to bar, and after the last bar my dumb ass gets in the ride and started to head home. There is a area where the speed limit drops from 50 to 30, I didnt slow down so i get stopped for speeding. i get arrested because I blew a 1.5, something like that. I bonded my self out the next day I still have to get arraned. Its my first dui. im a little worried, can anybody give me some advice on what to do? Or what happen?
  6. Tuff Tone


    how do i see the video?
  7. this is what they look like in my hood and this is whos always behind the wheel
  8. John fucken Bonham was the man
  9. dont break up with her, it sounds like you really love your girl. true love is hard to find. me and my ex girl had a perfect relationship and i started fucking with hardcore drugs, she stuck by my side but then i fucked up again and she left. its been 2 months since she left and that shit still hurts like a bitch i still talk to her, im trying to get her back but she said she needs more time. im going fucking crazy without her being here by my side everyday. so i guess what im saying is dont fuck up a great thing, she will get over it you guys will go on, and your relationship will grow stronger from it. like homeboy said, you guys werent even going out so you really did nothing wrong, but i do understand why she is upset im sure you guys were all lovie dovie, and you still fucked that bitch, so im pretty sure she thought you were all hers that night anyways. if you really love her and she makes you happy stay with her, and you will get through this.
  10. omg its a gray throwie, i think im gonna cum
  11. hell yeah, thats my shit. i bought the shit to make it at my crib. at firs everyones like ill what the fuch is that shit, then they try it and there like daaaaaaaaamn thaats the she-it
  12. just to lazy to click links, pics are much more convenient
  13. where is harsh from? out of town right?
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