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Everything posted by Felix_the_Cat

  1. I don't know if this has been posted yet or not, but I want to know what you think of this movie, not necessarily from the graff perspective, but just if you would go see it. I personally think it looks pretty stupid, but I know mad people who want to check it out. I might go, but only if somone else pays for my ticket. http://www.qualityoflife-themovie.com/trailer/
  2. I liked the "magic fridge" and the Fed-Ex commercial. I missed most of them, though.
  3. Sweet. I'm on VW Vortex a lot, gettin ideas for my Jetta.
  4. your definately in the clear on this one. i don't even know how they could think they have have a case against you. but, if that somehow doesn't work, do what Sparoism said! hahaha
  5. You guys are right. Jay-Z dresses nice as hell. I'm gonna start sportin open toed sandals with jeans. Jay-Z's washed up. He just needs to fucking retire for real and quit trying to pull a Michael Jordan.
  6. Oh I know, it's just stupid in the first place.
  7. Someone bid 15k. That shit is crazy.
  8. You act like Hov dresses like that on the daily. Why would anybody wanna dress like that everyday anyways?
  9. You can't call Cam gay for his clothes. I don't rock pink or purple but some of outfits are hella tight. Best dressed out of those 2 goes Cam.
  10. SINS, could you possibly bite anymore?
  11. How do you order stickers from the USPS store online?
  12. That was awesome. But I had to have stiches in my lip Sunday so it hurts like hell when I laugh.
  13. snowboard santa-1938 my best so far
  14. I like "sober santa" better. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/games/sobersanta.html my high score is 543.
  15. damn. bet they dont encourage drinking on their time though.
  16. On the first question, I was looking for the choice of pick up the blade, slice open a Philly, roll a gram, and chill out. But it wasn't their, so I closed it.
  17. I don't believe it. But if someone did make that shit up, they've goy way to much free time.
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